Chapter 36: Who's Coming To The Wedding?

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The flight to Vegas was fairly short considering they were all passed out less than twenty minutes in. The casino hotel was their first stop, allowing them to get extra hours of sleep to prepare for the day ahead of them.

"Turn the light off." Derek's throaty groan was muffled by the pillow his face was buried in.

"I have to get ready!" Meredith shouted back before returning her toothbrush to her mouth.

"It's too...bright." Derek grunted as he he pulled the pillow from underneath his face and lugged it towards her body, hitting her in the back.

"Seriously!" Meredith set her toothbrush on the counter and stormed in his direction, mentally piercing a hole through his skull.

"The chapel needs to be set up by 2, the caterers called and said they'd be late, and Amelia is complaining that her dress is the wrong texture. She made me her maid of honor! Which means it is my job to make sure this freak-show is a tad bit less freaky, but I'm sorry if all of that conflicts with your sleeping schedule!" Meredith fumed. Her anger only increased when Derek reached for her hand, pulling her into the bed and cocooning her smaller figure in his.

"Get off me! Did you not hear anything I just said?" Meredith fought against his chest until he lost the need to keep her close, pushing her off the bed and covering his head with another pillow.

"Calm down," Derek muttered and if he could see the look she was giving him it might've killed him instantly.

"I cannot believe..." Meredith sneered and rushed to pick up the rest of her belongings, slamming the room door and leaving him to sleep peacefully in her absence.


"Bridezilla!" Derek cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted as he walked into the chapel with a dopey grin on his face. Most of the decorations and displays were set up, the only missing necessity being the food.

"What did you just call me?" Meredith glanced up from her clipboard to acknowledge him, looking back down to check off an item that she finished getting ready.

"Bridezilla? It's what you call someone who's-"

"I know what it means."

"Then why did you ask?" Derek pat his own back when he saw the vein in her neck bulge. He had only been with her for less than a minute and he was already getting under her skin.

"Go...over there." Meredith moved her hand in a conjunction of directions, shooing him away.

"Well look who it is?" Derek froze in his steps as he heard the voice of someone he figured he'd have to see soon, but hoped it wouldn't be today.

"Mark." He turned to face the man who'm his sister considered family. He never understood their relationship but Amelia claimed he was her best friend before meeting Meredith.

"Missed me?" He tossed his hands up and gestured for Derek to greet him with a hug; he didn't seem too interested.

"Of course, because the last time I saw you it was just loads of excitement." Derek boasted through closed teeth.

"Hey, I don't like to hold grudges. It causes frown lines." Mark pointed with his finger to the creases in the younger man's face and Derek fought the urge not to cut it off.

"I'll tell Amelia you stopped by."

"Did you really think I'd come all the way out here and not stay for the wedding?" Mark acted offended.

"It's an hour flight from Los Angeles to Vegas, I don't think it was much of an inconvenience."

"Are you two going to help? Or do you plan on telling Amelia that the reason her big day isn't prepared is because you two are wasting time...doing whatever it is you're doing, and not setting up the party!" The gap between Meredith's eyebrows crinkled as she screamed at the two men who seemed to be puffing their chests to see who's was the largest.

"Well..." Mark strutted over to the blonde who's obvious anger issues seemed to turn him on, "who might you be?" He leaned against the fold up table and gave her his best-looking smile.

"Seriously? Move!" Meredith swatted him with her clipboard and scoffed, glancing at Derek irritatedly before moving to a new corner in the chapel.

"She's a bitch." Mark soothed the shoulder that her clipboard assaulted and turned to face Derek, who seemed even more aggravated than she was.

"She's not a bitch. She's stressed out, and you showing up acting all macho trying to hit on her isn't helping."

"Woah, my bad I didn't know you two were...I'm proud of you man. She's hot." Mark looked across the room and studied her as Meredith bossed around movers.

"We're not, it's not like that," Derek shook his head.

"Then what is it like? Because you're..."

"I'm what?" Derek asked defensively.

"You're just different. You've never acted this way over a girl, not even-"

"Don't ever speak to me about Addison," Derek lifted his finger, "I was respectful enough not to tell the family, but all is not forgiven. So don't." The bitterness in Derek's voice could be easily understood to anyone who knew what happened between the three of them.

Mark nodded his head, understanding his anger that he had every right to feel. Even Mark knew that what he did was terrible and there was probably nothing he could ever do to repair the damage.


"Amelia, you look fine will you relax? You're sweating out this dress before anyone gets the chance to see you in it." Meredith used a cloth to tap the moisture from her forehead, fanning her with her other hand in attempts to cool her down.

"I need Derek," Amelia was panicking. It was hard enough to tell her Catholic-raised family that she was getting married in an untraditional way. The pressure of going out and having all of their judgmental stares hitting her at once was overwhelming and Derek was the only one who knew what she was feeling.

"I'll go get him, you!" She pointed to a bridesmaid whom she hadn't met until today, "make sure she doesn't run for the hills."

Meredith searched around the church as it was filling up with guests. She spotted a few people from framed photos, but the majority of them were strangers to her.

Derek thought he heard his name being called, but through the abundance of noisy people and blaring music he couldn't be sure.

"Derek!" He definitely heard it this time. Except it wasn't the person he'd ever suspected it to be coming from.

"I thought that was you." A gorgeous woman with a black lace dress, a dark coat, luscious legs peeking out from the bottom supported by a pair of red flats, and bloody red hair approached him.



Sexy Milf Montgomery is here who else cheered?

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