Chapter 20

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"Oh, so that's where you were." Amelia nodded her head as Meredith walked through the door to their apartment.

"Don't give me that look."

"There's no look."

"There is a look. With you...there's always, a look." Meredith held her glare and waited for her friend to crack."

"There's no look." Amelia held her ground and waited for Meredith to stop staring at her like she wanted to attack her. "I have good news."

"Derek isn't really your brother and you won't be mad if I kill him?" Her eyes opened wide with a hopeful look on her face.

"Hilarious. And I'll be sure to tell him you called him Derek."

"He won't believe you."

"As I was saying, I'm moving out. Well...with my, she's...Arizona."

"Your girlfriend." Meredith finished her sentence.

"She's not my- yes. Her. She asked me to move in with her, so the house is yours."

"Seriously?" Meredith raised her eyebrows.

"Seriously." She nodded.

"If I were the kind of person that hugged people, I would hug you right now."

"Well you're not, so taking me out for drinks will have to do."


Short Chapter it's going to be three parts I think but with different dialogues so I broke it up.

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