Defense Agaisnt the Dark Arts

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Fred's POV
"Y/N!" I turned around shouting seeing her hit her head. She became unconscious. A crowd came in our direction and I picked up y/n bridal style running towards the Hospital Wing.

"What happened?" Madam Pomfrey came running towards us.
"We were fooling around and that toa-Umbridge scared us making us let go. She fell back and hit her head." George explained catching up to me.
"Set her down here." I walked over to the bed she pointed out setting y/n down.
"Is she going to be okay?" I sat down beside her grabbing onto her hand.
"She'll be fine. Most likely will be asleep for a few hours with a terrible headache." She left attending to other students.
"It's all our faults." I groaned running my hands through my hair.
"Calm down Fred. She'll be fine." George was trying to comfort me.

It had been a few hours and I missed dinner. There was no way I was going to leave y/n side. It was my fault. I let go of her and we shouldn't even have her on our shoulders in the first place.

My eyes were starting to get heavy, but then I heard a groan and y/n turning to her side.
"Who are you?" My heart sank hearing those words.
"You, you don't remember me?" I was trembling not being able to calm down.
"Of course I do Freddie." She weakly smiled at me her eyes barely opened.
"Don't scare me like that!" I thought I had already lost her.
"How could I forget you?" She replied weakly.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine, but my head hurts terribly."
"Oh good your up. Here I want you to take this and you'll feel better. Mr. Weasley can escort you to your tower." Madam Pomfrey handed her this weird-looking liquid and y/n reluctantly took it. She eyed it before downing it in one go.
"That's disgusting." She looked like she was about to throw up.
"Oh wow. I feel way better. Thank you. Can I still play Quidditch?" That's what you're concerned about right now?
"Yes, but take it easy." Madam Pomfrey replied sweetly.
"Thank you Madam Pomfrey. Come on y/n let's go." She got up from the bed and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"Fred, please wipe that look off your face. I'm fine! It wasn't your fault. It was that toads." Fred didn't look at me once. I stopped in my tracks stepping in front of him.
"Fred please don't feel guilty." I lifted his chin for him to look at me. All I saw was sorrow.
"It was! We should have just let you be!" Je raised his voice a little and shocked me.
"What would the purpose of that be?! Just let me get away with the insults? There's no fun in that." Fred had finally smiled.
"There's the Fred Weasley I know and love." He looked at me and I got lost in his hazel eyes. I leaned up to kiss him and at first, I could feel him hold back, but he lost his war. He kissed me back having his hands on my cheeks. I pulled away first.
"Now can we get some food? I'm starving and knowing you, you probably skipped dinner." I laughed knowing Fred had. I found it very sweet. I knew he could eat because I've seen him scarf down food. He wasn't as bad as Ron though.

"How can Dobby help Mr. Weasley and Ms. y/l/n?" I looked down at the tiny elf. His eyes were as big as tennis balls and he was swearing a raggedy pillowcase as clothing.
"Do you think you can make us a little something please?" Fred had asked the elf nicely.
"Of course. Anything for friends of Harry Potter." He turned around and started cooking right away.

"That was delicious. Thank you Dobby goodnight." I so was full from the dinner Dobby made. We had soup with bread and some pudding.
"Your welcome. Please tell Harry Potter Dobby says hi."
"Will do. Goodnight."
"Goodnight," the elf replied and Fred just waved.
"I better get back. I have D.A.D.A tomorrow." I groaned at the thought of having to spend an hour with that pink toad.
"Okay, goodnight y/n. Don't let her get to you. You're better than her." Fred brushed my hair out of my face making me blush. I kissed his cheek before turning around.

I woke up noticing that no one else was in the dorm. I didn't bother to know the time and just grabbed my clothes heading to the bathroom. I must have been exhausted because I had fallen asleep in my quidditch uniform. I took a quick shower washing my hair, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and all that stuff before grabbing my stuff and heading down to breakfast.
"How's Loony?" It was those same three boys that I met on the first morning when I came last year. I had since learned that their names were Jacob, Ivan, and Noah. They were complete jerks towards Luna. I didn't have time to get into argument and just ran past them.

