Chapter 17

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Meredith had scrubbed in on surgery after surgery and she was practically in the OR the entire day. Normally she would find her fuck buddy and release all of her built up tension from operating on patients and saving lives, but Derek was out of town for a surgery in Dakota. Meredith could get sex from anywhere and anyone; but as much as she hated to admit it, nobody could top him. Derek did things to her body that she didn't know were possible, and she certainly didn't expect it the first time she saw him pulling masses out of a false terminate patient. She would never say it to his face as she didn't want his head getting any bigger,
but sex with Derek was one of the things she always looked forward to.

She felt control of her body slipping away from her the more tired she got. One last chart and she could go to sleep. She wasn't even upset that Amelia banned her from coming home tonight, forcing her to sleep in an on-call room, because of her date that she swore wasn't a date with Arizona for Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day. Meredith had been so busy that she hadn't even realized what day it was. Not that it mattered much to her. She never celebrated the fourteenth for the obvious reasons of never having a person to spend it with. Not that she couldn't find one. But relationships weren't her thing.

Meredith leaned against the hospital counter dozing off, pen in hand. Her body tensed when a pair of hands wrapped around her waist. She relaxed into his touch when she realized who it was.

"I'm nearly hopping off my plane and your the first person I see. What did I do to deserve this?" He teased, his warm breath fanning her ear.

Derek waited for her to give some condescending response and was confused when she didn't.

"Is everything okay?" He turned her around to face him and didn't see the normal fire that lit in her eyes.

"Exhausted." She muttered. Meredith's eyes were red and her body looked lifeless.

"Lets go." Before she could fight Derek got behind her and rested his hands against her shoulders, guiding her out of the hospital.

"Where are we going?"

"Shh. I'm going to tell you."


"Patience, Dr. Grey." Derek smirked while opening his car door to let her inside, shutting it when her entire body was in the vehicle. The ride consisted of Meredith either dozing off or waking up to ask him where they were going.

"Mmhm..." Meredith groaned when they came to a stop and the door that held her head popped open.

"Rise and shine." Derek chuckled when she almost fell out of the car, catching herself by latching onto his waist.

"Ass!" She let go of him when she regained her balance and started to walk, not even knowing where she was going in the endless field of grass and trees.

"You do have a nice ass." Derek slapped it playfully, but hard enough for her to turn around and glare into his piercing blues.


"You're going the wrong way." He watched as she stood there staring at him, waiting for him to explain what was going on. "Come on." Her hand fit perfectly into his as he walked her through the woods that lead to a secluded area consisting of his belongings.

"What are we doing here?" Meredith let go of his hand when they reached a heavy loading trailer.

"This." Derek opened the front door and extended a hand inside as a way of saying welcome. "This is my home." He studied her face as she looked around at their surroundings. He couldn't read her, he didn't know if she was terrified or...

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