Chapter 38: Catching Up

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"Oh just drink it you big baby!" Meredith handed Derek a shot glass filled with Irish Whiskey and another filled with pickle juice. Everyone at the table chanted as he threw the painful liquid down his throat and acted as tough as possible, not wanting to let it show how badly it burned.

"Who's rolling next?" Naomi asked and Meredith held her hand out for the dice.

The five of them were playing a drunken version of truth or dare and it caught Meredith by surprise how much she was enjoying herself. It was possibly a result of the intoxication, but Derek's group of friends weren't hardly as bad as she thought they'd be.

Meredith rolled the die and landed on five, counting everyone at the table starting with Derek and making her way around the circle to Mark.

"Oh no!" Mark shook his head at the woman on the left of him, "I'm not answering anything you ask."

"Relax, I'm harmless," Meredith lied through her teeth and attempted to fake an innocent smile.

"I'm not sure that's true," Derek muttered and the short distance between them made it easy for Meredith to elbow him in the stomach.

"Fine, what's the question." Mark stretched his arms in front of him and exhaled, preparing himself for whatever twisted secret she was seconds away from prying out of him.

"How many people in this room have you slept with?"

Mark looked around and mentally checked off every person in the bar that he remembered being intimate with. Considering most of them were Derek and Amelia's old friends, his list went over the limit any of them would've thought.

"Let's, eight," Mark stretched his arm along the back of Meredith's chair, shooting her a playful smirk and not noticing the scowl on Derek's face.

"Wanna make it nine?" he whispered loud enough for her and Derek to hear.

"You're a surgeon right?" Meredith leaned into his arm and flashed him a flirtatious smile.

"Plastic surgeon, best in my field. Hell, best in the country."

"Really?" Meredith acted impressed, "then I suggest getting your arm off my chair and quitting your whorish attempts at getting me to sleep with you."

Mark removed his arm awkwardly and kept his head staring down at the table, ignoring the laughter sounding from the rest of the group.

"What are you laughing at Derek? It's not like you're any better at picking up women," Naomi chuckled.

"She's right," Sam added, "you were pining for Addison for months until she finally let up and went out with you."

"Wait that's?" Meredith pointed at the redhead and put the pieces together. "How did you manage to pull her?"

"I'll try not to feel offended by that," Derek exhaled and turned his attention away from his roommate who couldn't keep her eyes off of his ex fiancé. 

"Damn, I remember thinking you two would last forever. Didn't you write her a song?" Naomi looked around at the four people who were at the university when Derek embarrassed himself. "That day was..." Naomi slurred her words and Sam took her drink out of her hands. She wasn't much of a drinker and it showed.

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