Third Task

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It had been a few months since me and Fred had started dating and each day are relationship gets stronger. At first, I was scared we were moving too fast or it wasn't going to work out because we had only known each other for a few months, but Fred reassured me that he liked what was happening and if I thought we were moving too fast, just say something. As long as I knew that Fred was happy then I was.

Today was the last task and I couldn't help, but be nervous for Harry. I guess I was looking tense looking at the maze in the stands when I felt a firm grip wrap around my waist.
"He's going to be okay. Just relax." I looked at my side seeing Fred lay his head on my right shoulder.
"Your right I'm sorry." I turned to face him and couldn't help, but smile seeing his beautiful hazel eyes with freckles mostly on his cheeks. Anytime I was worried or nervous, one look at Fred and it will all melt away. No matter what he always gave me butterflies.
"But no one is here to support him." My face fell knowing that Harry's parents were dead and weren't here for him. I knew they were looking over him, but it still pained me.
"My mum and older brother Bill are here as his family." My eyes had widened hearing his mum was here. Fred started laughing and I slapped him across his arm.
"Rude," he held his arm over exaggerating which made me roll my eyes.
"You have nothing to worry about. She's really nice for the most part and I know she's going to lo-"
"Hello, Fred. Oh, how I miss you." I stepped back seeing what I assumed was his mom engulfing him in a hug. He looked uncomfortable but hugged her back. I let out a small giggle seeing how tall he was having to bent over a little.
"Oh, who's this?" She let go of him and my face flushed red.
"This mum is y/n. She's my girlfriend." Fred rubbed the back of his neck turning red at the last part. The next thing I knew was being engulfed in a hug. She had a really strong grip. I was first just in a state of shock but hugged her back.
"Okay okay, mum. Let go of the poor girl before you suffocate her." This time it was someone I didn't know. I assumed it was Bill. Mrs. Weasley stepped back looking a little embarrassed.
"Hi. I'm Bill Weasley." He stretched out his hand for me to shake.
"I'm y/n, Fred's girl-" he cut me off letting go of our shake.
"Fred's girlfriend. I heard. What did he say to you to lie to us?" I looked up at Fred looking a little confused.
"Shove off Bill. I didn't say anything." He pushed Bill which made him laugh.
"I like that fang," I spoke up.
"Thanks. Mum's always telling me to take it off and cut my hair."
"But he never lets me, so I just deal with it." She was eyeing Bill with her arms crossed.
"But enough about Bill how long have you and Freddie dated? I can't wait to have grandchildren one day." I immediately felt my cheeks heat up and avoided eye contact.
"Mum! We've only been dating for a few months. Also, we're way too young for you to be expecting any grandchildren. " I felt Fred walk over to me and put his arm around my shoulder. I was just looking at my feet too embarrassed at the situation.
"I wasn't meaning now of course, by maybe one day in the fu-" Fred had cut her off again.
"Please drop it, mum." I could tell Fred was a little ticked off.
"I'm sorry y/n for making you feel uncomfortable." I finally made eye contact with Mrs. Weasley still feeling awkward.
"It's okay. I'm just gonna go check on Ginny and Hermione. It was a pleasure meeting you." I let out a weak smile and shrugged Fred off my shoulder.

"Hey," I waved and let out a small smile to Ginny and Hermione.
"Hey. Is everything okay?" Ginny looked up from her conversation with Hermione.
"Just wanted to get out of an awkward conversation with your mum." I sat down next to Hermione.
"Oh sorry to hear that. Do you wanna talk about it?" Ginny was looking at me concerned.
"I would much rather not. Maybe later." I shrugged.

There was a moment of silence. This isn't any better.
"So. Who do you think is gonna be the first one out?" Hermione finally spoke up.
"Fleur. No doubt about that." Ginny rolled her eyes looking annoyed.
"I agree. You?" Hermione and Ginny were both looking at me curiously.
"Sadly even though I'm friends with Fleur, I think she will also be out first. Do you two have something against her though?"
"She just seems a little full of herself if you ask me, but I'm terrified for Harry." I chose to ignore her comment about Fleur, but I felt sincere for Hermione. Harry was her best friend.
"He's going to be fine." I wrapped my arms around Hermione to comfort her.

Fred's POV
"You really had to mum?" I turned back to her after seeing y/n leave. I couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable she felt.
"I'm sorry, I was just excited to hear one of my children having a girlfriend. Maybe I should talk to her." Mum started to walk away, but I held her back.
"I don't think you should talk to her right now. I think she needs time before coming back." Mum just nodded her head understanding, but I could tell she still felt bad.
"Don't worry, I know your heart was in the right place, but I do love her and she feels the same for me." Her face had gone to an immediate smile looking excited.
"Don't get any ideas. We're going at our own pace." She laughed but nodded.

Y/n eventually came back and luckily was making good conversation with mum and Bill. Me, George, and Lee were lost in our own. Not hearing what they were saying.

"I'm sorry for earlier." I had come back to sit with Fred and went in for a second chance to talk to Mrs. Weasley and Bill.
"Don't worry Mrs. Weasley. It's okay honestly." I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her giving her a smile which she returned.
"You have raised very fine children and I do love your son." I started blushing a little and was nervous if she would freak out again.
"I'm glad to hear that. I can see it from both of you in your eyes the love for each other." I smiled and turned to look at Fred, but his back was facing me while he was talking to George and Lee.

It had been hours since the challenge began and I was getting bored. I was laying on Fred's shoulder just staring at the maze. Then I saw red sparks fly up and Fleur appeared. She looked terrified with her clothes all dirty and her hair all messy.
"Such a shame. She's really pretty though." I lifted my head to see it was Bill that was talking.
"She is very sweet." He looked at me, realizing someone had heard.
"What's her name again and how do you know her?"
"Her name is Fleur and she's part Veela. She is very beautiful with her flawless skin and I used to go to the same school, Beaxbutons." Bill just stayed silent staring. Seems like someone already has a crush. I had first thought that it was only because she was part Veela, but she was all dirty and I noticed that it didn't matter about her looks for Bill. I can see those two being together. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Fred say "she might be part Veela, but she isn't as beautiful as you." As he kissed the top of my head.

"You still up?" Fred whispered in my ear. I groaned.
"Sadly, yes, but when is this going to be over?" It was tiring just sitting there.

"Krum is back!" I jolted my head off Fred's shoulder.
"Sorry I woke you." Fred apologized and I just went back to my old position.
"At least this leaves either Harry or Cedric."

"They did it! They both came back!" Once I saw that both Harry and Cedric came back with the cup all of my energy came back. Everyone was applauding and celebrating, but Fleur let out a terrible scream and that's when I realized Cedric was gone.
"That's my son! That's my boy!" My heart ached for Amos Diggory kneeling over his son's lifeless body. I couldn't bare to look any longer and buried my face in Fred's chest. He held me tight in his arms running one of his hands through my hair.

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