Returning home

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It had finally come to an end to the year. I wasn't expecting any of this as my first year attending. I heard that there would be a grand feast with the colors of the house that won the house cup, but instead, black banners were hanging for Cedric. Dumbledore had decided to dedicate the end of the year feast to Cedric out of respect.

Me and Fred had walked in hand in hand but went to our separate tables. I sat down next to Cho wrapping my arms around her. She wouldn't stop crying about Cedric. She just sobbed in my arms and I let her be. I felt sorry for her because I knew she liked him and he was her first boyfriend. I couldn't imagine losing Fred.

"Today we acknowledge a terrible loss." Dumbledore had begun his speech and paused before getting up from his chair.
"Cedric Diggory, was as you all know, exceptionally hard-working. Infinitely fair-minded, and most importantly a fierce, fierce friend." He walked up closer to the crowd before continuing.
"Now I think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort!" There were a few whispers. Shivers went down my whole body hearing his name and Cho started crying a little more.
"The Ministry of Magic does not wish to tell you this, but not to do so, I think would be an insult to his memory. Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us, that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the binds of friendship, we've made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that, and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest, and brave and true, right to the very end. So raise your goblets for Cedric Diggory." We all grabbed our goblets and heard "for Cedric Diggory," through the whole hall. Everyone except for Malfoy and his goons. I looked up at Fred and gave him a weak smile and he returned it.

Fred's POV
It felt like we were never going back home once Cedric died. I was never friends with him, but he was great at Quidditch I must admit. Me, George, and y/n were walking down the stairs after saying goodbye to the others from Beaxbutons and Durmstrang.
"Can I talk to you guys for a second?" We all turned to Harry with the winning of galleons he got.
"Congrats Harry," y/n have him a hug.
"Thanks," Harry returned it.
"I'll give you three some privacy. Talk to you later." Y/n waved by and kissed me on the cheek before going outside to catch a carriage with the others.
"What do you need Harry?" George questioned laying his elbow on my shoulder.
"So I offered the money to Cedric's parents, but they refused it, so I want to give it to you two," Harry told us sheepishly.
"Why give it to us?" George got off me and stood up properly.
"I don't want it and you two deserve it more than me. I know you want to open your shop one day, so this is a head start." He put the bag to us.
"Are you sure mate?" I finally spoke up.
"Yep. I know your mom may not understand, but she will. Also, I see you two enjoy working on your products." He was still holding the bag and me and George looked at each other unsure. Finally, I took it from him and he seemed relieved.
"Thanks, mate." Me and George said at the same time.
"Of course. See you later." He walked away and we just followed.

"You know what we could do with this?!" Me and George got in one of the last carriages.
"We need to spend it wisely. We can't just blow it all. We could spend some on things we need and save the rest for the shop." I was still shocked. We didn't deserve this, but it was one step closer to our dream.

I had sat with Luna, Cho, and Padma on the way back to King Cross station. Once we got off I wanted to find Fred before I wouldn't see him for three months. Luckily, when I told my parents they weren't mad. Dad wanted to meet him, so I would also introduce him to my parents. I finally spotted a tall fiery redhead in the crowd and ran jumping on his back.
"Woah," Fred almost lost his balance at my sudden weight. I had actually managed to make it on his back, but immediately let go to look at him properly.
"Just wanted to say bye be-" my eyes went to the bag Harry was carrying before I left.
"Why are you carrying that?" I asked confused while eyeing the bag.
"Harry gave us his winnings for our joke shop."
"That's amazing!" I hugged them both tightly.
"If you have time I want you to meet my parents." All color in his face left and I couldn't help, but laugh.
"Of course it is. Go, Freddie, we'll wait." Mrs. Weasley piped behind him.
"Ah you just be the amazing y/n, Molly won't stop talking about. I'm Arthur Weasley." I shook his hand.
"Pleasure to meet you, sir. Now come on Fred just breathe. Bye everyone see you in a couple of months." I dragged Fred looking for my parents and the rest of the Weasley family said bye.
"What happens if they don't like me?"
"Don't be silly. They'll love you, just be your amazing self I know and love." I was trying to comfort him while holding in my laugh. He was so nervous. Now you know how I felt.
"But isn't your dad the reason you were worried about telling him you were dating someone?"
"Calm down Freddie. Oh look they're over there!" I pointed to seeing my parents out of the crowd and ran still holding onto Fred.
"Mum! Dad!" I let go of Fred and hugged both of them. I had missed them so much.
"So is this the lad who is dating my daughter?" Dad was eyeing Fred up and down and Fred was just standing there not sure what to do with his hand in his pockets.
"This is Fred Weasley. Fred this is my parents." I took his hand which made him a little more at ease.
"Pleasure to meet both of you. You have raised an amazing, beautiful, and smart daughter." He had finally found his voice shaking both their hands. I blushed hearing Fred say those sweet thing about me.
"Well aren't you a handsome lad. Please call me Monica" I blushed again hearing those words come out from my mum's mouth, but she wasn't wrong.
"Well Fred, I hope you've had taken good care of my daughter." My dad was still eyeing him.
"Of course. She is strong-minded and I know she can take care of herself as well." I smiled looking at Fred. I think he was winning them over.
"Well by the looks of it I can see you make y/n happy and that's good enough for me, but if you ever hurt her-"
"I have no plans on doing that whatsoever." Fred cut my dad off. Fred was making my heart melt.
"Okay, well we better get going. Y/n we'll take your stuff to the car, you have 5 minutes." My mum spoke up grabbing ahold of my luggage.
"It was a pleasure to meet you, Fred Weasley." My mum and dad shook his hands one more time.
"It was a pleasure meeting you as well," Fred replied before my parents left with my luggage.
"You see? It wasn't so bad." I turned to Fred.
"I guess not, but it was still terrifying. How did I do though?"
"You did amazing! You said everything right and it meant a lot to me." I brushed his hair out of his face resting my hand in his cheek.
"Well, I gotta go back to my family. Write to me will you?" Fred was holding onto my hand that was on his face.
"Of course I will." I went on my toes to give him a quick kiss. Anytime our lips touch I feel fireworks and butterflies in my stomach.
"Have a good summer Freddie."
"You too y/n."

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