Chapter 19

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"So what was all that yelling you were doing last night?" Derek asked her.

"If you're referring to the orgasms I'll try to be a little more quiet next time." She rolled her eyes and swung her feet side to side as she sat on the counter watching him plate their food. The aroma of seasonings from the steak and garlic mashed potatoes delighted her more than she'd let on. Meredith didn't need him adding chef to the list of things he swore he was a pro at.

Derek had picked up a few things from the grocery store while she slept, and by the time he got back she had already woken up and taken a shower.

"I'm talking about you having dreams about being in an OR and yelling things like charge paddles! Normal people don't do that." Derek pulled a bag of salad out of the fridge and ripped it open to pour into a bowl.

"First you say I snore and now you're saying I sleep talk. I never pegged you as a liar."

"Don't peg me, at all."

"What? You're not into that kind of stuff?" Meredith lowered her voice and watched as his body flustered.

"You- I don't. Just." Derek turned to face her but soon looked away when he realized she wasn't wearing any panties underneath his UCLA t-shirt.

She smirked as he ran a hand through his hair uncomfortably and returned to plating their dinner. "You know you don't have to cook for me."

"Mmh?" Derek raised his eyebrows.

"You're not my boyfriend. I don't usually make guys cook for me after sex and you're not special."


"It's the truth." Meredith shrugged her shoulders.

"Trust me," he moved in front of her and parted her legs, standing in between them with his hands rested on her knees, "the only reason I'm feeding you is because I know that if I don't, you're probably going to eat a bag of skittles for dinner. And I didn't feed you last night, I'd feel like a jerk if I sent you home on an empty stomach."

"Well you are a jerk."

"I can't be a jerk, I'm making you food. If anything that screams guy who deserves hot, porny sex."

"You're only feeding me so that you don't feel guilty. In other words, you're a jerk."

"Is that right?" Derek cocked his head to the side and let his hand slip under the shirt that he'd been fidgeting with since he found his place in between her legs.

"Yeah..." Meredith dragged out the word, tensing at his touch but feeling relaxed in his presence.

"Mmh." Derek ran his hand slowly up and down her inner thigh. He smirked when her knees snapped shut against his touch. "Don't do that." He parted them again, wrapping her bare legs around his waist.

"We don't..." Meredith stuttered. She felt the ache in between her legs grow and the way he looked up at her only intensified it. "This is not how this works. I do the...flustering thing. I make you nervous, not the other way around."

"So you're nervous?" He drew lazy circles just above her clit, letting his free hand remain running up and down her inner thigh.

"No I'm not nervous." She gulped and wanted to close her legs but some unwanted desire was forcing them to open wider.

"You just said you were."

"I didn't say that."

"Mm, but you just did." Derek looked up at her with lust in his eyes as his hand moved closer to her clitoris.

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