Chapter 14

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"Chief." Derek knocked on his father's door with no response. He waited a few seconds before inviting himself in and finding nobody inside. Derek needed to give him a copy of his patients CT scans. Not that Derek needed approval of his own patients; but this one was special. Richard had known him most of his life and would be thrilled to know his tumor was shrinking and the radiation was successful.

Derek wasn't expecting to see a form on his desk titled 'Chief Of Surgery Submission'. His eyes lit up with joy and he couldn't believe what was happening. He knew the job was his but the form only further guaranteed it. Being Chief was what he'd dreamed of since he watched the people who brought him into the world be taken out of it. He was ecstatic and he needed to celebrate.

Normally, Derek would do so by going to the bar and getting a box of chocolates with a bottle of scotch. But as of right now, his cravings went beyond candy.

It didn't take him long to find her bossing around an intern in front of a patient room wearing the same smug expression that hardly left her face. Derek wasn't like her. He didn't crave sex and it wasn't something that he took lightly. But her body, the way she writhed beneath him and elicited the perfect amount of pain and pleasure was something that he couldn't seem to go a day without.

"You do speak English right?" Meredith scolded as Dr. Neil nodded eagerly. "Because I'm pretty sure I said to page me if Mrs. Tomlinson was dying. Does she look dead to you?"

"Well no but."

"Butt? I'm not sure Mrs. Tomlinson was brought into the hospital for a bowel obstruction. If you can't follow simple instructions then what makes you think you're incompetent ass will ever become a..."

"Excuse us, Dr. Neil." Derek pulled her by the arm to the nearest supply closet and locked the door before pushing her up against it and untying his scrubs. Watching her scream at her intern turned him on in ways that it shouldn't.

"What the hell? I was in the middle of a conversation."

"Sounded more like a confrontation to me."

"We...whatever." Any argument that came to mind vanished when Meredith looked down at his penis. Soon after her own pants were pooled at her ankles along with her panties. She tangled her hands in his loose curls when he glided his tip along her clit, the nerve that if stimulated enough could send her over the edge.

"Mmhm...that. God." Meredith was at loss for words as he continued to pleasure her in the spot he'd now known was her most sensitive area. Derek smirked at the murmurs escaping her lips and his erection grew at the sight of her coming undone for him so soon. Her legs began to tremble and her face showed nothing but ecstasy as she let her head hit the door.

"Dr..." Before Meredith could finish he grasped her waist and turned her body, pressing her against the wall and slamming into her core from behind. Derek groaned at the moans and cries emitting her vocal chords.

"Meredith you have to be quiet." Derek pulled her waist towards him to push his cock deeper inside of her.

"It's Dr. G- Gr...Grey..." Meredith attempted to correct him through shallow breaths but the only coherent thing she could let out was a scream that was soon covered by his hand holding her mouth. She wasn't used to him taking initiative, being aggressive and dominant. It must've been the promotion that encouraged him to lift one her legs against the door and keep a hand on her mouth while the other reached around her waist to finger her clit in circular motions while she met his thrusts.

"Fuck..." Derek felt himself growing inside of her as her walls began to clamp down on his cock. As if it wasn't enough, he lifted her other leg so that they were both bent upwards and pressed flat against the door. Thank God for her flexibility; or maybe not God. If God saw what he was doing to her in this moment, neither of them would get a pass to heaven.

"Mmmhh." Meredith's muffled scream was music to his ears as she came for the second time. Her body shook and she let her weight fall against the door. Listening to his name trying to escape her mouth sent him over the edge and Derek came inside of her over and over until the only thing keeping him from falling backward was his duty to hold her up.

"Damn." Meredith breathed. They stayed that way for awhile until he slowly let her legs down and pulled out of her, still trapping her against the door with his hands around her waist.

"Do you wanna go again?" Derek kissed her scrub-covered shoulder and whispered huskily into her ear.

"Mmh let me think about it?" Meredith's breathing was still uneven as she pretended to ponder. He let go of her waist and pulled back a little, allowing himself enough space to apply the amount of force that he wanted.

"Ow!" Meredith yelped when his hand imprinted her ass, soothing it with a few rubs afterward.

"I said..." Derek returned to his previous position and used his middle finger to part her second set of lips, feeling how swollen her clit was. "Do. You. Want. To go. Again?" He whispered into her ear before biting it. The sound of her moaning as he pumped two fingers inside of her was encouragement enough. Her replying with 'yes Dr. Shepherd' was the cherry on the icing. He grinned into her neck as he sucked it while his fingers got to work on her vagina.

Meredith felt her lower stomach starting to tighten and she wanted to jump out of his arms when his thumb caressed her clit. The slightest of motions could send her over the edge when she had already endured two orgasms; and it wasn't even noon. She closed her eyes and let his hand do things to her that most men couldn't even do with their penis. Her face rested against the painted door as he did everything right. Until he didn't.

Before either of them knew it Derek was holding the side of his face that she'd slapped.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Meredith pulled up her pants and slammed the door as he stood there clueless as to what'd just happened.


Short Chapter because there's three parts to it!

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