Chapter 10

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"You can let go of my hand now." Meredith yanked hers out of his reach as they were far away from the club. Her feet were sore from sprinting with zero shoes as her heels would've been impossible to get anywhere in.

"Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be okay? You're the one punching random guys at the bar. What the hell happened?"

Derek didn't know why he did what he did, but he know it was because of her. He knew there was something about her that made him feel the need to protect her. To be her knight and shining...whatever. But she couldn't know that. She couldn't know that he was developing some type of feelings for her; whether it be romantically or platonically he didn't know. The only thing he know was that she couldn't. Know. So he lied.

"He kept bumping into me. It wasn't a big deal but I was getting tired of it."

"Look at you, finally becoming a man." Meredith teased and he rolled his eyes. One minute he felt like protecting her and the next he wanted to drop her off at an asylum and never look back.

"Less talking more walking Barbie." Derek picked up his pace as they walked down the empty sidewalks of Seattle, the dark sky making everything seem brighter. He thought she was right behind him until he looked back to see her standing in the same spot she was a minute ago. Without any explanation Derek stomped over to her and turned around with his back facing her, squatting a little.

"What are you doing?"

"Get on."

"You look ridiculous. No."

"Dr. Grey we're going to be walking a long time and I don't plan on slowing down because you decided to wear the world's highest platforms. Now get on." He felt her light weight press against his spine as she jumped on and wrapped her arms around his neck with her shoes dangling in front of his chest. His hands reached behind him and supported her thighs.

He tried not to let his mind wander to the conclusion that she was not wearing any panties as they strolled.

"Wait! Lets go there." Meredith pointed to the ice cream shop a few feet ahead of them.

"But I'm the child." Derek retorted and tightened his grip around her thighs to lift her up higher.

"If you wanted to feel my pussy rubbing against you, you could've just asked. No need to make up fake excuses like a piggy back ride." Meredith ground her hips into his back a little, delighting from the sounds of his suppressed groans.

"Do you want me to pass up this ice cream shop? Then cut it out." Derek already had to participate in self pleasuring that night because of her actions, he wasn't looking forward to doing it again.

They walked into the store and he set her down, holding the door while she put her heels back on. Meredith being drunk meant one of two things: she was either craving sex, or sweets. Sometimes it was both. Derek watched her drool at the endless amount of flavors and couldn't stop himself from smiling. As evil as she was, Meredith Grey was truly a child at heart.

"Give me a scoop of that, a scoop of that, those chocolate sprinkles, ooh and a dipped cone." She ordered the man who looked exhausted. It was late and he was probably closing when they barged in.

"Anything for you?" He looked at Derek while scooping her order.

"Just a small scoop of vanilla. In a cup, please."

"If I didn't know you were a surgeon I'd say you were incredibly boring."

"Would you?" Derek looked away from her and dug into his wallet.

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