The Truth

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I felt so gitty walking back to my common room.
"What gets broken without being held?" The eagle had questioned me. I fell into my thoughts and felt my smile lowering a little.
"A promise." The portrait opened and I shook away my thoughts. Nothing was going to ruin my night.

I entered my dorm and my smile came back like before. I went straight to my bed to lay down.
"What's with the big grin?" Cho, Padma, and Luna were all looking at me. I probably looked like an idiot, but I didn't care.
"Me and Fred are dating!" The room went silent and as I looked around everyone's mouths were open.
"It's about time y/n. It was quite obvious on both sides." Luna was the first to speak up.
"Luna's right. I'm so happy. How does it feel?" Cho was practically jumping up and down on her bed.
"Well the fact that's it's only been a few hours it feels great! I had ambushed him and told him how I let and as I was finishing he kissed me and-"
"Wait you both have already kissed?!?" Padma cut me off.
"Yes. I wasn't expecting it, but I kissed back and it was real nice. I have butterflies just thinking about it. We told some of the others in Gryffindor and I came here since it's late and here we are. But do you think we're moving too fast?" Replaying everything that happened, I didn't know if we were rushing into things.
"No. What it sounds like is that you and Fred are making up for lost time." Padma and Luna agreed with Cho.

I had shortly gone to sleep. When I woke up I had noticed Padma and Luna were already gone.
"You want me to wait for you?"
"Yes please. I'll be ready in a second Cho."

Me and Cho walked down to the Great Hall with our arms locked. I had then felt a pair of hands cover my eyes.
"Guess who?" I knew that voice anywhere, but I wanted to have some fun.
"Is that my favorite twin George?" The pair of hands uncovered my eyes and I turned around.
"Excuse me?" Fred looked faked hurt and I started laughing.
"Oh Freddie, you're the only twin I have my eyes on."
"I better be."
"I'll let you two be. See you in potions y/n." I waved bye to Cho.
"Good morning love." Fred kissed my cheek and I couldn't help, but blush.
"Awww your cute when you blush."
"Oh shut it. Good morning to you too." I slightly slapped his arm.
"How did you sleep?"
"I slept great. The girls freaked out when I told them about us. Especially about our kiss. You?"
"Fantastic knowing that I can say your my girlfriend." I smiled and blushed like an idiot.
"Let's go head for some breakfast." Fred had suggested and we walked the rest of the way hand in hand. It felt so nice to be right beside Fred and more than friends this time.

When we entered the Great Hall a lot of eyes were looking at us and people started whispering.
"Just let them stare." Fred had lowered his head to whisper in my ear.
"Now come on. Wanna eat with us?"
"Why not. I would love to spend more time with Ginny."
"Really? Are you going to keep doing that?"
"No, I just want to mess with you."

We walked over to the Gryffindor table and I sat next to Fred and Ginny.
"Hey there lovebirds." Ginny welcomed us.
"Oh shut it Ginny." I rolled my eyes and she just laughed.
"By the looks of it your already talk of the school." George had added in.
"Good. I want them to know that me and y/n are dating, to know she's off the market." Fred had put his arm over my shoulder.

"Okay I have to go potions. See you during Care of Magical Creatures." I had gotten up from my spot.
"Your coming back?" George had asked.
"Yep. Now I don't need to avoid anyone."
"Okay see you later love." Fred kissed my cheek and I did the same. I got up from my spot and before I left I even messed with his hair and he tried to slap my hand away.

I went to the library during lunch because I hadn't written a letter to my parents in a while. So much had change. I knew I had to tell them about Fred because it was going to come out sooner or later.

Dear mum and dad,
I'm doing very well here and have enjoyed my time. I've made tons of new friends and wanted to thank you mum for the dress. It was absolutely beautiful. There is one thing I will like to tell you both, especially dad. I don't know how to tell you this, but I have a boyfriend. Please do not freak out. Write to me as soon as you get this letter. I love you both so much.


I was worried on how they were to react about me having a boyfriend, especially dad. I were so stuck in my thoughts I didn't realize Fred was right next to me.
"Is everything okay love?" I looked up and saw Fred concerned.
"I'm fine. I just finished writing my letter to my parents and told them I have a boyfriend. I don't know how they will react."
"Can I read it?" I handed the letter to Fred and waited for him to finish.
"Well I mean you put it the best way you could've. I should also tell my mum."
"Well thank you, but I'm gonna go to the owlery to make it official I guess."
"You want me to come?"
"Why not Freddie." Fred leaped up from his chair and put his arm around your shoulder.

"It always smells here and you can't lean on a way wall here." Fred was just observing how disgusting the owlery looked with it's foul smell.
"What do you expect Freddie? Izzy where are you? Here's your snack." I was waving the snack in the air until I saw Izzy. She grabbed the snack from my hand.
"She's very pretty. Who gave it to you?" Fred started walking more into the owlery.
"Well actually it was my brother." I closed my eyes and closed my mouth. I then turned around and saw Fred confused.
"I thought you were an only child? What are you not telling me?" Fred was serious and had his arms crossed in front of his chest.
"Technically I wasn't lying being an only child. I wasn't always though. I had an older brother named Henry. I loved him so much, but one day he left and never came back. I always hoped he would come back, but he never did and then it was confirmed that he died. My heart shattered hearing the news and was closed off for a while. Izzy here was a gift a couple of days before he left." I felt my eyes watering.
"He had told me to know that he always loved me and no matter what would happen he would never stop. I never understood until he died. That's why I was sad when you mentioned your big family. It made me think of Henry and I don't think I've told anyone how I felt about him since his death." That's when I broke down and just started crying. Letting the tears flow. I dropped to my knees sobbing. It's been 3 years, but I never talked to anyone about his death and how I was feeling. I then felt Fred's strong pair of arms pull me into his chest giving me a tight hug. I could hear his heartbeat making me calm down.
"It's okay y/n. I'm sorry about your brother." I just stayed silent not having the strength to talk anymore.

We just sat there. I loved how it felt, Fred comforting me. I finally pulled away and started to stand up.
"You must really love me for sitting in the bird mess." I offered my hand to help Fred get up.
"I must really do because I would never do that or even fully step in here." You started laughing while tieing the letter to Izzys foot. As she flew always you turned to Fred.
"Well now we wait." You felt nervous about how your dad would react.
"Don't worry. It will be fine. Does he really think your never going to meet a guy one day?" As he put his arms around my waist.
"I love you Freddie and thank you." I went on my tippy toes to peck his lips.
"I love you too y/n. Now let's get out of here."

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