Chapter 22

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They spent the night guzzling their drinks, Meredith's Tequila and Amelia's Shirley Temple, while dancing around to celebrate their last day living together.

The hangover hit Meredith like a bus and the couch had a permanent indentation of her face as she slept-in much past her wake time. Because of the move she was blessed with the day off.

She slept peacefully on the uncomfortable leather for the last time before she would be permanently sleeping in Amelia's bed. Her bed. Meredith wanted to soak in her last moments on the couch when the doorbell rang. She groaned irritatedly as she got up and stomped to the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"Amy said..."

"Amy said what? No! No no no." Meredith tried to shut the door in his face but his foot interfered and held it open. He would've used his hand if it weren't being occupied by the cardboard box which she figured held his belongings.


"Dr. Grey." She corrected him.

"Meredith." Derek gave her that dreamy smile and hoped his charm would have the same effect on her that it did to every other women he tried it on.

"Don't Meredith me. My name is Dr. Grey. And you're leaving."

"But I'm not."

"But you are." She tried to close the door again but his foot remained in its place and he pouted his lips until she finally gave in.

"I can't be that bad." Derek set down his box on the counter as she closed the door and locked it for good measure. She couldn't have any more unwanted visitors showing up.

"Oh, but you are." She retorted.

"If I were then your legs wouldn't have been shaking like they were the last time that we-," he was cut off by her hand coming in contact with his face.

"My legs were only shaking because I could barely stand. You had me on one foot while the other was bent against your...incredibly small counter."

"I did didn't I." Derek reminisced to himself as he remembered the way he took initiative and caught her by surprise the night before last.

"Yes you did. Now what are you doing here." She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"I hope it's not obvious. Because if it's obvious then you're- no." She shook her head when he smirked. "Amelia!" Meredith cursed out loud as if her friend who was already miles away could hear her.

Derek looked around the house jokingly and mocked her. "Mmh. I don't think she's here."

"You don't say." Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Come on, lighten up."

"You're telling me to lighten up? Mr. collared shirts under jacquard sweaters and khakis. Mr. I have no friends because all I do is work. Mr. I play chess and drink scotch because I'm." He cut her off by grabbing her face and attacking her lips with his own. Before she knew it, Meredith was sitting on the counter next to his box with her legs around his waist and his hands on her back pulling her closer to him.

"Mmhm. You don't get to shut me up with sex." She pulled away for a moment to put her finger up between them.

"But isn't it a great way to get you to be quiet?" Derek cocked his head and she shrugged her shoulders. Their tongues collided again and her hands worked at the buttons of his collar, pulling it off after his dark brown sweater.

Never Expect The Unexpected: MERDER AUWhere stories live. Discover now