Breaking the News

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I was 3 months along and today I was going to see Fred. I didn't know if I was feeling nauseous because of the pregnancy or just my nerves. Probably a little bit of both. When I was changing in the bathroom I turned to my side in front of the mirror and notice the smallest bump. It wasn't noticeable, but I knew this would mean I would start showing soon. I smiled putting my hand on my stomach looking down at the tiny bump.
"You ready to tell your daddy he's the father?" I cooed over my stomach.
"Yeah, me neither." As much as it was weird I found comfort in talking to my unborn child.

I walked down to Hogsmeade with Luna and Ginny. I then saw Fred standing near Honeydukes. He looked so cute wearing his work uniform. Wearing mostly brown, but an orange tie and blue button-up underneath.
"Wish me luck," I waved weakly walking towards him. Just breathe and when the time is right you'll tell him. The second I got closer he ran up, lifting me from the ground and spinning me around. As he put me down he pushed his lips toward mines. If I was feeling any nervousness at all Fred had melted that all away.

"I missed you, love," and he brushed a piece of hair out my face making my knees go weak.
"I miss you too. Let's go shall we?" He pulled me in closer by grabbing onto my waist and we stepped into Honeydukes.

I had tried my best to enjoy my time, but the smell of all the candy was making me nauseous.
"I'm just gonna buy this and then let's go." I grabbed two chocolate frogs that were the only thing I could stand at the moment.
"Don't you want anything else? You always buy so much candy." Fred asked me looking concerned.

After I purchased the chocolate frogs I was on edge not knowing what to do. Should I just tell him now? No, just wait a little longer.
"Is it okay if we go to Zonkos? I need to grab some things for the shop?"
"Of course, let's go." We walked into the shop. I was just standing looking at the window when I thought I saw Draco exit from the back of the Three Broomsticks.
"Ready love?" I turned to see Fred carrying a small bag. I turned back to the window seeing no trace of him.
"Is everything alright?" He asked lifting my chin to look at him. There was still concern filling his beautiful hazel eyes.
"Yeah, let's get something to eat at the Three Broomsticks. I'm famished." This wasn't a lie because I felt like I hadn't eaten in days all of a sudden.
"Sounds fantastic," he pecked my forehead.

"Now I get to witness my sister dating Dean Thomas." Fred had clenched his fists. We had sat in a booth in the corner, but in another corner was Ginny and Dean Thomas snogging. Ron didn't seem too thrilled either when he, Hermione, and Harry walked out earlier.
"Don't worry. She's not a child anymore." He relaxed his firsts.
"I know, but I thought she liked Harry."
"I thought she did as well. Maybe this is her way of getting him jealous?" Ginny had told me she was dating Dean Thomas, but I didn't understand why. All they did was fight and Seamus let it slip that he had a little crush on him.
"Anyways, how has school been going?" Fred had changed the topic tearing his eyes off of Ginny and Dean snogging.
"It's going well. I'm not as stressed as before. Also, your letter meant a lot to me. How are you and George with the shop?"
"I'm doing well, just like the shop. George sees Angelina more often than I see you, so I can't say I'm not jealous." He avoided eye contact at the last part. I grabbed his hand rubbing my thumb. He smiled before kissing my cheek.
"But it just reminds me how much more special it is when I do see you." I felt my cheeks heat up as I smiled. My heart skipping a beat as well. It was now or never. I took a deep breath before opening my mouth to speak.
"Fred there something I need to-"
"Here's your food dears." Madam Rosmerta had cut me off. Are you kidding me?
"Thank you. What was that y/n?" He had turned his attention back on me.
"Oh, nothing. It can wait."

I had been snarfing down my food. I hadn't realized how hungry I was.
"Y/n slow down. You make it seem like they have let you starve. We have nothing, but time." Fred placed his hand on my shoulder to make me stop. I stopped eating for a split second.
"I guess this is what happens when you are eating for  two." I had been so caught up in the moment that it just slipped. I closed my eyes and groaned. Fred let go of my shoulder.
"We should go somewhere more privately. I'll meet you outside. I'm gonna go pay." My worst fears were coming true. Did he want to talk to break up with me? My heart sank as I got up leaving the Three Broomsticks.

