Chapter 1

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"If you don't hurry up she's going to bleed out."

"I'm moving as fast as I can, talk to me. Tell me something about yourself."

"Talk to you? Our patient is bleeding to death and you want me to talk to you?"

"She's bleeding, not to death. Now talk to me, how were you spending your night before you got paged?"

She couldn't believe the man with his hands inside of a patient was asking her about her night. She'd met idiots but none on his level of stupidity.

"Well if you're not gonna share," his million dollar hands grasped the instruments as he worked, "I was on a date, terrible. Not the woman, there was nothing wrong with her, she just wasn't the one. You know?"

"No. I don't know." She spat and observed as he continued operating.

"I didn't even want to go on the date. It's the chief. Richard, he practically raised me in this hospital and he wants to promote me. Says he won't give me the job until I find someone to support me, be at home waiting for me after the tough cases."

"Poor you." She rolled her eyes, still not understanding how he could be ranting about his personal problems with an open patient on the table.

"Not poor, just not the way I want to hide my pain. I'd rather not drown myself in women when I could be here, doing what I love." Finally something they could agree on. "Get her to the ICU and page me if there's any changes." He shouted to the nurses wheeling out the patient as he and the closed off woman headed to the scrub room.

"Are you always this quiet, or just when you're working with a surgeon this good looking?" He ran his hands under the warm water.

"I'm not quiet. And you're not that good looking." She shook her head as soap covered every part of her hand.

"I'll try not to be offended by that remark, but you are quiet."

"Trust me, I'm not. I just don't find it necessary to have a full blown conversation with a stranger while I work." She let the water run through her fingers.

"I'm not a stranger."

"But you are."

"I don't have to be."

"I'd prefer it if you were."

"How come?"


"Because is not an answer."

"It is now."

"Dr. Shepherd," he ended their bickering and stuck out his wet hand, gesturing for her to shake it, "you can call me Derek."

"I think I'll stick to Dr. Shepherd." She turned away from him to grab a paper towel and dried her hands, eager to get away from the arrogant surgeon.

"It's your turn."

"To do what?" She didn't make eye contact as she continued to dry her hands, acting as if he wasn't in the room.

"Tell me your name. I told you mine, now you do the same," He reached for a dry rag.

"If I told you my name was Dr. Shepherd I don't think you'd believe me."

"I meant..." he shook his head frustratedly. "What is your name." He put a hand on her arm in attempt to make her face him but she pulled away.

"Gotta check on our patient." She shrugged her shoulders and vanished, leaving him thoughtful and his ego bruised as he stood there wondering who she was.

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