Chapter 18

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Meredith jolted off of his chest and looked around the room in a panic.

"What's the matter?" Derek was laying flat on the bed scrolling through his emails when she woke.

"I'm late. Fuck. I'm..."

"Relax. I called Richard and told him you were taking the day off."

"You did what!" Meredith turned to face him with a deadly stare on her face.

"You've been working your ass off, and you hardly got any sleep last night." He smirked reminding her of the several rounds of sex they'd had.

"And who's fault was that?"

"Hey, you weren't complaining when I did that thing with my tongue..."

"Enough." Meredith put a hand to his face. "It's too early to deal with you. I need a coffee."

"Right, because I'm such a handful." Derek rolled his eyes and watched her get up from the bed and walk to his drawers, rampaging
through his clothes as if they were her own.

"Don't you have sweats?"

"Bottom drawer." He smiled as she jumped to get the oversized pants on her legs.

"Bailey is going to kill me. I'm supposed to round on all of her patients this week." Meredith tied the string around her waist to secure the sweats.

"Well good because then I won't have to." Derek searched the ground for his discarded shirt and pulled it back over his head as she grabbed one out of his drawer.

"Hilarious. You know, seriously we should look at getting you on television. You could have your own show and title it: the brainless brain surgeon who's only skill outside of surgery is making women scream before he bores them with his humor." Meredith retorted while crawling back on the bed and pulling the blanket over her body.

"The only woman that I'm making scream is you." He looked up at her with raised eyebrows waiting for a response.

"Trust me, I know. That's the only reason I let you fuck me without a condom." She patted his head teasingly and covered her entire body from head to toe with the comforter.

"Hey! You don't know that. I get plenty of women." Derek sounded offended as he pulled the blanket over himself so that they were both covered in the tan cloth.

"I find that hard to believe."

"Well I find it hard to believe that you..." He didn't know what to say. "You know what?"

"Derek!" Meredith chuckled as he covered her body with his and sprawled out on top of her, making it impossible for her to move. Her hands attempted to push his body up but it was no use as he rested all of his weight on her frame.

"I could stay like this all day." He grinned eagerly and tickled the sides of her stomach until she couldn't laugh any longer.

"This is why you can't get a girlfriend." Meredith crossed her arms when he finally let up and rolled off of her.

"I can't get a girlfriend because you beg me for sex every night."

"Me? Last I checked you kidnapped me and brought me to on wheels."

"I took you here because you needed to sleep. You looked like an abandoned cat." Derek propped himself up on the side of his elbow as they faced each other.

"Sleep? As I recall being pounded into by a...sweaty man-child doesn't equal sleep." Meredith pursed her lips.

"I was only sweating because you wanted to go round after round after r- ."

"I get it." Meredith shushed him with her finger and rolled her eyes at the arrogant man in bed with her. How long had it been since she woke up with someone and not fled the scene. That thought hadn't even crossed her mind as she laid next to Derek.

"We need coffee." Derek got up from the bed and looked through his drawer for a pair of jeans.

"I'm pretty sure I said that about five minutes ago."

"Okay well I'm saying it now. Stay here, I'll go." He slid on his shoes and grabbed his keys.

"What am I supposed to do in this...thing?"

"Sleep. I'll be back soon."

Meredith tossed herself back on the bed and sighed exaggeratively and Derek shook his head before walking out of the trailer and closing the door behind him.


Short chapter because why not. It'll probably have a part two of Derek coming back with coffee who knows.

Never Expect The Unexpected: MERDER AUWhere stories live. Discover now