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" You won't believe what happened last night." We were on our way to go home.
"Oh yes y/n, it's quite a fascinating story," Luna added.
"What happened?" A few rumors were going around, but I didn't bother to know what was going on.
"Draco crashed Slughorn'a Christmas Party. He got caught by Filch." Ginny explained. Big mistake Malfoy.
"What was his reason?" I asked curiously.
"Supposedly he just wanted to see the festivities, but I don't buy it for a second. It's complete rubbish," Ginny was not buying his excuse, and neither was I. I had warned him what was going to happen if I heard more rumors. Your lucky your not on this train right now.

"Changing the subject. Are you planning to tell your parents?" Luna had spoken up sitting across from me and Ginny.
"Yes, I'm planning to tell them on Christmas Eve. I'm nervous, but I think they'll understand. Fred's going to be with me when I tell them and then we're going to the Burrow to tell Molly and Arthur." I explained thinking over how I wanted to tell them.
"Will you be staying with us on Christmas?" Ginny asked hopefully. I shook my head lightly.
"I'm just going to tell your parents and then go back home. Sorry, Ginny." I rested my hand on her shoulder.
"It's okay. Don't worry." I wasn't buying it for a second. I knew Ginny well enough knowing she wanted me to stay. She had mentioned to me once or twice that I was like the sister she always wanted, just like Hermione. It was the same for me. The Weasley family were like my second family. They were so welcoming with open arms.

"Good luck," Luna whispered as I walked up to my parents.
"Hello, sweetheart. How's school?" My mum kissed me on the forehead.
"It's going well, but I'm starving." I hope I could hide my symptoms from them before I told them the big news.
"Of course dear." Dad picked up my luggage and we all apparated together.

Don't throw up. As we landed in front of our house I felt nauseous. I stopped apparating because it always made me feel not the best.
"Are you okay?" My mum rubbed her hand on my shoulders.
"Yeah, I'm just not used to it still. I don't use it that often." I lied.
"Just wash up and dinner will be ready soon." I grabbed my luggage from my dad and made it inside my house.

I threw my stuff on my bed. My room hasn't changed a bit. Everything was where I last left it. I had a large bookshelf with all my favorite books. On my nightstand was a picture of me, with my parents, and Henry. It was the only picture in the entire house that he was in. My parents thought it was better to seem like they never had another child. I grabbed the picture and sat on the edge of my bed.
"Well, Henry. You're an uncle." I could just imagine him being so excited. He would also be the overprotective brother interrogating Fred. I miss you so much. I really wish you were here. I few tears escaped my eyes, but I then heard a knock on my door quickly wiping them away.
"Come in," my mom opened the door.
"Dinner is ready," she told me gently. I put the picture back on my nightstand and walked out.

"Is it okay if Fred comes over during dinner on Christmas Eve for a little bit?" We finished eating and I was helping my mom clean.
"As long he's alright with it," my dad said coming into the kitchen.
"He is, so is it okay?"
"Of course sweetheart," my mum smiled.
"Thank you. May I be excused?" I hugged both of them kissing them on the cheek.
"Yes," my mum replied and I rushed up to my room to write to Fred.

I rummaged through one of my drawers looking for a spare piece of parchment and a quill.

Dear Fred,
Does Christmas Eve dinner work for you? Let's say around 8? We can tell them after dinner. It's like an early Christmas present. After that, we can go to the Burrow to tell your parents. Please reply as soon as you get this. Also, the baby says hi.


I re-read my letter before tying it around Izzy's leg.
"You know where to go," I opened my window and she disappeared in the starry night sky.

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