Chapter 11

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"Derek! I got tickets to go to that amusement park, the one with the Ferris wheel." Richard stopped him in the hall.

"I'm pretty sure all amusement parks have a Ferris wheel." Derek retorted without meaning to. It was her. Meredith's sarcasm and witty personality was rubbing off on him and he wasn't even aware.

"Well yes that's true but...Shep do you want to go or not?"

"Can't. I have a date." Derek lied. He loved the chief; the man took him in when his parents died and he was more than grateful to him. But spending the night with an old man wasn't something he was looking forward to. Not when the last time he went out he was getting a blowjob in an ice cream shop bathroom.

"Oh. Tell Meredith I said...just. You kids have fun." Richard walked away and Derek returned to strolling down the hall when he spotted her. She looked like she was in a good mood and Derek was eager to ruin it.


"Why are you 'heying' me?" Meredith scolded and remained looking down at her chart when he approached her.

"Why can't I 'hey' you?"

"Because we're not 'heying' type of friends. As a matter of fact we're not even friends." Meredith continued to keep her gaze on the stacks of paper in front of her.

"Oh so we're just two people who hate each other but end the day panting in an on-call room from the rounds of porny hot sex that we had?" Derek leaned closer to her and tried to get her to look at him, to acknowledge his existence.

"Finally putting that brain to use." Meredith smacked his head with her chart and started walking away from him, not expecting him to follow behind.

"Are you eating lunch?"

"Of course I'm eating lunch." Before he could ask, Meredith answered his question. "By myself."

"But if I happen to be in the cafeteria when you're in the cafeteria..."

"Then I will exit the cafeteria." Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Come lunch with me." Derek tried to match her pace but she seemed to be speeding down the somewhat empty hall.

"I thought we discussed this. You. Me. Meals. We don't work out. It always ends with you getting hard and me getting hangry."

Derek hurried in front of her tiny form and cut her off as she tried to walk around him. His body mirrored hers and stopped her every move. "Hangry?"

"Hungry and angry. Hangry." Meredith tried to get away from him but he continued to block her path. Her arms crossed in front of her with her chart in hand while her eyes looked anywhere but his.

"You can't just make up new words and expect me to know them."

"I didn't make- do you mind? I have somewhere to be and it doesn't involve a childish man with small amounts of comprehension skills and an even smaller penis."

"Small!" Derek gasped and snatched her chart out of her hands, tugging it away every time she reached for it.

"Small wouldn't have you gagging the way that you were."

"Gagging?" She gave up on trying to get her chart back and crossed her arms over her chest again.

"Oh yes. It was sexy, actually. Watching you try to take all of me in your mouth."

Meredith took a step toward him, her arms still crossed and her scowl still present. There was nobody around to dictate how close they were. "There wasn't much for me to take."

"I don't think that's true."

"I do."

"Well you're wrong."

"Don't think I am."

"Then prove it." Derek looked down into her determined eyes.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Meredith watched as an idea popped into his head and the next thing she knew Derek was pulling her into an on-call room. He locked the door and lifted her body, laying her across the bottom bunk and hovering above her. Meredith's chest rose and fell as her breath quickened and he tugged down her scrubs, exposing her smooth legs and the teal panties that covered the spot he wanted most. The spot that his mouth never got the pleasure of tasting because she was a tease.

Derek removed his pants and got on his knees that were on either side of her body. He sighed with satisfaction when his hand glided down her inner thigh and she moaned, parting her legs the way that he wanted her to. He grinned when her ineffectual fingers hooked onto the sides of his boxers and she licked her lips in anticipation. The murmur that escaped her lips when he pushed her panties to the side and felt how wet she already was gave him the assurance that he needed to free his penis.

"God..." Meredith moaned when he guided his tip along her leg and stopped at the edge of her lace. She bent her knees to remove the panties and continued to moan as he teased her clit with his cock.

"Don't...please." Meredith was aching for his length to fill her. His lack of a condom didn't concern her at this point, all she wanted, needed, was his length inside of her. Pushing against her cervix and making her scream until she saw white. She writhed underneath him when he continued to tease her center, his tip poking at her hole.

"Oh..." Meredith gasped as the head of his penis halfway penetrated her vagina and pulled out immediately. "What the fuck!" Meredith scoffed when he stood up and pulled on his boxers and scrubs.

"You wouldn't want a man with a small penis fucking you, would you?" Derek smirked and tossed her panties towards her. The door closed as he pranced down the hall with a smile on his face.

"I hate you!"

"See you at lunch!"

"I hope not!" The two shouted through the walls as if they were the only ones in the hospital.

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