Chapter 39: You're In Love With Her

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The anything but faint snores emitting Meredith's lips woke him up much earlier than he preferred. Derek was laying in the opposite direction of her, his head at the foot of the bed and hers near the headboard. They hardly managed to get out of their clothes after the long night of drinking and catching up with his old friends.

Derek swept his feet off the mattress and stood up, wiping the drool from his face and when his vision was clear enough he realized she was still wearing one of her heels. He took it off and reached for the strap on her dress, pulling the fabric off her body until she laid in only her undergarments. He then went through his bag and got an oversized tee that she would most likely be more comfortable in.

"Are you trying to get me naked?" Meredith murmured and smooshed her face into her pillow. Derek sat on the edge of the bed and watched as she dozed off into a sound sleep again after he pulled his shirt over her body. Her chest rose and fell at an even pace until her snores caught up with the rest of her.


"I'm coming!" Derek shouted as he heard a knock on the hotel room door. He'd just gotten off the phone with room service but there was no way they could possibly be there that soon.

"Addison, hey?" Derek's perplexed reaction to seeing her at their door that early was expectable.

"Hey, can we talk?" she asked and he nodded, closing the door and stepping out into the hall.

"What's going on Addie, is everything okay?" after being together for as long as they had, despite not being married, Derek knew when something was bothering her.

"I tried talking myself out of it for months. I really...I tried Derek. But you, we, I can't keep doing this to myself."

"Addison," he reached for her hand and ran a comforting thumb along the top of it. "What is it, you know you can tell me anything."

She sighed painfully, "this isn't something that I wanted to just spring on you Derek. My plan was not to show up to Amelia's wedding and just 'hey Derek ha I still love you' but here we are." Addison seemed terrified and didn't try to hide it.


"I know. I know that I'm the one that broke things off and I hurt you...a lot. That whole situation with the baby and Mark. I did a terrible thing and-"

"Stop!" Derek cut her off. "You had every right to terminate the pregnancy Addie, I would've supported you. I just wish you wouldn't have lied and tried to convince me that...I would've supported you." Derek took her other hand in his and held them both near her waist.

"I know, I don't know why I thought you wouldn't. I should've trusted that you would be there for me and I didn't. Derek, I was wrong. But...I'm here now, and I want to work things out." Addison's sincerity was one of the many things that drew him to her when they first started dating.

"Addison..." he drew out every syllable of her name, letting it fall from his lips as she freed her hands from his restraints and rested them against his cheeks, pulling him in for a slow kiss that gave him the closure he needed. Every feeling he had towards Meredith that he tried his hardest to fight was clear to him now.

"I can't Addie," Derek shook his head and his eyes traced the pattern of the hallway carpet.

"Derek?" it didn't take her long to figure it out. She had her suspicions watching the two of them that night at the wedding, but she wasn't quite sure until she saw that look in his eyes; a look that he never had when he thought about her. "Oh. You're in love with her." She wasn't asking so much as telling him what he was too afraid to admit.


"Derek, oh...I'm sorry I didn't realize. Hi, Addison." Meredith flung the door and cracked her head through the opening, not wanting to give anyone passing by a clear view of her naked bottom half.

"It's okay, I was just leaving. I'll see you two whenever another one of us decides to get married. Or dies, whatever comes first," she joked in hopes of making her last conversation before she got on a plane less awkward.

Derek waved and watched as the woman he once thought he'd be spending the rest of his life with sauntered away. 

"Did you order food? Because there's no point in waking up at the ass crack of dawn and making the amount of noise that you did if you weren't gonna get food," Meredith ceased her confrontation when he leered at her longingly. "What?" her questions were answered when he took her face in his and connected their lips for a brief but passionate kiss.

"The food is on its way," Derek wrapped his arms around her waist, guiding her to the bed and immobilizing her once they got to the mattress. Meredith sighed when he pushed her down flat on the bed and laid directly on top of her, not seeming to care about his weight crushing her because the only thing on her mind was food - and the curious thoughts about why he was cheesing as hard as he was.

"Mmh get off me," Meredith muttered and she felt a weight being lifted from her body when Derek rolled them over, his back against the mattress and her sprawled across him. Her fingers tangled in his unbrushed curls and she didn't realize she was smiling almost as much as he was. He pushed the hair that was cascading her face behind her simultaneously as she did the same to him.

"Why are you so happy?" she finally mustered  up the courage to ask him.

"I could ask you the same."

"I'm not," Meredith shrugged her shoulders and began picking at the ingrown hairs at the perimeter of his beard.

"Oh..." he sounded defeated but bounced back instantly when she kissed his bottom lip, and then his top. "Well, I am."

"You should be. I'm amazing, and someone as amazing as me is giving someone as dull and lifeless as you the time of day. You should be jumping up and down ecstatic."

"Just when I thought we could go an entire day without you being mean to me," Derek murmured and held one of her loose strands that kept falling from their restraints behind her ear, and wrapped it around his finger until there wasn't enough left to wrap.

"It's only what, nine in the morning? I don't know why you got your hopes up," Meredith placed another chaste kiss on his jaw.

"I know, that was foolish of me."

"Foolish of me. Do you hear yourself? This is why you and Addison didn't work out, she's too good for you," Merediths intentions were to get under his skin and make him retaliate but Derek didn't argue because in a way, she was right. Addison wasn't the one for him; she's the type of girl that's happy to cook dinner and wait for you to get home to eat it. The type to call you pet names and not ironically. She was a great woman that deserved to be with someone who could make her happy, but Derek wasn't that guy.

"Hello, earth to Derek!" Meredith waved her hands in his face.

"Just shut up," he scoffed.

"Excuse me?" Meredith's eyebrows rose defensively.

"Shut...up." Derek rolled them over again, covering her body with his and letting his mouth roam every inch of her neck.

AN - I didn't proof this chapter sorry! But I'm on spring break so I will try to update more frequently on this fic and probably some of my other ones so turn my notifs on.

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