Being taken away

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It was so boring being here. I was due on any day, but I couldn't do anything anymore. Everyone was still in classes and usually, I just hang in the kitchen, sit by the lake, or be in the library. It was very uneventful. Dumbledore and Harry were gone which worried me a little. Today I decided I wanted to go to the Room of Requirement. I wanted to see the Vanishing Cabinet.

As I entered the Room of Requirement the Vanishing Cabinet was just standing there under a tarp. I pulled it down and there it was. I looked around it trying to figure out how it works.

"What are you doing here?!" I looked up to see Draco paler as usual.
"I just wanted to check it out." I shrugged turning my attention back on the cabinet.
"You can't be here! It's not going to be safe soon. You have to hide especially because you're pregnant."
"Why?" I crossed my arms looking at him.
"Please just do as I tell you. I'm trying to keep you safe. I don't want to see you get hurt." He grabbed onto my hands and I looked into his eyes filled with panic.
"Fine." I pulled away from him and walked out. I decided to spend the rest of the day in the library.

I was trying to read, but my mind kept wandering back to Draco. Why isn't it safe? When it comes to Draco I never could tell what he was thinking. He was so hard to try to read. All I know is that Draco was trying to protect me.

After two hours I gave up trying to read. I decided to go back to my dorm. Luna should be done with her classes soon. As I was walking along the corridors Ginny bumped into me.
"Ginny, what's going on?" Neville and Luna were right behind her filled with panic.
"I can't explain, but something horrible is coming our way." She was talking fast.
"Let me help you," I offered.
"Are you insane? You're expecting any day and we can't afford anything to happen to you or that baby." Ginny had grabbed ahold of me with a firm grip.

"I don't care what you say. I'll be careful."
"Oh no, you don't. You know I love you y/n, but I have to do this." She then shoved me backward into a closet. She closed the door and said the silencing charm. I dug into my pockets trying to find my wand, but it was missing. She did not take my wand! I started banging on the door even though I knew no one was going to hear me.

It had been an hour and I was almost done trying when I came up with one more idea. Please work. I grabbed a bobby pin from my hair and used it against the lock. She may have used magic, but sometimes magic could have its weak spots. I started jiggling the lock until it finally opened. As I rushed out I hit someone in the face.

"Ow. Who did that?!" I turn to see a tall woman with crazy hair. I had recognized her from the papers. Bellatrix Lestrange. I lost all feeling in my body and then I notice Snape and Draco next to her.
"It was you, dearie! How dare you!" I was trembling not knowing what to do.
"I see you're expecting a baby. Tell me what's your and the baby's blood status?" She circled me speaking in my ear sending chills.
"Me and the father are both purebloods." I shakily responded.
"You're lucky. I wonder what the dark Lord would want to do with you. Your coming with us." She pushed me to Draco's arm and he grabbed my hand. You are a death eater! I didn't bother to fight back because there were multiple of them and I didn't have my wand.

We were running away from the castle and had ended up in front of Hagrid's hut. Bellatrix then engulfed it with flames.
"Draco what the hell is going on?!" I whispered as he still had a grip on me.
"I told you to stay safe. Just play the game smart and you will be unharmed."
"What game? And how can I trust you? Your one of them."
"Please you have to trust me now." His voice was pleading and his eyes filled with desperation. As we started walking further I heard a familiar voice yelling. I turn to see Harry. He looked at me horrified.

"Go!" Snape yelled at Draco and he started dragging me to follow.
'Help me.' I mouthed to Harry with tears flowing down my cheeks. I didn't know what was going to happen. I was then engulfed in black smoke and landed in front of a huge mansion.
"Welcome to Malfoy Manor, my home," Draco whispered into my ear. I was still crying, but it slowed down. It was so dull and not one sunray was beaming down.

