Care of Magical Creatures

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Me and Cho were walking along the corridors to potions with professor Snape. From the sounds of it he's going to be my least favorite. It definitely did look different though than walking along at night. Walking along the corridors with the sun out and other students walking by.
"The library is down that hall. The hours are 9am-10:00pm" Cho explained to me. I just nodded with a smile.
"So how was life like at your old school?" Cho asks me.
"Um it was fine I guess. I liked my first 3 years there, but last year I couldn't handle how proper we had to be. There was no way I was going to survive another year there, so I had convinced my parents to transfer me here." I reply leaving out that I had pulled a couple of pranks. I wanted that to be a secret to myself.
"Well I think your going to like it her-" Cho was cut off by someone. A voice I recognized.
"Y/N!" I turned around and saw Fleur Delacour.
"Fleur!" It's great so see you!" I said hugging her.
"It's great to zee you too y/n. When I heard you were transferring I didn't know it was zere. Oh I'm glad I can still see you." She explains while hugging me again.
"It's great to at least see one familiar face. Oh Cho this is Fleur we were- no still are friends from my old school, Beaxbutons."
"Pleasure to meet you." Cho held out her hand.
"Pleasure to meet you as well. I'm must get going. See you around y/n." With that Fleur left, and me and Cho continued walking to class.

We had barely made it to Potions on time since we bumped into Fleur. Me and Cho saw next to each other. I looked around awakrdly as I noticed whispering and Slytherins looking at me. Great. They haven't even met me and it seems like they're already talking about me.
"Turn you books to page 394. We will be learning about Cure for Boils." A man who had a low voice and wearing all black and what seemed like a long flowy cape on the back of him.
"You have exactly 1 hour. You must begin... Now."
I opened my textbook and saw The Cure for Boils. I had made this potion once and I think I did decent, but I knew decent wasn't going to cut it for him. I looked at the ingredients and went to the back of the classroom to grab my supplies. I had grabbed everything except for the snake fangs because it was just out of my reach. I then saw a tall Slytherin boy approach the cabinet and reached up for it handing it to me. I was honestly shocked since he was being nice. I hesitated before taking the snake fangs.
"Um thank you" I tell him with a small smile as I go back to my desk with Cho.
"What was that about?" Cho asked me before I even sat back down.
"I don't know. I thought it was a trick at first, but I guess not." I replied sitting back down and it looked like his friends were questioning him and he just rolled his eyes.
I went back to my potion and was glad with what the result look liked. Then Snape came peering over my cauldron.
"Think you have done it have you?" I simply nod my head yes.
"Well luckily someone is the the med wing with boils. I'll give this to Madame Pomfrey to see if it works. Class dismissed leave your potions in a vile and put your initials on it." Snape had just took mines the second I finished putting my potion and my name on it.

"What's his problem? Why would he try that out on a student?!? What happens if it doesn't work?" I started panicking because I didn't want something else to happen to the mystery student.
"Don't worry. He's like that with everyone and since your the new student he might go a little harder on you. But I do have a question about earlier if you don't mind me asking."
I looked up at her "Yeah. What's your question?"
"It's from what happened at the Great Hall during breakfast. Do you fancy one of the twins? And I noticed that you had turned away when you made eye contact with one of them."
I started turning a shade of pink. "Oh well. I don't fancy anyone since I haven't even had a conversation with him." I awkwardly reply
"Well that's going to change because not only is our class with Gryffindor, but with 6th year Gryffindors. May I add he's a 6th year Gryffindor?" Cho let out a small laugh and nudged me. Oh no

We made it outside to what seemed like a hut. I was wondering what I should do if I saw him. I never really hung out with guys since our school was all girls. I mean back home yes, but that was different. We made our way through the crowd and I felt someone staring at me. I looked toward the direction and saw him. My eyes locked into his nice brown eyes. My checks he already getting hot and I just turned away facing anywhere but his direction.

Fred POV
"Do you think that girl we saw from breakfast is in this class?" I asked George.
"I don't know, but if she does that means she's a 5th year" George pointed out. At least something else I would know about her.
I had been zoning out of the conversation thinking if she would show up or not. A part of me wanted to see her, but another wanted to see her another time.
"Hey look Freddie she's walking down." Lee pointed to the girl. I looked up and there she was walking down with another Ravenclaw from afar I could see her bright smile. I looked towards Lee and George trying to look like I was having a conversation with them.
"Freddie look she's on the other side. She is pretty I have to admit." Lee told me
I gave in and couldn't help myself no longer. I looked up and saw that she was nervous. A small grin came over across my face. I didn't realize how long I was staring at her until she looked over at my direction. We locked eyes and I was just staring at her beautiful e/c eyes. She had started blushing before she looked away. I let out a small chuckle before I heard snickering beside me.
"Oh shut it." I said while rolling me eyes and hitting Lee and George.
"Awww Freddie fancies the new girl." They said at the same time. I had ignored them and Hagrid started talking.
"Today we'll be learning about pixies. Don't let their size fool you. Devilish little creatures. You will be studying about them and write a 2 page essay about them before we actually start working with them. I'm going to put you in partners. One Ravenclaw and one Gryffindor." Hagrid explained
I heard some groans around me, but if luck was on my side I could get the new girl.
I had zoned out until I heard Hagrid say "Fred Weasley and y/n y/l/n. Is that correct?" He looked over at the girl and she shyly nodded.
"Oh okay. Well welcome to Hogwarts." She smiled at him and I grinned.
"Awww Freddie got his girlfriend." Lee said from behind me while making kissing faces. I shoved him and he lost his balance and fell over. Me and George started laughing.
As we were laughing I heard a shy voice from behind me "umm are you Fred Weasley?" I turned around me and saw her standing awkwardly barely making eye contact with me. She was even cuter up close. Thank you Hagrid

Oh no. I heard my name being called along with the guy.
"Well it looks like it's your lucky day." Cho nudged me while giggling
"Oh shut it." This just made her laugh even more.
"Well I better head over to my partner. I wish you luck." Cho had walked away. Okay you can do this. Just remain calm. Everything is going to be fine. I walked over to them and saw that him and his twin were laughing I'm assuming at their friend.
"Umm are you Fred Weasley?" He turned around and he was definitely cuter up close. My whole body felt like it went numb and I was just standing there awkwardly barley making eye contact with him. He just kept looking at me which made me feel already uncomfortable. His brother finally nudged him and he shook his out like he came out of some sort of trans.
"Oh sorry. Yes that's me. The better looking twin. You must be y/n right!"
I let out a small chuckle and nodded my head yes. "Well we'll let you two be. Have fun" His twin said grabbing a hold of their friend. Me and Fred just stood there shyly and awkwardly. This is going to be very interesting.

A/N-This is a little longer of a chapter, but hope you enjoy it

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