Fred's POV
Y/n had been taking one bite after another. She didn't even pause to take a quick breather.
"Y/n slow down. You make it seem like they have let you starve. We have nothing, but time." I told her half-jokingly. I was concerned because she had been acting strange all day. First, it was at Honeydukes. If she could she would buy the whole store, but she had wanted to get out there as soon as possible only buying two chocolate frogs. Then when we went to Zonkos she seemed so distracted and lost in her thoughts by the window. Finally, it was here, she was eating her food like it was her last meal. I knew she wanted to tell me something, but madam Rosmerta had interrupted her. I put my hand on her shoulder for comfort.
"I guess this is what happens when you are eating for  two." I sat there shocked taking my hand off her shoulder. What did she just say? By the looks of it, she didn't mean to let it slip.
"We should go somewhere more privately. I'll meet you outside. I'm gonna go pay." We needed to talk alone where no one could hear us. She got up and went outside while I went over the counter to pay. I looked at Ginny seeing her still snogging Dean. Does she know as well?

When I walked outside I saw y/n leaning her back on the wall.
"Let's go find somewhere to sit," I motioned her to follow me and found a bench where the shops were all closed.
"Sit," my voice was stern. She didn't bother to look at me as she sat down next to me.
"Is there something you would like to say?" I asked in a serious tone. She just started sobbing and my emotions quickly softened pulling her into my chest.
"I'm so-so sorry Fred. I didn't mean for you to find out that way, but that's the truth. I'm pre-pregnant." I lifted her face, so she would look at me. Her eyes had already become red and puffy from crying.
"I understand that if you don't want to be with me, but I'm keeping this baby. You can either help me be a co-parent or leave both of our lives." Her crying slowing down.
"Who said I wanted to break up with you?"
"That's what I assumed you wanted to come out here for."
"I just wanted more privacy without any of those blokes listening into our conversation," she let out a small chuckle.
"So your not mad?"
"Of course I'm not! Having a child is one of the most amazing gifts in the world. I mean, yeah I thought I would marry you first and then start a family later on, but life always throws an obstacle when you least expect it. As long as I get to spend my life with you and now with this little bundle of joy I'm happy and couldn't ask for anything else." I had placed my hand on her stomach and to my surprise, there was a tiny bump.
"How far along are you exactly?" I asked curiously.
"Three months. I started getting nauseous after the Hogsmeade trip and I snuck to your guy's shop."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" I wasn't angry, just a little hurt.
"I didn't know how to tell you. Doing it in person is way better than on paper. I haven't told my parents either, but will over the holidays. As we're speaking the truth. The people who know are Luna, Roger, and Ginny."
"So she lied to me? And why does Roger know?" Of course Ginny had something to do with it.
"I told her to keep it a secret. She's only known for a month. Now the reason why Roger knows is that I told him the truth on why I was quitting. There had been a whole rumor that we were dating, but he was just comforting me." She grabbed ahold of my hand giving it a tight squeeze for reassurance.
"Well I can't wait to be a father, but I do have to go." I stood up holding my hand out for y/n.
"Do you want me to come over when you tell your parents? After that, we can tell mine."
"That sounds wonderful. I'll write to you when you can come over."
"Okay well, I gotta go back to the shop. My breaks almost over."  I looked both ways to see if anyone was near before kneeling and placing my hands on the side of y/n's stomach.

"This is your daddy speaking. If your listening please don't give your mummy a hard time. I won't be here, so I need you to take care of her. I love you." I kissed her stomach before getting back up. Y/n had been looking at me with her lovely e/c eyes smiling at me.
"Do you really mean that?"
"Of course I do. I already love him or her with all my heart." I cupped her face kissing her passionately before I apparated back.

"George guess what? Y/n's pregnant!" George was stocking up the shelves and turned his attention to me dropping the products.
"That's amazing! I'm gonna be an uncle!" He went over to hug me.
"Did she just tell you?"
"Yeah, she's 3 months along." He became serious thinking about how to say his next words.
"As much as I'm happy for you two, you do know she's going to go through hell right? Once she starts showing people are going to make her life miserable. Especially since Katie is there. Even if she has some people with her, who she needs is you." I ran my fingers through my hair with frustration knowing he was right. I didn't think about that. I won't be alongside her most of the time and that breaks my heart. Holding her hair when she threw up, making sure she was eating enough, feeling the baby kick, and so much more.
"I know Georgie," I replied feeling defeated.
"Don't worry. You'll get through this. You, y/n, and the baby." George rubbed my back comforting me.

A/N-It's nice to write these sweet chapters. Hope you all enjoyed it and have a great weekend. Love you all and stay safe❤️

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