Chapter 13

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Meredith felt the breeze of the large bodies of water surrounding Seattle. Her hair blew in the wind as she walked around the amusement park, watching the happy families play games and scream on rides that she would never dare go on. This park was special to her and nobody but her knew why. It was like her home. She could go there and not be bothered by any patients or arrogant surgeons. No bosses and lives to save. That was most days that she came here. Unfortunately for her, today wasn't one of those days.

"Meredith!" A piercing voice sounded from behind her and she stopped, cursing herself before turning around to face him.

"Chief. What are's great to see you." Meredith's awkward body slumped and her hands didn't know where to rest. The pocket of her jeans felt like the safest place.

"With our history, it's fine if you call me Richard."

"Right." Meredith nodded her head and looked away from the man in front of her. The man that changed her life in more ways than one.

"Where's Derek?"


"Yeah, he said you two had a date he..."

"Late! He's late. You know Derek, always running late." Meredith laughed uncomfortably. She knew they had an arrangement but the least he could do was tell her when he used her as an alibi. "He should be here any minute." Another lie.

"Oh, there's a lot of people here and you're...your mother wouldn't. I'll stay with you until he gets here." Richard felt guilty for what happened between him and Meredith's mom; the thing that nobody but the three of them knew about and it needed to remain that way. For his sake and hers.

"That's not...I'm okay. Seriously I'll be fine." Meredith tried to escape but Richard kept insisting.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." She hurried to the stall and dialed his number, her foot tapping eagerly against the tile floor as it rang.

"I knew you'd call for more." Derek flirted through the phone. Not flirting in a way that someone with feelings would do; because he didn't have feelings. Derek was just a flirty person. At least that's what he told himself when it came to her.

"Shut up! What is wrong with you?"


"Never mind, if you answered that we'd be here all day." Meredith insulted him. "Amusement park by the abandoned movie theater. Hurry!" She hung up the phone before he could argue.

Luckily Derek was already close when she had called him. It didn't take him long to show up to the park and allow Richard to leave the two alone.

"Seriously!" As soon as they were out of sight Meredith punched his shoulder until he winced.

"Ow! What did I do?"

"Next time you lie to the chief about having a date with me, you could at least make sure I'm aware. He ran into me expecting me to be with you."

"I...well if you weren't wandering around a carnival for no good reason he wouldn't have seen you."

"This isn't my fault." Meredith walked towards the concession stand that held popcorn, candy, and other greasy foods as the man she didn't plan on seeing a third time that day followed behind her.

"Blue cotton candy." She grinned when the man wearing an apron and a paper hat handed her a plastic bag filled with the fluffy sugar.

"Haven't you had enough junk today?" Meredith ignored his comment and turned to face the worker in front of them.

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