Chapter 8

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"...Mmhh, fuck!" Meredith moaned as her back slammed against the wall and his penis buried inside her walls. Derek pounded into her wet core over and over until they both reached their climax.

"God..." Derek sighed into her ear as he held her back against the sound barrier, legs wrapped around his waist. "You're so."

"I'm great, I know. Put me down." Meredith scolded him and tapped his chest as a sign to let her go. There she went putting up a barrier between them again. Derek watched her put her panties on and pull up her scrubs, not having to reclothe her shirt as she left it on. Again.

" was your bar guy?" Derek tried to make conversation.

"Who? Oh...I don't. Know it wasn't, we didn't exchange numbers." She squeezed her feet into the tiny opening of her converse.

"Oh...okay well, do you wanna go get lunch?"

"Can't. Patients." She moved passed him and opened the door to the on call room, "and even if I didn't, my answer would still be no."

Derek followed her out of the room, pulling his arms through his lab coat. "Why would you say that? I'm a great eater." He seriously needed to work on his phrasing of sentences when he was around her.

"Oh I bet you are Dr. Shepherd." She smirked while they walked down the hallway. Her walking, him trying to follow behind while adjusting the rest of his clothing.

"That's not what I meant. What's wrong with sharing a meal with me? I don't bite."

"But you do." She protested. He was making it far too easy. They walked into the attending's lounge, where she wasn't necessarily supposed to be but she was looking for Amelia. Meredith kept her back to him as she spotted her friend, pulling something out of her locker. She made her way over to her with one last remark to Derek. "If lunch with you is gonna be anything like dinner, I'll pass. I prefer actually eating. Not getting kicked out because you can't keep your dick in your pants."

Derek grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her up against the locker, his hand covering her lips. "Watch your mouth." Their eyes fixated on each other's as she let her hand wander aimlessly under his shirt. Meredith swirled her finger in the curls that lead to his crotch, getting him to let his guard down so that she could grab his hand from her mouth and pull it off.

Meredith grabbed his other hand and spun them around so that his back was against the locker. Her hands holding his shoulders back. She watched his eyes fight from looking at her lips as she leaned closer to him. "Anything you'd like to do to me, Dr. Shepherd?"

He swallowed the lump in his throat and his mind went blank. "Ha hem." Amelia cleared her throat, standing behind the pair. "Mer are you coming? Or are you too busy assaulting my idiot brother?" The dark haired surgeon waited for her friend to follow her out of the lounge.

They chatted as they walked to their patient's room. "So what's the deal with you two because I don't wanna come home and see my best friend and my brother raw dogging on my couch," Amelia questioned her.

"Seriously? You've known me all this time and you think I'd be interested in that, thing."

"I never said you were interested I said raw dogging. You don't have to like a person to sleep with them."

"I'm not your best friend." Meredith steered the conversation away from the man whom the only thing she liked about was how easy it was to make him squirm.

"I wish that were true."


Meredith and Amelia were two hours into their surgery with another to go.

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