"Good morning," I approached the Gryffindor table ruffling Fred's hair before sitting down.
"Good morning love. Sleep well I see?" Fred kissed my cheek as I grabbed a slice of toast.
"I did, but no one ever wakes me up, but I can't talk right now. I only have three minutes to get to D.A.D.A." I stood up and grabbed two pieces of bacon from Fred's plate.
"Hey! That's my food!" I heard Fred yell knowing he was only joking. I took out the piece of toast I shoved in my mouth. "Thanks for the bacon! Love you!" I didn't hear what he said as I rushed to D.A.D.A.

"Your late miss y/l/n." Everyone looked at me as I groaned to grab a seat next to a Hufflepuff girl.
"What's this rubbish?" I whispered to the girl next to me as I looked down on my desk to see a book labeled Dark Arts Defense for beginners. She had chosen to ignore me, but Umbridge heard me.
"Do we have a problem?" She walked up to my desk.
"Yeah, what's this?" I held up the book.
"That is the book we will be using for the term." She replied smugly.
"There isn't anything about practicing defensive spells." I had flipped through the pages.
"And why would you need to practice?"
"Because there are dangerous people in the world." She was getting me ticked off every second and we weren't even 5 minutes into the lesson.
"Who would try to hurt children?" Fake concerning in her face.
"Oh let me think. I got it! Maybe Lord Voldemort?!" I was surprised hearing those words come out, but I couldn't handle this anymore.
"This is a lie." She reassured the class while everyone had started whispering.
"It's not a lie! Why would Harry lie about something like that?!" I slammed my hands on my desk standing up. My anger overpowering me.
"Detention miss y/l/n! Meet me in my office after class." I rolled my eyes as I sat back down.

The bell rang and as everyone was leaving I stayed behind. Cho and Marietta gave me an apologetic look. I walked up the stairs in front of the classroom knocking on the door.
"Come in." I opened the door and all I saw was pink and cats. It was nauseating.
"Please sit." She gestured her hand to an empty seat with a desk. I sat down placing my bag on the side of me.
"What would you like me to do?" I asked trying my best to sound kind.
"Just a few lines." I bent over to grab my quill.
"You won't be using yours. You're using a special quill today." I was confused as she handed me what looks like a regular quill.
"What will you like me to write?"
"I won't disrespect my teachers." I rolled my eyes and began writing. At first, it wasn't so bad, but once I reached my 5th line there was a pain in my left hand. I stopped writing and noticing that the hand that I wasn't writing with had spelling on it. I won't disrespect my teachers. I could see that smug smile on her face. The pain got stronger the more I wrote. My hand was red from my blood and I handed her my paper by my 10th line.
"May I see your hand?" I showed her my left hand that had my writing.
"Perfect. Now, this should be a reminder. You may go now." I walked out grabbing my things.

The pain was still throughout the day. I walked over to the Gryffindor table for dinner.
"Is everything okay love?" I turned to see Fred concerned.
"I'm fine," I lied. I didn't want him to worry.
"You can tell me." He put his hand over my left hand and I winced in pain.
"What's wrong with your hand?" He asked suspiciously.
"Nothing. See?" l I showed him my right that was perfectly fine.
"The other," he raised an eyebrow. I knew I couldn't hide it from him. I reluctantly showed my left hand had he gasped.
"What happened?!"
"I was defending Harry during D.A.D.A and I lost it. Umbridge gave me detention and made me write this with a blood quill." I explained not wanting to look at Fred.
"She's going to pay! You have to tell Dumbledore." George spoke up.
"No! That's the last thing I want to do. By giving her satisfaction by telling Dumbledore about the pain she caused on me."
"Buts we can't just-"
I cut Fred off, "yes we can, but I do want to get revenge on some other people." We all lowered our heads making sure no one could hear us.
"Go on?" I had gotten George's attention.
"Jacob, Ivan, and Noah."
"But they're from your own house? Why would you want to get revenge on them?" Fred asked trying to ignore my hand.
"They constantly make fun of Luna and I'm tired of it. I don't care what you do."
"Why can't you do it yourself?" George asked as we all backed up.
"Because ever since I crossed you two, I'm nothing compared to the both of you. Also, I'm more of the brains and behind the scene kind of gal."
"Okay, we'll do it." Fred and George replied making me smile. At least something to look forward to.

A/N-Was in a good mood today, so now have posted 3 days in a row. The next piece will come in 2-4 days though

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