Chapter 24: Party

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Approximately forty five minutes until Mr. Declan's surgery would be finished and Derek could go home for the weekend; the benefits of being an attending. He was performing a simple craniotomy and the only thing that differed this from the one he'd done hours before was Richard standing across from him. The Chief was a general surgeon but he took the opportunity to catch up and see how his son was doing.

"Fine. Great actually. I'm just...excited to be chief." Derek grinned enthusiastically under his mask.

"Great that's...great." Richard responded, not showing the same enthusiasm.


"Nothing it's nothing. You finish up here I'm going to check on uh, other surgeries." Richard removed his gloves and was about to pat him on the back when he realized that wouldn't be the best idea. Instead he gave him a nod and a simple wave before walking out of the OR and washing his hands in the scrub room.

There were things that Richard wanted him to know. Things that he wanted to tell him, but knew he couldn't. It wouldn't make a difference. It wouldn't change the outcome. There was no point in hurting him before he had to.


A sigh of relief came over Derek as he reached their front door. No more brains. No more tumors, no more people; except for the one that he was being forced to live with. Okay, maybe not forced. But dealing with her was a whole lot better than sleeping in a trailer or an uncomfortable on-call room bed.

"What the fuck..." Derek opened the door and looked around bewildered at the site in front of him. He was expecting a quiet house with Meredith snacking on some sugary junk that would never touch his lips, not an abundance of drunk doctors dancing in their living room.

Everywhere he looked there was an intoxicated surgeon bopping their head to the Hannah Montana song that he'd never admit he listened to on the way to work countless times. Where was she? There was no way in hell Meredith Grey would be a wallflower at her own party; any party for that matter.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" He heard the words being chanted by a group of people crowding around one person. The person responsible for all of this nonsense.

Meredith saw everything upside-down as she stood on her hands while a man that Derek swore he'd let scrub in on a few surgeries poured a beer down her chugging throat.

Even upside down she could make out that the look on his face and his body language showed that Derek was aggravated. Her feet dropped to the floor and she stood up straight, wiping her chin of the beer that spilled down it while she smiled embarrassedly at her new roommate.

"Meredith." He crossed his arms and stood in front of her while everyone that was chanting got the hint and moved on to a different part of the house.

"Derek." She held back a giggle by covering her mouth with her hand, masking it by wiping her face.

"What are all of these people doing here?" He asked her calmly, but they both knew how upset he truly was.

"We're having a party." She shouted over the blaring music.

"I can see that."

"Then why did you ask?" She shrugged her shoulders and picked up another beer, only for it to be taken out of her hands and replaced with his own as Derek walked her to their, her, bedroom.

"Meredith I'm tired. It's been a long day and I just wanted to come home and go to sleep."

"Oh really? So you weren't hoping to come home and have dirty sex?" She raised her eyebrows and tugged at his collar with both hands.

"I'm serious!" He tried to sound it but the way she was looking at him and the light, carefree energy that she was expressing made it hard for him to stay mad at her.

"So am I." She looked up at him to see that he was still bothered.

"Look," She sat him down on the edge of the bed, "Amelia and I used to throw parties every weekend, until she got so busy with her girlfriend that she didn't have time for me."

Derek nodded, being familiar with his sister's means of leaving people behind without feeling guilty.

"It's just one night. Celebrate us moving in together and then tomorrow and Sunday you can sleep as much as you want."


"Promise." Meredith hopped up from the bed and pulled him out of the room with her.

It didn't take long for Derek to fall under her spell and get almost as drunk as she was. He was a scotch guy, it fit his stern, fancy world class surgeon vibe; but beer made him feel like the womanizing frat boy that went through everyone in his college dorm.

His intoxication made him loose all sense of right from wrong, and it showed when Derek grasped her waist and walked Meredith over to the counter.

"Are we gonna?" Meredith smirked mischievously when he laid her flat, stomach up and reached for the bottle of tequila.

"Mmhmm." Derek nodded, looking her body up and down to decide what part of her his tongue would be assaulting.

Stomach felt like the best choice. Meredith closed her eyes to take a deep breathe at the sudden coolness against her skin. He lifted her purple shirt up and folded it so that her entire abdomen was exposed. The wedge of lime being placed in her mouth stopped her from chuckling at the tickling feeling against her skin as Derek poured kosher salt in a straight line starting at her waist.

They both nodded as a sign of approval and Derek positioned himself over her, his forearms against the counter on either side of her body as his tongue took its time tasting her salty skin.

"Mmhh..." Meredith moaned with the citrus fruit in her mouth as he licked up her stomach, stopping right under her breasts, and kissing back down to where he started. He tossed his head back to take a shot of the tangy tequila and sighed at the taste.

Their eyes locked and they remained staring at only each other, and not the crowd of people overtaking their house, as Derek leaned down to her mouth and took the lime from her lips with his teeth.

"My turn." Meredith sat up and pushed him down against the marble counter. She pondered the same way he had trying to decide what spot she was going to lick the salt from. Derek watched her eyes turn dark before her hands started unbuttoning his jeans.

"Meredith." He ceased her motions and held her hands in his. Derek sat up so that they were both sitting down on the counter and he whispered something in her ear that made her wish she'd never invited people over.

"As much as I'd love you to do that...there's a good chance we'd end up being the talk of the hospital if I let you suck my dick on a countertop." His breath fanned her ear before he left a peck on her neck, followed by an opened mouth kiss that turned into a suck.

"Then let's go." Meredith moaned at the feeling of his mouth and pushed him away before it went too far. They hopped off of the counter and made their way to her bedroom. They were almost there when a blondish red head shouted:




Kind of a cliffhanger I'm sorry but I'm writing the next chapter right now. If it goes in the direction I want then I'm so sorry but it will all get better soon (maybe probably not though) Also if you guys have any requests for filler chapters or characters that you want to see just let me know in the comments. Don't message me because I won't see it.

One more thing: I'm going to start adding names to the chapters because I've noticed people going back to read something and not knowing what chapter number it was.

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