The Battle has Begun

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It's been nine months since we've gone into hiding. The energy has been off for a while. Everyone is scared for what's to come. The twins worry me every night with their podcast with Lee. They made sure it was safe, but that never stopped me from worrying.

It was nighttime and I was in my room that I shared with the twins reading while playing with my necklace. I was just wearing a white shirt, with a black and white flannel on top and black jeans. I left my flannel unbutton because I was a little hot. My hair was in a high ponytail.

"Hello love," I looked up to see Fred walking away taking off his shoes.
"Hey, Freddie. How was it?" I closed my book and set it to the side.
"It's was alright. I missed you." He kissed my cheek.
"Same here."

Me and Fred were dosing off until we heard Molly shout from downstairs.
"Y/n! Fred! Get down here now!" We heard Molly shout. We jumped off the bed and put our shoes on rushing down the stairs.

"Is everything alright Mum?" Fred asked panicked.
"It's time." With those few words, I knew what she meant.
"Harry's been spotted at Hogwarts. We have to go now." We all knew the plan and apparated to Hogsmeade.

We took a tunnel that took us into the castle. We stepped out of the portrait seeing members of the order in the room of requirement. We were about to start walking out, but then the picture frame open again. We all turned around and we then saw Percy stepping out.

He looked at all of us shamelessly.
"I was a fool!" He had a sudden outburst.
"I was an idiot, I was a pompous brat, I was a-a"
"Ministry loving, family disowning, power-hungry moran," Fred cut him off.
"Yes! I was!"  Molly rushed to embrace her son in a tight hug.
"As long as your back I'm happy," Molly told him.

All the Weasley's had forgiven Percy. I slightly smiled seeing them all together for once since I was never really introduced to Percy.

"We have to go to the Great Hall now," Lupin instructed and we all walked together. I had a tight grip on Fred's hand while my wand in the other. My heart rate had gotten faster.
"Don't worry love. I'll be right with you." Fred whispered in my ear and I just nodded with a weak smile.

As we were approaching the Great Hall I could hear Harry talking.
"Despite your exhaustive defensive strategies." That's when we all walked in.
"You still have a bit of a security problem headmaster." Harry finished his sentence. Everyone turned to us with whispers.

"I'm afraid it's quite extensive. How dare you stand where he stood. Tell them how it happened that night!" He started to shout at Snape.
"Tell them how you looked at him in the eye! A man who trusted you and killed him." I let out a small gasp. I knew Snape was working with Voldemort, but I didn't know he was the actual person to kill Dumbledore.

"Tell them." Snape then whipped out his wand and we all took a step closer with our wands at the ready. McGonagall pushed Harry aside and pulled out her wand. Everyone started to rush to a corner of the room.

McGonagall was the first one to use her wand. Snape had simply blocked it. She kept doing it and Snape kept blocking it. He didn't attempt to try to hit back. With each spell, he took a step back. Then the spell had rebounded and hit two death eaters behind Snape. He then turned into the black mist and flew out the window.
"Coward!" She yelled.

"Harry," we all heard a whisper. Harry had slowly taken a seat on the steps.
"Potter?" McGonagall went to his side. There were weird sounds and the fires were dimmed. There was a scream coming from a girl. I saw her covering her ears bawled into a ball on the ground against the wall.

Another scream came from somewhere else, but then the whisper came back. That's when I realized it was Voldemort.
"I know that many of you want to fight. Some of you may even think that fight is wise, but this is folly." Me and Fred held onto each other tighter.
"Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched.  Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You have one hour." Voldemort's warning went away and the fire lit up brighter. There was silence across the room.

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