Chapter 28: Unexpected Visitor(s)

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TW: mentions of drugs and alcohol abuse (I didn't want to spoil the chapter but don't read the end if you're going to get grossed out by detailed sex)


"Aren't you going to let us in?"

Meredith stared at the two women she'd never met before, refusing to make eye contact with the woman on the left of them who was staring at Meredith like she was a waste of nine months.

"Nancy," Derek broke the silence, "what are you, what's going on?"

"I was wondering the same thing." Ellis answered him and the five of them looked around at each other in confusion.

"Amy told us we were having some type of family dinner here two weeks ago...we didn't realize you were staying with her." The woman next to the one who Derek called Nancy spoke up. Meredith had a feeling she'd be quickly annoyed by her because she dragged her words out and had the energy of a teenager.

"You know what, let me call her." Derek turned to grab his phone and left them standing at the door.

"Don't be rude Meredith, let your guests inside."

Meredith held her breath at her mother's comment and extended an arm to lead them inside of the house. She instructed them to sit wherever they wanted and let them know that she'd be back in a second.

"Derek," Amelia spoke through the phone, "they don't know that I moved in with Arizona and you can't tell them."

"Amy, you guys have been living together for how long now? It's absurd, let them know so that things like this don't happen again."

"No! They're, rude...and judgy I'm not- no. Derek you can't tell them, I'm on my way!" Before he could protest she hung up the call and he swore he heard the sound of her car door being shut, so it wouldn't take her long to arrive.

"You didn't tell me your mother was Ellis Grey!" He whisper shouted into her ear as they weren't that far away from the living room.

"Oh, it must've slipped my mind." Meredith looked around uncomfortably. He looked at her with disbelief and she ignored him.

Meredith walked out of the room and raised her voice to speak to everyone in the living room. "Amelia should be here any second she was...getting food," she lied.

"You throw a dinner party without any food? Mmhm." Ellis raised her eyebrows and gave Meredith a disapproving look while she smoothed out her blouse. She was sitting on the couch with her ankles crossed and her arms resting on her lap.

"I'm Kathleen!" The woman with wider eyes and light colored hair stood up from her stool and held her hand out for Meredith to shake. She was wearing a light button up and a slightly darker cardigan that fit her light and bubbly personality.

Meredith shook her hand and tried not to let her face show that she was mentally judging the woman.

"Nancy! Get over here and introduce yourself." She scolded to the woman with shoulder length dark hair. She was wearing a brown vest over a white long sleeve, dressing it with a scarf. She looked up from her phone and got up to greet Meredith. The three of them stood in an awkward silence while Kathleen cheesed like she was getting examined by a dentist.

"Derek this is my mother, mom this is Amelia's brother Dr. Shepherd." Meredith introduced them when he came out of the room.

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