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For a first day it went well. Herbology went by slow and was really a snooze fest, but I did earn 10 house points for our house in charms and 5 during transfiguration. I felt pretty about myself.
Cho had showed me around, so I slowly started to know where I was going.

After transfiguration we went over to the Great Hall for dinner. While we were walking I had made Cho loose her focus and she had bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm so sor-Harry!"
"Oh um h-hi Cho. Hope your doing well." I saw a Gryffindor. Crazy black hair and then I saw the lightning scar. I assumed he was Harry Potter. I didn't want to say anything since he probably got the same reaction when people first see him. I then saw how they were both kind of blushing.
"I'm doing well." Cho replied shyly.
"Are you gonna introduce us to your friend?" I then saw a another ginger boy speaking.
"You must be Ron. Fred and George's younger brother right? I'm y/n"
"Oh yeah. It's nice to meet you. You know my brothers?" We shook hands.
"Nice to meet you as well. Me and your brother Fred are partners for our assignment in Care of Magical Creatures."
"Well I'm Hermione Granger. Pleasure to meet you." A girl with bushy brown hair offered her hand. I took it and we shook our hands.
"Pleasure to meet you. And you must be Harry-"
"Oh, yes. Sorry. I'm Harry Potter." I smile and he smiles back.
"It was nice meeting you three, but me and Cho should be heading off for dinner. Hope to talk to you soon." I gave a warm smile and hooked my right arm into Cho's left.
"Talk to you later." I heard them say at the same time from behind.
"It seems like you fancy Harry."
"Oh shut it." I just started laughing.

We made our way to our table. Once we sat down Padma and Luna smiled at us. Me an Luna sat next to each other and Cho and Padma sat across from us.
"So how was your first day?" Padma asked me
"I think it went really well. I'm still worried if Snape actually gave my Cure for Boils to that student."
"Oh I bet your potion was great. Don't worry. Snape is scary for everyone." Padma replied

We had been laughing and talking the whole time. That's when I realized how many people were in the Great Hall. It only seemed like a lot of people because of the Beaxbutons girls and Durmstrang boys. Padma seemed like the only one interested in the Durmstrang boys. I didn't find any of the cute. There was only boy in my mind. Fred. I had caught myself thinking about him. Crap. I remember what my dad had told me before we left. "Stay away from boys!" Well that train left a long time ago, but I knew I couldn't romantically get involved with him. It was better to be friends. Then I remembered our study session.
"Sorry have to go. Me and Fred want to finish our assignment. Meet you guys back at the dorm later."
They just nodded, but Cho and Padma exchanged looks. Instead of just walking out of the Great Hall I decided to actually walk over to the Gryffindor table. I wanted to meet more of them. As soon as I got closer it felt like my body went numb. Fred had looked up at me with a questionable look.
"Sorry if I'm disturbing, but we should go study." I tell Fred shyly. Everyone near him just looked at me. My face got warmer for all the eyes staring at me.
"Yeah sure. Sorry I kind of forgot." As he started getting up.
"Don't worry it's okay."
"Aren't you going to introduce us to your friend Freddie?" I looked over and saw a ginger haired girl.
"You must be Ginny. Fred's younger sister." I put out my hand to her.
"Oh you already mentioned her to me Freddie? How sweet. And yes I'm Ginny." She replied shaking my hand. I had a really good feeling about her. I had said hi and shook hands with, Lee, Angelina, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville.
While I was shaking George's hand he said, "You must be the girl Fred can't stop talking about." I started blushing and turning over my shoulder. Ginny let out a small laugh. I turned back to face everyone again feeling uncomfortable.
"Shut it." Fred in an angry tone and elbowed his brother in the stomach. I let out a small laugh.
"I'm gonna wait for you in the library." I waved bye awkwardly and went to the library.

Fred's POV
Y/n was introduced to everyone. I could tell she was shy, but seemed the most comfortable with Ginny and second closest was Hermione. Then my brother stood up and leaned across the table.
"You must be the girl Fred can't stop talking about." Shaking her hand. She immediately turned around. I couldn't believe what he just said!
"Shut it." I said with anger and elbowed his stomach grunting in pain sitting back down. It gave me a little satisfaction.
"I'm gonna wait for you at the library" y/n looked very uncomfortable waving goodbye and walking away. The second she left I turned to George.
"What the bloody hell was that for?!?"
"What? You can't stop talking about her or looking at her. I was just simply stating the facts."
"Calm down Freddie. Giving a reaction like that shows you do fancy her. Even before George said anything we can totally tell." Ginny piped in.
"Ginny has a point. You can't really hide it." Hermione added.
"You see. By the looks of it everyone agrees with me. I just said it out loud." George replied seeing like he did me a favor.
I slapped him against the head. "If your expecting a thank you from me your not getting one." George and no one else seemed to say anything. I had got up and started walking away.

I saw her in the same spot as when we came during lunch. "I'm sorry about George. He can be a total git sometimes." Standing awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. Y/n started blushing, but probably from embarrassment.
"Oh it's okay. I understand. I mean we're just friends." She shyly replied. For some wired reason my heart sunk a little. Why did it hurt hearing that we were just friends? I've only know her for a day.
"Let's just put it in the past and start the assignment."
"Can we finish it? I'm sorry, but I really just want to get it over with. Don't get me wrong I enjoy spending time with you, but I have other assignments I want to get a start on back in my dorm with Cho."
"I understand" I really didn't want to finish the assignment tonight, but for once I would get my work done early and not finish it at the last second. It didn't seem like a bad idea.

We had been doing the assignment on pixies. The mood was definitely off than when we were here during lunch. When I told Fred we were friends I regretted it, but I couldn't say I fancied him. I mean we've only known each other for a day!

We had been in here since 5:45pm and I had finally finished an hour later. "Okay by the looks of it I would say we're done. Have you finished?" I spoke up writing my last sentence.
"Yep. Not as good as yours, but decent." Fred replied re reading his work.
"Do you want me to check it?"
"Nah it's fine. It's not supposed to look over the top either way." We had got up, put the books away and packed out stuff walking out of the library.

We had walked along the corridors when I heard a girls voice calling for Freddie. I saw this decent looking Gryffindor. When she caught up to us she hugged him. I'm assuming they're were dating. I felt my face fall and my heart ached a little. I chose to ignore it.
"Who's this?" She asked looking me up and down with a disgust look.
"This is y/n. Y/n this is Katie" Fred replied
"Hi" she replied. It was so fake. She wasn't fooling anyone.
"Hi" I tried with all my effort to not show a sign of annoyance.

We were just standing there. Katie looking at me with disgust, me not giving a damn even though she was getting on my nerves, and Fred just standing there not knowing what to do.
I finally spoke up. "Well it was lovely meeting you Katie, but I should really head back to my dorm. Fred I'll see you tomorrow." I didn't wait for them to respond and simply walked away.

A/n-I really enjoy writing this series. I have it all planned out already! I really hope you do enjoy😊

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