Chapter 5

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"Dr. Grey we have an emergency," Derek chimed into his phone.

"Why didn't you just page me? What OR?"

"Not's not surgical."

"Then why are you calling me? Do I look like a nurse to you?"

"I need you to come to this restaurant with me, as My girlfriend," Derek stammered.

"What! That's not a part of our plan. We don't do that. Hospital staff, I can handle...but the entire world thinking that I'm dating an ass like you? Hard pass," Meredith's finger rushed to press the red button on her phone.

"Sex! Once we leave we can get drunk and have sex...I'll buy," Derek tried to bribe her.

"Should've led with that. I'll be there in a sec send me the address."

"Who was that?" The woman he was trying to get away from snuck up behind him.

" girlfriend she was calling to tell me she's on her way, she should be here any minute now."

"Well why don't I keep you company until she arrives?" Irene smiled and swatted her hand against his chest.

"I'm uh...I'm not sure that's," he tried to protest but the look in her eyes made him feel cruel, "booth or table?"

The two sat in what Derek would've preferred to be silence but this woman wouldn't stop talking. He felt like his head was spinning as he occasionally gave her a nod or even a 'yeah' when he wasn't even listening.

"Derek, are you sure about this woman? I just mean...I had a lot of fun on our date, I really think we have a connection." Irene put her hand on top of his and Derek gulped at the feeling.

"Dear bear, sorry I'm late." Meredith put her hands against his cheeks and kissed him softly.

"I, it's okay." When Derek pulled away he felt a chill rush over his body. The air conditioner had been blowing pretty cold in that area.

"You must be..."

"Dr. Meredith Grey, pleasure to meet you." Meredith shook her hand and sat down next to Derek. Irene's eyes bulged out of her head and her mouth opened in disbelief.

"Meredith Grey! As in." She was cut off before she could finish.

"No! Just...Meredith Grey. That's all." She nodded her head as a way of ending that conversation before it revealed more than she was willing to let on.

"Well Irene if you wouldn't mind..." Derek gave her a sign to get lost.

"Of course, I'll see you guys later. Well not later because I'm actually going to be dining at that table over there," she pointed to the empty table in the corner.

They watched as she walked away and sat down across the restaurant.

"Thank you for doing this." Derek told her as she moved to the other side of the table, sitting across from him.

"Yeah yeah. What appetizer did you order?"


"We'll get the mozzarella cheese sticks. Ooh and the marinara dipping sauce! Is that...seafood inside of a mushroom?" Meredith studied the menu like a child.

"Yes, and they're actually quite delicious." Derek looked down at his, trying not to gaze at the mysterious woman in front of him.

"Steak? Or lobster? Both!" He'd never seen her so excited about anything, let alone a meal. He hardly knew her all of three days, how could he know what excited her.

Never Expect The Unexpected: MERDER AUWhere stories live. Discover now