Chapter 6

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"I can't believe you took those." Derek watched as she devoured the buttered rolls while they walked to the closest bar.

"I can't believe you aren't gonna have to pay for our meal. All that work for nothing." Meredith sighed and tossed the empty bread basket on the ground, not being phased by Derek's disapproving stare. They had been walking for several minutes, enough space in between them that a person could run through without skimming either of them.

"Hard work? All you did was type some random sentences into a translator. If that's what you call 'hard work' I question your surgical abilities."

"Says the one who lost sixty seconds in." Meredith scoffed and sped up her pace, "hurry up! I neede booze."

"I did not...I'm just not used to your so called games. My idea of a game is something like chess. Checkers. Word puzzles...the fun stuff." Derek jogged to catch up to her.

"I cannot believe you just used the words chess and fun in the same sentence. No wonder you can't get laid."

"I can get...if I wanted to I could. I would. But I don't." Derek fixed his collar and cleared his throat.

"I doubt that. But it's your lucky day because I need a screw."

"A screw?"

"Sex? Fuck? Hookup, whatever you want to call it. I need that. Tonight." Meredith opened the door to the bar and walked in, not thinking about it hitting Derek as he stood there, shocked.

"Who is this woman." He whispered to himself and followed after her.

"Shepherd! Who's the lucky lady?" Josephine, the bartender looked at Meredith as they sat side by side on the stools.

"Lucky? Please. If anything were going on between us, he would be the lucky one." Meredith looked up at the menu as if she was planning on ordering anything other than her usual. "Tequila. Leave the bottle."

"I'll...Jo this is Mer- Dr. Grey." Derek was taken back by her bluntness and request to keep the entire bottle. Even more taken back by his friend thinking they were together. He could never be with someone like her. Meredith was cold. She liked to see people in pain and he was the complete opposite.

"Anyone that brings me tequila can call me Meredith." She picked up the glass before Jo could pour the tangy liquid and reached her hand out for the bottle. They both watched as Meredith filled her cup and threw it back with zero hesitation.

"Noted. I like her."

"That makes one of us. The usual." Derek shook his head and tousled the loose curls hanging from it. He waited for the woman to place down a cup and fill it with scotch.

"And here you go. I saved you the last one." Jo handed him a box of candy in a heart shaped package.

"Seriously?" Meredith was filling up another glass as she questioned Derek's order. "Valentines chocolate and scotch? The more I learn about you the more I wish I'd never met you." She let the burning substance trickle down her throat and gasped.

Derek watched as she threw her head back and let out a breath of air, his mind wandering to that place again. "Don't knock it till you try it." He opened the chocolates and popped one into his mouth, chasing it down with his preferred beverage.

Meredith gagged in response and leaned into his personal space. "No thanks. I'd rather lick the walls of that bathroom."

"Maybe you will when I have you pinned up against it."

"Trust me. If I'm licking anything tonight it isn't gonna be a wall. I was thinking lower."

" the ground? You pegged me as a floor licker."

"Not that low." Meredith looked down at the bulge in his pants and their faces were centimeters apart. "About, right here. What do you think?"

"Dr. Grey..." Derek tried to stifle a groan when she slid her hand up his thigh, her pinky making contact with his erection.

"Weak." Meredith chuckled as his breath hitched and his heart beat quickened. Derek looked like there was a bee on his head and if he moved it would sting him.

"There's a bathroom a few feet away you know." Jo broke up their rendezvous and pointed to the door.

"We'll be back." Meredith hopped off her stool and grabbed Derek's hand, pulling him through the crowd until they made it to their destination.

"Dr. Grey, I."

"Shh..." she put her finger to his lips and began unbuttoning his dress pants, tugging them down in one motion. Derek put his hands on her face and tried to kiss her, but failed as she grabbed them, placing them on her waist. Meredith redirected his lips to her neck and let his tongue taste her skin as she felt him through his boxers.

"Can I?" Derek looked up at her, his fingers hooking around her belt loops.

"What are you a prude? Take them off." Meredith unbuttoned her own jeans when he took too long and kicked them off her unshaven legs. She moaned into his ear as his warm mouth savaged her neck again. Derek looked down in between them and watched her pull down her lace panties, in awe of the new sight.

His finger traced her vagina lips and paused at her entrance, looking up at her again for permission. He got his answer when Meredith grabbed his hand and pushed his middle finger inside of her core.

"Mmhmm..." She moaned when he inserted another. Derek's fingers pumped inside of her, slowly at first, but speeding up the more she encouraged him. "Take these off." She yanked at his boxers and watched as he pulled away to completely remove them and grabbed a condom from his wallet on the floor.

"Wow." Meredith watched his penis spring out of their containment and was amazed at his size. At how much the condom had to stretch to fit his length. Amazed was a strong word. Surprised was more like it. "I...didn't see that coming."

"What coming?"

"Nothing Dr. Shepherd." She put her hands on his shoulders and lifted herself up, wrapping her legs around his waist and guiding him to a wall. "I'm gonna be cumming if that thing is more than just it's size." She looked down at it pressing into her lower stomach. Meredith rocked against his cock and watched as it hardened further.

"I guess you'll have to," Derek grasped her ass cheeks and lifted her body, plunging her down onto his penis, "wait and see." He groaned as Meredith gasped, holding that position for a second to let her walls grow accustomed to his size.

"Fuck!" Meredith rested her head on his shoulder as he thrusted repeatedly, lifting her hips in the air to bounce on him.

"God..." Derek turned them around so that her back was against the wall and spread her legs wider, pounding into her center as her fingers dug into his back. He pushed her farther when one of Meredith's hands made its way to his balls and squeezed, massaging them after.

"That's all you got?" Meredith let out in uneven breaths trying to push him to his limits. Derek took it as a challenge and trapped her hands above her head. He pulled out and took her by surprise when he lifted one of her legs and wrapped it around her neck.

"Ohh!" Meredith screamed when his cock plunged into her a final time, her walls contracting around him causing him to follow close behind her.

"Yeah..." Derek sighed into her hair as he released. They stood there, him inside of her until they both came down from their highs. By the time he removed and discarded of the condom, pulled on his clothes, and fixed up his hair Meredith had already fled the scene. She looked satisfied, she was satisfied, but she didn't stick around.

Derek tried not to think too much of it as he walked out of the sweaty bathroom and inhaled a breath of fresh air. He wouldn't have thought too much of it if the first thing he saw wasn't her flirting with a group of men playing darts.


Once again I apologize if there's any spelling/grammatical errors.

Jealous Derek next chapter???

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