First Match

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It was the first game of the season for us. Luckily we weren't against Gryffindor quite yet, but it was against Hufflepuff. Roger Davies had us constantly practicing any chance we got.
"Okay, the Hufflepuffs have a good team, but we can still win this. Now let's go." We all grabbed our brooms and walked out into the quidditch pitch. All my nerves had wisened up again. We mounted our brooms and the two captains shook their hands.
"I want a clean game." I heard Madame Hooch say before blowing her whistle. Roger had grabbed the quaffle first. I was dodging bludgers left and right. Roger had thrown the quaffle at me and I started heading toward the golden hoops. There a bludger heading right towards me, but luckily I ducked right on time while the bludger hit a Hufflepuff behind me. I took this as my chance and threw the quaffle into the left golden hoop.
"Y/n y/l/n scored for Ravenclaw. Leading by 10!" I did a quick flip and head back to my teammates congratulating me.

We had a final score of 250 to 100. I had made 4 goals for my team. I had changed out of my sweaty quidditch uniform into my black leggings and a light gray hoodie.
"Good job everyone. See you all next week for practice." Roger Davies said as we all walked out.
I was greeted with multiple hugs.
"You were amazing!" I looked up and saw Fred as he kissed me on the forehead.
"Your incredible!" Ginny chirped in.
"I can't wait to see Ravenclaw against Gryffindor." Luna piped in.
"I can't wait for that too Luna." I had eyed Fred and George smirking.
"Oh just you wait," George replied.
"Now let's celebrate!" Ginny shouted and we all decided to sneak into Hogsmeade by one of the secret passages, even though Hermione wasn't fond of the ideas at first. There was going to be a lot of us, so I didn't see how this was going to end well. The whole Ravenclaw team, Ginny, Hermione, Harry Ron, Marietta, Lee, Angelina, Luna, Neville, Fred, and George, and of course me.

As we walked up to the Three Broomsticks me and Fred stayed behind from the rest.
"You know you look really cute in blue and I love the face paint." I winked making him turn red. He was wearing just a plain blue shirt but had my jersey number on his right cheek. #6.
"Thanks, even though your gonna be the enemy when it's us two against each other, might as well support you on any other games. Also, did I mention you looked cute in that uniform?" He whispered the last part sending goosebumps all over me as I started to blush.
"Thanks, Fred, but come on. Let's get some butterbeer." I grabbed ahold of his hand as we walked into the Three Broomsticks.

Fred's POV
Before the game, George had suggested that I support y/n by wearing blue for Ravenclaw and use face paint to put her number on my face.

"Will you loosen up a bit? She's going to be fine." George and I took our seats.
"I know."
"Then stop worrying," Easier said than done.

"Go y/n!" Luna had been cheering right behind us. Y/n had made another score tying up the game. Now the seekers had to look for the snitch. Y/n was amazing!

"Cho Chang has caught the snitch! Ravenclaw wins!" Lee announced. The crowd erupted with cheers. I was honestly a little worried because Cho didn't seem herself which affected her performance.

"You were amazing!" I had been the first one to congratulate y/n. Everyone had been surrounding her and I saw that beautiful smile spread across her face.

"Now let's celebrate!" Ginny called out and we all decided to sneak into Hogsmeade. It was a lot of us, so if we get caught I wouldn't be surprised.

"You know you look really cute in blue and I love the face paint." Y/n winked at me which made me turn red. At least she appreciated what I have done.
"Thanks, even though your gonna be the enemy when it's us two against each other, might as well support you on any other games. Also, did I mention you looked cute in that uniform?" I lowered my head to whisper the last part in her ear and she immediately started blushing. I made a little smirk.
"Thanks, Fred, but come on. Let's get some butterbeer." She grabbed my hand before we continued to the Three Broomsticks with the others.

We spent an hour at The Three Broomsticks but finally decided to leave. We planned to go back in pairs because if we all returned we were bound to get caught. Me and y/n had finally left.
"I had a great time." Me and y/n were standing side by side with our hands intertwined. The sun was starting to set.
"Me too and I'm proud to say that my girlfriend is a pretty good damn quidditch player." My comment let her give out a small chuckle.
"I'm also glad to say that boyfriend is a damn good beater."
"How do you know I'm good?" She looked at me with a look.
"I don't need to see you play because you've been playing for years."
"I see your point."

"She said yes!" George had popped around a corner as me and y/n just arrived at the castle.
"Who said yes and to what?" Y/n asked and I wanted to know that myself.
"Angelina! I asked her out." I noticed he turned red at the last part.
"Congrats Georgie. It's about time you asked her." I let go of y/n's hand and pat George on the back.
"Congrats George. I'm gonna head back to my dorm."
"Goodnight," me and George said in unison as she waved bye before leaving.

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