The Wedding

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It had been a few days since our mission. George was recovering and was back to his old silly self. It was the first day of August and today Fleur and Bill were getting married. I was so happy for them. I had always had a feeling about them when he first saw her during the last task at the Triwizard tournament.

"Good morning love," Fred whispered groggily.
"Morning. Beautiful day isn't it?" I whispered wrapping my arms around him as the sun shone through the window.
"I think I like what I see in front of me better." Fred smiled and I pecked his lips.

As I pulled back he cupped my face pulling me into a deeper one. I could feel myself smile.
"That's better," he joked pulling away. I did a small chuckle rolling my eyes.
"We better get ready. There are lots to do today." I let go of Fred forcing myself to get off the bed.

"What are you going to wear today?" Fred asked sitting up.
"You'll see," I smirked.
"Love you," I kissed his cheek before leaving his room.
"Love you too," I heard him respond before closing the door.

I knocked on Ginny's door.
"Come in," I heard Hermione respond. I slightly opened the door.
"Perfect, you should start getting ready then." Ginny walked into her closet grabbing my dress.
"Now hurry up," she pushed me out of the room. I walked to the bathroom to shower and get ready.

I took a quick shower washing my hair. I rushed to get ready. I put on my sleeveless dress. The top half was black while the bottom half was navy blue with a light blue floral pattern. The front was shorter being above my knees and the back was longer. I brushed my teeth before going back to Ginny's room to finish getting ready.

"I'm coming in," I slightly opened the door and saw Hermione finishing her hair. She was wearing a red dress that was just above her knees with matching red shoes. Her hair was down but had some pins.
"You look lovely," I told her.
"Thank you. Now let me do your hair." I sat in the chair not arguing.
"You do her makeup," Hermione ordered Ginny. Ginny was still in her pj's.

"No, I can do my makeup. Ginny can get ready,"
"It's okay, if anything Fred probably is in the bathroom." Ginny grabbed a small brush and started applying makeup.

"Done," they said together. I looked in the mirror seeing my hair in a fancy bun with two strands of hair along my face. My makeup I was impressed. There was a little foundation on me. I had a shiny brown eyeshadow, mascara, and light blush.
"Wow thank you," I smiled at both of them.
"No problem, but you both finish getting ready." Hermione left the room. Ginny sighed before grabbing her clothes to shower.

I grabbed a shiny lipgloss and applied it. I saw a shoebox and found my white strapped heels. I finished putting on my heels and it was weird having some extra height. My dress had pockets, so I placed my wand inside the right one. I grabbed Fred's pj's and went back to his room to drop them off.

I knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" I heard him say.
"It's me, Freddie."
"You can come in," I opened the door seeing him finish buttoning the yellow vest. He was wearing a darkish yellow patterned button-up shirt, what looked like a silver tie, and dark grey bottoms.

"You look beautiful," he walked over to me.
"Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself." I pecked his lips.
"Wow you didn't have to get on your toes," Fred joked. I scoffed and slapped his arm jokingly. I walked past him admiring my outfit in the mirror.

"You look breathtaking though." He approached me wrapping his arms around my waist. We both just stood there smiling and slightly swaying.

There was a knock on the door.
"Come in," Fred sighed as he let go.
"Can you find George? We need your help and y/n's as well." Arthur came in.
"We'll be right down," I smiled. He left closing the door.

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