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The flight that felt rapid on their way there was the longest ride either of them had ever flown. In all actuality, the duration of the flight was shorter than it was on the way to Vegas, but the notion of them not speaking to each other made it unbearably lengthy on their way back home. Their fingers occasionally brushed against each other's when turbulence picked up but they were quick to pull away. Neither spoke and they refused to make eye contact with each other. The only thing on their mind was the twenty four hours before any of this; when they weren't sitting in the awkward funk that they were in now.


"I have no idea why you're forcing me to get dressed when it isn't even dark out!" Meredith remarked on the the other side of the bathroom door.

"Most normal people go out when there's still light out Meredith. You know, for things other than drinking and getting tossed out of bars." He reminded her of one of their eventful nights many months ago when they were only beginning to know each other. Now he knew things about her that she hadn't even known about herself.

"Do I seem normal to you?" she questioned.

"Not in the least bit," Derek bit his tongue. His body leaned against the door fully dressed as he waited for her to finish so they could start the day that he planned for them. The day that started in the afternoon due to her inability to wake up any earlier than 1:00.

"I'm hoping that's a compliment," she snarked as she opened up the bathroom door that he was leaning against, causing Derek to stumble and catch himself by grasping onto her shoulders.

When he did catch himself, his body towering over hers gave him a clear view of her entire frame. "You look..." Derek was at a loss for words. The black dress that fell to her ankles tightened around every slight curve and accentuated her body perfectly.

"Hot," she finished his sentence. "I know."

"I was gonna say beautiful," he corrected her. Meredith cursed herself for the crimson of her cheeks and her flushed complexion that surfaced when he complimented her. She'd been hit on my drunk men in bars her entire life and it never phased her before, but something about the way Derek never failed to make it difficult for her to breath was foreign and it terrified her.

"Well are you gonna tell me where we're going, and why we're dressed up so nice?" Meredith looked him up and down referring to the crisp suit that was different from the one he wore to his sister's wedding.

"If you didn't spend a century curling your hair you would know by now because we'd already be there," he stated as he took one of her loose curls and swirled it around his finger.

"Telling me now would also solve that problem smart one," she rebutted.

Derek took her hand in his and reached for their coats, locking the hotel room door and heading down the hall hand in hand. It wasn't long before they got situated in the car that he rented before she woke that morning.

"Is there any destination you have in mind or are you just planning on driving in circles," Meredith interrogated as they circled around a lake for the seventh time.

"Patience," he shushed her. "Haven't we discussed this?" he took her back to the night he made her wait for him to fully take her; the night that ended in her locking herself in the bathroom after experiencing emotions that she hadn't ever felt before. He understood that it was difficult for her to let herself feel, but he just wished she'd let him in.

"There wasn't much discussing of anything that night," Meredith smirked as she chose to only focus on the physical actions that took place that night and resulted in her screaming his name at the top of her lungs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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