Chapter 4

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Hours passed since the two closed their deal and were officially, whatever they were. Derek didn't expect her to give in as easily as she did. He didn't even know her, how could he know what to expect? There was something about her that made him feel like he'd known her all his life. But not in that way. Never. She wasn't his type. Meredith was a mean, tiny little smart-ass chief resident who had just transferred to Seattle Grace a year ago and already had people fearing her. If they weren't afraid of her they were in love with her. For most of them it was both; whether they liked her or not they wouldn't dare turn down an offer to sleep with her.

"Mer I have an aneurysm that needs clipping, do you want to scrub in?" Amelia, the dark haired witty surgeon who'd grown to know Meredith as a best friend approached her.

"Can't you do that on your own? Do you need the help of a resident? And what did I say about calling me Mer?" Meredith hissed and grabbed the labs out of her hands.

"I'll stop calling you Mer when you find a house and stop sleeping in mine," she leaned in to her friend's ear when she continued looking down at the labs, "so never."

Meredith scoffed, knowing she was right. She'd been staying at her house since she moved there, they met during a surgical conference and hit it off immediately. The same place where Amelia met Arizona; they've been together ever since but would never admit it to the public.

"I met your brother the other day," Meredith was referring to the other Shepherd.

"I wasn't aware I had one, considering he hasn't been to my house once. We're in the same department yet he refuses to scrub in on surgeries with me," Amelia rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"It's simple...he's an ass."

"Who's an ass?" The person they were talking about appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the chart out of Meredith's hands.

"You. Ass." She spat and tried to retrieve what he'd grabbed.

"An aneurysm...this looks difficult Amy. You sure you got it?" He teased and held the binder above both of their heads, knowing they could never reach it.

"Not as difficult as riding a bike, oh wouldn't know that would you?" Amelia retaliated, embarrassing her carbon copy.

"You can't ride a bike?" Meredith chuckled and held a hand against her mouth.

"I...can you?"

"I can ride many things and a bike just happens to be the most appropriate to talk about at work."

Derek's stomach was in knots. For some reason it felt like he had eaten something spoiled, but not old enough to make him sick. Queasy. That was the word. It had to have been the cream that he poured in his coffee that morning.

"Let go of my arm." Meredith muttered when he grasped her elbow and pulled her close to him.

"Richard is coming."

"And..." She was confused as to what that meant.

"And he needs to see us as a...couple. Doing...couple things." He didn't loosen his grip on her arm.

"What do you want me to hold your hand?" Meredith joked, her smile disappearing when he didn't object. "No. I'm not, no."

"Dr. Grey, it's just a hand. You'd be honored to hold a hand as famous as mine. This hand has performed more surgeries than..."

"Okay! I get it." Meredith silenced his bragging by lacing her fingers between his and trying her hardest not to gag when he squeezed it tighter.

"Chief! What uh...brings you here, today." Derek stammered acting more nervous than usual around his father figure.

"Um, I work here, Shep. Roslyn informed me that you never- Oh," Richard looked down at two with their fingers interlocked, "I see." It was all he needed to say to show Derek that he got the hint and would put an end to the blind date attempts. They stood there, looking back and forth between one another not knowing what to say until Amelia intervened.

"Okay...well Mer and I have an aneurysm to clip, see you later chief." In the blink of an eye the women hurried away and decided not to speak of the situation. Amelia didn't want to know what kind of mess her brother had gotten her friend into.

The two men were still standing there when one of them spoke.

"I already reserved a table for you at Red Lobster I..."

"Thank you, the seat won't go to waste." With that being said they parted ways and Derek shook off his nervousness, returning to his usual overconfident self.


Red lobster. The aroma of the restaurant filled Derek's nostrils as he walked in. Alone. He decided to take a break from the load of surgeries and just, relax. Richard believed he was dating Grey and he would soon get the promotion. Everything would be fine. At least that's what he thought until he heard a familiar voice call his name from across the room.

"Derek Shepherd! What a coincidence!" The perky redhead rushed over to him, enveloping him in an unwanted hug.

"Irene, it's so great to see you." He lied. Derek wanted nothing to do with her in all honesty. When he gave Richard the report of their date he failed to mention how absurdly annoying she was. She talked entirely too much about nothing interesting. But Derek was too nice to tell her he didn't want to see her.

"How are you? It's been a while since we've spoken." She wrapped hair around her finger and giggled. It had only been two days since their date. A while? Did she expect him to call her the next morning? Derek was usually that guy but if he had to call every woman that he'd went out with that week his phone bill would be through the roof.

"I'm great, how are you?" Derek cheesed the way he knew how.

"Now that you're here..." She moved closer to him and brushed her fingers against his. "I was just going to have dinner. Oh my god why don't you join me?" She chirped.

"Oh...I," Derek had to come up with an excuse, fast, "I'm sorry Irene I'm actually meeting someone."

"You, you are? Well I don't see anyone," she looked around desperately.

"My girlfriend. I, have a girlfriend. It's new and I, yes a girlfriend. She's running late, surgery." That ought to do it.

"Oh..." She looked defeated. "That means I get to meet her, scope out the competition." That giggle again, the one that made him want to jump in front of a bus.

"Right." Derek didn't even realize what he was agreeing to. Before he could get himself out of the mess he created Irene went on and on about how they'd become great friends and how excited she was to meet her; his girlfriend that wasn't his girlfriend. Great.


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