Chapter 25: After Party

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The party died down after a few hours and soon after the house was empty of guests. Except the one who'd taken Meredith and made her forget about the man she was seconds away from having sex with. The man who was now sitting on the floor with his back against the couch laughing at the way his Adam's apple felt when he swallowed.

Meredith was sitting across from him with one leg bent up and the other laying flat in front of her.

"I wasn't sure it was you when I walked in." Sadie held open the refrigerator door and looked for something to further intoxicate her. The three of them were already drunk enough, but she didn't seem to think so.

"What do you mean?" Meredith giggled, pulling at her fingers as they cracked.

"From the looks of it you were about to go down on pretty over here," she pointed to Derek, "in front of all of those people. Who are all of them anyways, the Death I know doesn't have friends." She pulled out a half eaten container of strawberries and a bottle of red wine; two aphrodisiacs that when combined with the amount of beer they had could end badly.

"He is pretty isn't he." Meredith gushed and lifted her shoulder to meet her head as she stared at Derek with awestruck eyes. If not for the alcohol she wouldn't be caught dead complimenting him.

"He is..." Sadie made her way to the carpet and sat down next to Meredith her back against the sofa. "Remember that time we..."

"No! With that guy with the...and the." They burst into laughter as the two reminisced on an event that was unforgettable.

"What's so funny?" Derek crawled on his knees to grab a strawberry and sat back down at his spot against the couch.

They only responded with more laughter that Derek would describe as hyenas being brutally murdered.

"I don't know..." Sadie nodded her head towards Derek, "this one tops him."

"You think so?" Meredith scrunched her nose and looked back and forth between the two of them.

"Definitely." Sadie popped open the red wine using some trick she'd probably learned on there hiatus a few years back.

"You're probably right," Meredith held her hand out for the bottle and leaned in to whisper in her friend's ear, "he does this thing with his tongue, it'll drive you crazy."

Derek watched as they shared a secret that made Sadie's mouth open in awe and her eyes go wide.

"What are you talking about?" He asked them. He felt like his eyes fast forwarded and before he knew it the woman with some type of foreign accent was inches away from him with squinted eyes.

"Let's test that." She put her hands on the sides of his face and brought his lips to hers. He didn't react at first until her tongue swept across his bottom lip. After a few seconds of adjustment Derek closed his eyes and let his tongue explore her mouth before they pulled away from each other.

He sat there dumbfounded at the sudden boldness. His fingers found a safe place in his hair as he brushed through his fallen curls and Sadie lifted her black top to reveal her red push-up.

"Wait you weren't serious?" Meredith shook her head at the sight of her friend's open back.

"Come on Grey. It's us. You and me. Death and Die."

"You're crazy." Meredith exclaimed and set down the bottle of wine. "Derek isn't into that kind of stuff."

Sadie turned to face him and watched as he looked around but didn't protest.

"I don't looks like he's pretty into it." His eyes flickered from Meredith's shocked expression to the set of scantily covered breasts in front of him.

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