Chapter 31: Scrub Room

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Meredith was scrubbing in on a surgery with Derek and it was the closest the two of them had been in four days. He didn't come home Monday night, and she had hardly seen him since then. Of course she'd spotted him in the hospital every now and then, but every-time she would make the plan to approach him he happened to disappear before she'd gotten the chance.

Even the scrub nurses in the OR could sense the obvious tension between the two of them. Shared glances and longing gazes were passed the entire operation, but neither of them spoke about the giant elephant in the room. They wouldn't have spoken at all if Derek didn't have to instruct and guide her through the surgery. Hours of uncomfortable silence until Ms. Horan's tumor was removed and her liver was repaired, a process that couldn't have been done without the work of both of them due to Dr. Bailey having a family emergency and Meredith being the only other general surgeon on-call.

"My work here is done, Dr. Grey you can close." Derek ordered nonchalantly as if he didn't owe her an explanation for his falling off the face of the earth and ignoring her for days.

With that said he took off his light blue latex gloves and removed his lab coat cover, tossing it in the garbage bin and exiting through the sliding doors into the scrub room.

Meredith watched him through the glass window as he washed his hands with no care in the world. He took his time soaking his fingers under the water. Now that she thought about it, he was standing in the exact scrub room that they'd met; when he wouldn't let her leave without letting her know how attractive he was. If she would've filed a complaint back then, she wouldn't be feeling the way that she was right now. A level of frustration that caused her to turn to a resident and ask him to finish closing.

Her gloves were being thrown to the ground as her body radiated with aggravation and she stormed into the scrub room. The judgmental look that he gave her when she stomped in only set her off into a blind rage.

"What are you doing!" Derek's high pitched voice screeched as she pushed him into the wall.

"What is the matter with you!" Meredith held his muscular shoulders back against his attempts to free himself.

"I'm not sure what you mean?" He lied straight to her face. He knew exactly what she meant.

"Oh you know exactly what I mean." She scrunched her face into a scowl.

"Meredith-" he freed his arms from her grasp and tried to place them on her shoulders to calm her down but she swatted them away, grabbing his wrists and pinning them on the sides of his head.

"Don't Meredith me! You don't come to the house, you don't call, you can hardly even look at me!" She let go of his hands to grab his face and turned it towards hers, "look at me!" Her green met his blue for the first time in days; except hers were more red than green due to her lack of sleep and irritation.

"I had to sleep alone after I'd just gotten used to your...sweaty body sleeping next to me. You can't just do that! You can't just change your mind about...this, and not tell me! If you don't want this arrangement, if you want to stop then just say so. Don't ignore me for days and then pretend like nothing's wrong!"

Meredith crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him like she was imagining a target in between his eyes. Her teeth grated as she stood there, impatiently waiting for him to give her a response; but nothing.

"What!" Meredith flung her arms into the air as he stared at her with his dough-eyes. The more upset her face looked the wider his grin became.

"You missed me." Derek cheesed and she didn't return the smile.

"I did not!"

"You missed me." Derek's mouth lifted into an even wider smile as she rolled her eyes at him and looked anywhere but his face.

"Come here." He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. It took her a second to warm up to his touch, but once she did, Meredith's arms looped around his waist and she exhaled the breath that she'd been holding for longer than she realized.

"I missed you too." Derek whispered softly and his chin rested on her head whilst his arms squeezed her body tighter.

"I'm still mad at you." Meredith muttered into his chest before tightening her own arms around his waist.

"I know."

They stood in each other's arms, not seeming to mind the sly looks and chatter from the doctors in the OR who could see them through the glass window.

"I have to go." Derek pulled his beeping pager out his pocket and read the 911.

"Wait!" Before he could leave the room, Meredith pulled at his arm and grabbed his face, placing a quick peck on his lips. "Come home with me tonight."

Derek nodded and gave her a last kiss to the forehead which she rolled her eyes at, pretending she didn't enjoy it. What was wrong with her? Meredith Grey wasn't boy crazy; she was sex crazy. And nothing about that encounter had to do with sex. So why was she smiling like a schoolgirl who just had her first kiss? She snapped back into reality when a fellow surgeon walked into the scrub room. Meredith ignored the look that Dr. Wellman was giving her as she pulled off her scrub cap and exited the room.


I rewrote this chapter so many times because I didn't like the way it sounded but I needed to get it out of the way.

I'll probably update a part two to this in a few minutes because it was short.

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