Saving Harry

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Me and Fred were lying down on his bed cuddling. Things were getting better, but there wasn't a day I didn't think about her.

"Y/n can I ask you something?" Fred asked softly stroking my hair.
"When was Rosie born?" He asked quietly. I could tell how he felt uncomfortable asking.
"I could barely keep track, but on July 6th. I don't know the time."
"Thank you," he kissed my head.
"Of course. You can ask anything, but I have a question of my own."

"What is it?"
"Why has everything been so complicated for us?" I looked up to see his reaction.
"Can you explain more?"
"Well from the beginning it was bumpy. There was the whole miscommunication at the Yule Ball." I heard Fred groan at the mention of it.
"Not my best moment." I laughed slightly.
"Then in our next school year, you were under a love potion. I eventually got pregnant and was still in school and now here we are. We lost her, but things have never been smoothed." He thought for a moment.

"Nothing is ever easy. We had our bumps and even though we didn't see it then it made our relationship stronger. Everything happens for a reason." He cupped his hand on my face and pulled me into peck our lips. I pulled away first.

"But there's a war coming. Also, what's going to happen to Harry once he's of age?"
"The Order will think of something to protect him. When it comes to the war I will be right with you." I felt him squeeze me slightly.

"I just don't want to lose."  I squeeze back, burying my face in his chest.
"You won't, and I won't lose you." He responded quietly. No matter how scared I was about something, Fred always managed to make me feel better. Have all my worries melt away.

~A week later~
Fred POV
"Do you know how they're going to move Harry?" George asked as we were both just laying against the counter behind the cash register. Y/n was reading in my room. She seemed better, but I know she was still hurt.

"I haven't heard any word from them." I sighed.
"Hopefully everything goes well." After George finished his sentence a blue lynx came into the shop.
"Fred, George, and y/n must come to the Burrow immediately. We'll explain more when you arrive." The voice of Kingsley Shackelbolt was coming from the light. It then disappeared.
"I'll close up. Meet you two there?" George frantically ran to the door.
"Yeah," I apparated up to the flat.

I was reading in some sweats and a hoodie on Fred's bed. I then heard footsteps quickly approach the door. Fred barged in running straight to the closet.

"Fred is everything alright?" I closed my book.
"We have to get to the Burrow. Here change into this." He gave me one of his blank white t-shirts, my black jeans, and my black leather jacket. I didn't say anything and rushed to the bathroom.

I frantically changed tucking in the oversize white shirt before putting on my leather jacket. I fixed my hair putting it in a high ponytail. I ran back into his room dropping the clothes on the floor and putting on some black boots.
"You ready?" He quickly asked.
"Yes, let's go." I grabbed my wand before we both apparated away.

We landed outside the Burrow and heard a little chatter. I saw broomsticks but felt the presence of something else. When we rushed in we saw most of the Weasley family, Fleur, Hermione, Kingsley, Tonks, Lupin, Hagrid, and a man I have never seen before.

"You made it," Kingsley turned to us.
"We know how to save Harry, but we need some volunteers." Kingsley started as we all were standing. Fred had wrapped his arm around my waist.
"The plan is to have 6 of you be decoy Potters. We will use a Polyjuice potion. Everyone will need a protector." Kingsley explained.

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