Making Up

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Fred POV
"I feel like I lost her. George, I need your help." Y/n hadn't talked to me all week and I didn't know what to do.
"I've helped you two get together and I helped you come back to normal, but this one you're on your own," George replied sitting on his bed. I couldn't let go of y/n. She meant the world to me and I would die for her. I couldn't imagine the pain I had put her through. In three days was supposed to be our first anniversary and I had it all planned out. I need to do something to show that I care and I won't stop fighting for her. Then I got it.

~Next Day~
During lunch, I snuck into Hogsmeade going to the Three Broomsticks. If she wasn't going to talk to me I needed to trick her.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" The owner, Madame Rosmerta was eyeing me suspiciously.
"I'm on break. Anyway, how would you like to make more money?"
"What did you have in mind?" She looked intrigued. I knew I could get her.
"There's his thing called karaoke. Muggles  do it on weekend  nights singing to songs and have a few drinks."
"Okay, what's the catch?" I leaned over the bar table.
"You'll let Hogwarts students join. There won't be a lot of us, but you can't snitch. I can give you the machine."
"Deal," we shook hands, and with a flick of my wand, the karaoke machine was in front of her.
"It starts Friday at 8:00 pm sharp." She nodded her head and I walked out heading back to Hogwarts. Now getting y/n there.

"I need all of your help." I had gathered George, Ginny, Angelina, Lee, Neville, The Golden Trio, and Luna at the library.
"Nope. I already told you I was done he-" I cut off George.
"Shut up and just listen. I'm not asking for much. I have a way to get y/n back and it's almost complete, but I can't do it without you." They all looked at each other.
"What do you need us to do?" Luna spoke up from the back of the crowd.
"Luna and Ginny, I need you two to convince y/n to come to the Three Broomsticks by 8 pm sharp Friday. Tell her that your going out for a night of fun and gonna do some karaoke. The rest of you just need to be there and block the entrance if she tries to escape."
"What will you be doing?" George added in.
"You don't need to worry about me, but do you understand?" They all looked at each other before nodding and walking off.

"Hey y/n," I looked up and saw Ginny and Luna. I was sitting reading under the tree by the lake.
"You need to go out. You've been stressed out all week and we deserve a girl's night." Ginny sat on my left.
"Exactly. You can't put your life on pause." Luna added in, sitting on my right. Had I been that distant? I regret taking time to think, of course, I want to be with Fred. I just didn't know how to tell him.
"Fine. When and what are we doing?" Luna and Ginny had big smiles.
"Friday night we're gonna sneak into Hogsmeade and go to the Three Broomsticks. I heard they're gonna hold some karaoke thing." Ginny explained. My face fell remembering it would be our first year anniversary that day.
"Let's do it," I pushed my emotions aside.

~Friday Night~
"What are you gonna wear?" Ginny had come to our dorm to get ready. I wanted to talk to Fred, but I didn't see him once. Marietta and Cho had been doing who knows what.
"How's this?" I held up some black jeans with a white knitted long sleeve crop top, a black leather jacket, and black boots.
"Perfect, now hurry up." Ginny pushed me into the bathroom.

We had arrived 3 minutes late. My hair was down with some curls. I wasn't really in the mood to be around a lot of people.

As we approached I heard someone singing and saw colorful lights. The voice sounded familiar, but it was kind of muffled.
"Hurry up come on!" Luna and Ginny pushed me aside. What's the rush? The second we walked in I saw a familiar redhead on the stage singing. I thought I was ready to talk to him, but everyone was around. I turned around to leave, but George and Lee blocked the door.
"You're not going anywhere," George turned me around and pushed me front and center where no one was standing. I avoided eye contact with Fred not knowing what to do, but then I started paying attention to what he was singing...

Because there is something and there is nothing, there is nothing in between
And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer watching over me
He's singing
She's a, she's a lady
And I am just a boy
He's singing
She's a, she's a lady
And I am just a line without a
Oh, baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you
I need you here to stay
Broke all my bones that day I found you crying at the lake
Oh, was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden
Oh, and if I could take it all back I swear that I would pull you from the tide...

I lost all feeling in my body. Fred and I never let go of eye contact during the rest of his song. All the feelings I felt before came rushing back. He jumped off the stage walking towards me.
"Can we talk outside alone?" I nodded following Fred out the entrance.

We walked in silence until we sat on a bench.
"You look beautiful as always," I blushed a little and turned to see him do the same.
"Y/n I love you and if that song didn't prove how I felt about you then-" I cut him off by crashing our lips. I couldn't hold myself back. He kissed me back and it was like nothing changed. There were fireworks. I broke it up first catching some air.
"Freddie I love you. I never stopped and I want to still be with you. I'm terrified, but I know what I want and that song was so sweet." He looked up surprised to see my reaction.
"You know what today is right?" I looked at my feet for a second before turning my attention back to him.
"It would have been our one-year anniversary," I replied sheepishly.
"What do you mean 'would've'? It still is. Happy anniversary." I was lost for words.
"I also did get you a Christmas gift, but we'll just call it an anniversary gift. Close your eyes and turn around." I quickly turned around and felt another necklace wrap around my neck, but this one was different. I opened my eyes and saw the locket from before, but there was another longer chain below it. A ring. It had y/n and Fred engraved on the outside with forever and always on the inside.
"Before you start freaking out. It's not an engagement ring, but a promise ring. I promise to not hurt you ever again. I want to be with you forever and always." Those words meant the world to me. I know we could become stronger than before once we hung out together more. I can never picture a life without him.

"And I promise to never break your heart." Fred cupped my cheeks and pulled me in for another kiss. I had been playing around not opening my mouth knowing his tongue was trying to go through. He then tickled me and I let out a small giggle letting him go through. We finally pulled apart.
"We should head back." I couldn't help, but have my cheeks flare up red.
"Would they really miss us?" Fred asked sarcastically.
"Come of Fred," I rolled my eyes and stood up holding my hand out. He took it and he wrapped his hand around my shoulder, while I wrapped mines around his waist.
"I love you, Freddie."
"I love you too y/n," he kissed the top of my head.
"Also remind me to never mess with you again because you did pretty well with that stunning spell." I cringed at his words.
"I'm so sorry Freddie," he just chuckled in response.
"It's okay love."
"By the way what was the name of that song? I've never heard it before." Fred chuckled before replying to my question.
"Some muggle names Ricky Montgomery and the name of the song is Line Without a Hook."

A/N-Yay happy chapter. There is still so much to come though. Also, I'm on Spring Break so I might publish 4-5 chapters this week. Stay safe❤️

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