Chapter 9

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Arizona, Amelia, and Meredith made their way through the bustling crowd of drunken, partying adults. Arizona's hands grasping her 'not girlfriend's' hips as they waltzed into the bathroom, leaving Meredith alone.

"You could've waited five minutes before you ran off to have sex!" She shouted to the couple over the booming music and sounds of people screaming. It only took her a few minutes to spot his figure standing at the bar.

"He'll have scotch." Meredith slid next to his standing body and ordered Derek's drink. He nodded at the bartender, giving his approval.

"Are you trying to get me drunk so you could take advantage of me?"

"Dr. Shepherd you should know by now," she got on her heels and whispered, "I don't have to get you drunk to take advantage of you."

"I'm not sure that's true." Derek scoffed.

"Do you want to test that theory?" Her declaration made him turn to face her, his mouth wide at her appearance. He had only seen her in scrubs and jeans with a t-shirt. Derek's eyes took in every inch of her body and he gawked at the way her red dress hugged every curve. Her v-neck outlining her breasts as they perked and sat perfectly on her chest. He never thought he'd see her out of those beat up converse, but the black heels that exposed a tiny bit of her feet made her a few inches taller.

"Scotch. And for you?" The bartender slid Derek's drink across the counter and waited for her response.

"She'll have tequila." He answered for her and leaned into the bar. "You don' any chance have those Valentines chocolates?" Derek's face lit up when the man reached under the counter and handed him a box.

"You're like a child, and I didn't need you to order my drink." Meredith stated.

"You ordered mine it's only fair I do the same." Derek opened his candy and popped one into his mouth. He watched as she grabbed her drink and tossed it down in one gulp. He stuck to taking small sips of his scotch.

"When are you going to admit that you needed me to be your fake, whatever, because no woman would put up with your terrible breath after eating that." Meredith stole one of his chocolates and sighed as it melted in her mouth.

"When are you going to admit that you want to try it?"

"I'm not a liar. So never."

"Mhm..." Derek created less space between them, his glass in hand.

"Get away from me with that." Meredith tried to step back but the bar was blocking her exit. She put her hands on the edges of the counter and violently moved her head around when he tried to bring the scotch to her lips.

"What's that on your dress?" When she looked down Derek lifted her chin with his finger and brought the liquid to her mouth, pouring it as she protested.

"Seriously." Meredith swallowed and pushed him back as her chest became soaked with the scotch.

"I'm..." Derek looked around for napkins but couldn't spot any.

"Uh uh." Meredith took the cup out of his hands and smirked at him seductively. "Clean up your mess, Dr. Shepherd." She tilted her head back and moaned as his warm tongue licked the valley between her breasts.

Never Expect The Unexpected: MERDER AUWhere stories live. Discover now