Chapter 26: The Morning After

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The pounding in her head that occurred before she went to sleep a second time was subsiding as Meredith opened her eyes just enough to see the sun beaming through her window. The sounds of chattering made her curious and the empty spot next to her was all she needed to get up and see what was going on.

"Meredith wouldn't do something like that?"

"Oh but she did." Sadie chuckled. She was sitting on the kitchen counter while Derek sat in a chair next to her eating a bowl of muesli. Her exposed legs swung back and forth as they shared stories.

"What are you two talking about?" Meredith walked into the kitchen with a frown on her face as she ran her hands through her knotted hair.

"Nothing." Derek answered quickly and stuffed his face with a spoonful of cereal.

"It didn't sound like nothing," she crossed her arms over her chest until one of them spoke up.

"We were talking about that time you got a rash on your bum and tried to soothe it with hair remover instead of cream." The choice of Sadie's words led Derek to believe she wasn't from around here.

"Why would you tell him that?" She scolded as Derek snickered with his back towards her.

"Oh come on Death, it was funny. You were itching like crazy for days."

"I don't see how that's funny." Meredith walked to the dishwasher and pulled out a clean mug to make coffee. It took her a moment to adjust to the lighting in the kitchen before she noticed what her friend was wearing.

"Is that?" Meredith pointed to Sadie's shirt, "is that Derek's?" The crinkle in between her eyebrows creased as she looked at her skeptically.

Sadie pinched the fabric and pulled on it, looking down at the collared tee.

"I didn't bring any clothes and this was on the floor." She shrugged her shoulders and Derek glanced at the two of them before taking another bite of his cereal.

"Take it off." Meredith demanded quickly.


"I have to...laundry. I have to do the laundry." Meredith lied through her teeth and it didn't go unnoticed by Derek.

"You don't do laundry." He looked at her questioningly and turned back around when her eyes widened as a way of demanding him to stop talking.

"Okay..." Sadie hopped off of the marble and pulled the white collared shirt over her head, getting a wide eyed reaction from Meredith.

When Derek realized she wasn't wearing any clothing he covered his eyes with his arms and kept his head down.

"What the fuck Sadie!" She exclaimed when the white shirt flung into her face and the naked pest hopped back onto the counter.

"Oh relax, you've both seen it all before." She stated nonchalantly and reached for Derek's bottle of water.

"Go put a bra on!" Meredith shouted and held her arm out towards her bedroom door. She watched as her clueless friend stomped to the room and she heard the sounds of her drawers being opened and closed.

"She's not shy." Derek muttered before taking his final bite of breakfast.

"Well clearly neither are you." Meredith retorted and walked to the fridge with obvious irritation.

"What is your problem?" Derek followed behind her to put his bowl in the sink.

"I don't have a problem."

"Your face is saying something different."

"You can't even see my face." Meredith had her back facing him as she looked through the refrigerator.

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