"Wait here you two. Make sure she doesn't get away Draco." Bellatrix then walked into a room and closed the door behind her.
"I have a surprise for you my Lord." I heard from the other room.
"And what would that be Bellatrix?" I could only imagine that to be Voldemort's voice.
"Draco come here!" She opens the door letting me and Draco come in. Draco then gripped onto my arm tighter shoving me amongst the crowd. I saw a long table filled with death eaters. I felt like I stopped breathing.

"Who is this Draco?" I then notice Voldemort was sitting in the center in the back. I felt like I was going to throw up.
"This is y/n y/l/n. She's pureblood."
"Take a seat Draco." He let go of my arm, but Bellatrix came from behind grabbing ahold of me. She dug her nails into my skin pointing her wand to my neck. I winced a little at the pain.

"I see you are expecting a child. What is the father's blood status?" My throat was dry, but I tried with all my might to find my voice.
"He's also a pureblood." I was trying my very best to not sound weak.
"The pureblood tradition will run through that child. Just as it should be. Now y/n, do you have any information about Harry Potter?"
"No. I'm not in the same year as him."
"I see. Are you friends with Mister Potter?"
"I talked to him, but I wouldn't say we were friends." I knew I couldn't say anything about Harry or his life would be in more danger.

"May I add in something my lord?" I looked to see Snape.
"Of course Severus."
"Miss y/l/n had helped Draco when he was injured by mister Potter."
"Is this true Draco?" He sounded intrigued waiting for Draco to respond.
"Yes." He avoided eye contact with everyone in the room.

"Very well. Thank you for looking out for mister Malfoy, but I see no more use in you. Now, which unforgivable curse should I use? Oh, I know." I was holding back tears knowing I would never see the light of day again. I closed my eyes anticipating the worse, but then someone else spoke up.

"We should not harm the girl. She seems to be due very soon and if we kill her, we kill the unborn. That's one less pureblood in this world." I looked up to see that the woman who spoke up was sitting next to Draco. She looked very pretty with her hair that was the famous platinum blonde. That must be Draco's mum.

"That's an excellent point Narcissa. You may take her in as a guest, but I'm not done with you yet miss y/l/n." Narciss got up and walked over to me.
"Let go of her." She told Bellatrix sternly.
"I never get to have any fun." Bellatrix pouted before letting me go.
"Come on dear. I will take you to your room." She wrapped me in her arms walking me out. What's going to happen to me?

Fred POV
"We have to go now!" George was rushing putting his coat on.
"Why? What happened?" I grabbed my coat not knowing what was happening.
"There was an attack at Hogwarts. Death eaters managed to sneak through and now Dumbledore is dead. Bill is also injured." Please let y/n be safe.

Me and George apparated into the Hospital Wing. Mum was crying seeing Bill injured. As we walked over to him he had a big scratch across his face. He was unconscious.

"It's all my fault. I should have never locked her in that cupboard." I then realized that some others were here and Ginny was crying covering her face.
"It's not your fault. Maybe y/n is safe in her dorm." Hermione was consoling her, but once I heard y/n's name I rushed over to her.
"What happened to y/n? Where is she?" Ginny looked up with red fearful eyes before crying again.
"We don't know, but she can just be in her room. Ginny had shoved her in a closet because she wanted to help." Hermione had responded while rubbing Ginny's back.

"They took her." I looked up to see Harry looking like a mess.
"I couldn't save her." He sat down on one of the beds.
"Who dear?" My mum asked concerned.
"Y/n. Malfoy was dragging her along to follow. She was crying and her eyes were filled with fear. I think she mouthed help me before she disappeared." My heart sunk and I lost all feeling in my body. I sat down on the closest chair and started to cry covering my face.

"It's okay Fred. We'll find her." My mum pulled me into her chest like when I was younger.
"She's expecting in a few days." I tried to speak while still sobbing.
"I know. We'll find her." She responded still holding onto me. Please let her be safe. I can't lose both of them.

A/N-Just great. Y/n is expecting soon but is now kidnapped. I feel really bad for Fred🥺 What will happen next?
Hope you all enjoyed❤️

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