Chapter 7

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I know Meredith doesn't seem like herself in this story but it will all be explained later on so stick with me.

Derek stood there, listening to her giggle and talk up the four men who seemed to be a few years younger than him. He watched as she aimed a dart at the board and missed, and how they didn't look away from her perfect body in the process. He studied the men, wanting to know what they were up to. What they found so interesting about her. His stomach was in knots when the oldest looking man put his hand on hers and tried to show her how to hold the dart, whispering something in her ear that caused her to laugh. Something made him rush over to where they were and intervene.

"Excuse me, sorry." Derek pushed through and stopped when he got to her side. "I can take it from here." He wrapped his arms around her waist and guided her hand towards the board.

"What are you doing?" Meredith whispered with her back still facing him. His breath fanned against her neck as he pulled her arm back and flung the arrow, hitting their target.

The men chattered amongst themselves until one of them stepped up and asked the question. "Are you..."

"He's nothing."
"Her boyfriend."

They answered at the same time and looked at each other confusedly. Before Meredith could clear the air the men grabbed their drinks and headed to the other side of the bar.

"Seriously?" Meredith turned to face him and pushed him back.

"Seriously? We have an arrangement."

"An arrangement that does not go beyond the hospital. Do you see anyone that works in the hospital around here?" Meredith looked around exaggeratively.

"You never know who's watching, who might see you screwing around with a bunch of idiots. You know how fast news gets around to Richard." Derek grasped her wrists and held them tight when she attempted to push him back again. He closed the gap between them and brought his lips to her ear. "And I don't remember you complaining about being beyond the hospital when I was making you scream."

Meredith felt her throat tighten, much like his pants as he grew hard at the sight of her. He groaned when her hand found its place on his penis and squeezed him through his pants. "I don't remember screaming? I do however, remember a certain sound that came out of your sounded something like this," she tightened her grip on his cock as he let out a low moan. Meredith held him and watched as he slowly leant into her, feeling his breath fan her lips as he closed his eyes. "Pathetic."

Derek ran his fingers through his hair when she withdrew from their embrace and walked over to the table with her drink, swaying her hips with a purpose.

"How are you ever gonna find a real girlfriend if you can't even refrain from getting hard at the slightest affection from a women?" Meredith picked up her glass and walked over to the bar stools they were sitting at previously, expecting him to follow behind.

"I wasn't...hard, until you..."

"Until I touched you? Do you want me to do it again?" Meredith turned and stared at him innocently, waiting for him to testify. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bar when he stood there motionlessly. "My point exactly."

"Food." Derek tried to change the subject, "we didn't get food, are you hungry?" He looked up at the happy hour menu and back at her.

"You don't have to ask me that. If I was hungry I would say I'm hungry."

"Well are you? Hungry."

"Yes." Meredith reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the heart shaped box.

Derek tried to grab it but her clutch on the chocolate was tight. "There's only one left." He reached for the box as she held it away from him, tipping over and almost falling off the stool in the process. "See." Derek scooped an arm around her lower back, making sure she didn't fall and taking back what was rightfully his.

"Jerk. I hope it's the orange one." Meredith spat while he gloated.

He opened the box and immediately knew the flavor as he'd eaten a pack of the candies every time he came to the bar. "White chocolate actually. My favorite." Derek took a bite of the filled treat and sighed at the taste of it, staring into her eyes to see how badly she wanted it. He saw her gaze at his mouth as he chewed and he felt bad. She was the impolite one; but he felt rude. Derek brought the other half to her mouth and watched as she caught it between her lips.

"Mmh..." Meredith hummed with her eyes closed as the aphrodisiac hit her tastebuds. Derek's mind traveled to that place again when the white chocolate drizzled down her chin. What was wrong with him? Why was it instinct for him to wipe off the gooey substance with his thumb and bring it to his mouth to lick it off. He watched her jaw clench as she chewed and not flinch when his finger caressed her face. She was so carefree, and he had never learned to be that way. Maybe it was because she was still a resident. He didn't know but these thoughts needed to stop. He couldn't like her. Not even as a friend. Hardly as a coworker. Mentor? Teacher? What was he to her. Oh, that's right, a fuck buddy.

"What now? Do I have crust in my eye?" Meredith retorted when he wouldn't stop staring at her.

"No's the scotch. Drunk I'm drunk."

"You've had like two sips."

"Not all of us can chug gallons of tequila and not let it effect us."

"And not all of us can clear out a room with their terrible attempts at being funny. Only you." Meredith raised her eyebrows and nodded her head as they looked around at everyone exiting the bar.

"I guess we should go." Derek didn't want to leave. He found it relaxing to spend time with her in some weird, hateful way. Her mockery kept him alive.

"Uh..." As Derek was getting off of his stool and checking the time a handsome man with the keys to the bar approached Meredith. "You go, I'll see you at work." She downed another shot and waved him goodbye, heading behind the counter with a guy who must've been closing for Jo. Derek had sworn he'd saw him before, but never closing. Meredith glanced at him in a way that could be interpreted as sincere, but he'd rather not read into things.

"Dr. Grey."

"Go Dr. Shepherd. I don't need your protection."

Derek shook his head at the stubborn woman and waited for her to join him. When she refused, he left, shutting the door behind him.

She was right. Meredith didn't need protecting. But there was something about the way that she was acting in the bathroom that made him wonder if there was something deeper going on with her. It was only their first time sleeping together but there was something off with her. When they got in the bathroom it was like all of her confidence had disappeared. She still had that smart mouth, but the look in her eyes, the way that she carried herself wasn't normal. Not that Derek knew what normal was. He didn't; but he knew it wasn't that. Meredith wouldn't let him kiss her. She wouldn't say his name. She didn't even take off her shirt. If he knew anything about her reputation it was that she knew how sexy she was. Meredith Grey could make anyone succumb to her charms. But that experience in the bathroom didn't seem like Meredith Grey. Not the Meredith Grey who ran out of a restaurant with a basket of bread in hand. Definitely not the Meredith Grey who shamelessly palmed his erection in a crowded bar. Derek didn't know much, but he knew that there was something other than narcissism going on in her brain. And something about her made him want to find out.


Asking questions after the chapter is so corny but I don't care. What do you guys think is wrong with Mer?

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