Quiditch Try Outs

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Fred's POV
Today was quidditch try-outs. Luckily Ravenclaw was right after ours, so I could watch y/n. I have never seen her play, so I was excited. Oliver already left, so Angelina was our new captain.

"Okay well we're only looking for a new keeper, so chasers get set up. Fred, George, and Harry can just relax. We won't need you until the first practice." Angelina let us off the hook and we all flew back down. I then noticed y/n was in the stands.
"Hey, there love. What are you doing?" I hopped off my broom and sat next to her.
"Well I was hoping to see your try-out, but I see Angelina left you off the hook." She looked a little disappointed.
"Yeah, she only needs a keeper. The chasers are going to try to throw the quaffle through the hoops. There's no need for us yet. How are you feeling?" She was looking pale and staring at her feet.
"Nervous, but I think I'll be fine. I have my broom right here." She gestures to the Nimbus 2001. It was a fast broom and could give her an advantage I must admit.
"You're going to be great. I'll stay here and watch." I grabbed onto her hand and she finally faced me. She smiled weakly before kissing me on the cheek.
"Aww, thanks, Freddie. I better get down and change. I see some people arriving." She got up, grabbed her Nimbus 2001, and ruffled my hair before leaving.

It took 30 minutes before our try-outs were over. The keeper was surprisingly Ron, but he wasn't as good as Oliver.
"Here to cheer on y/n as well?" I turned around and noticed Luna sitting right behind me. When did she get here?
"Yeah, I think she's gonna do great."
"I do too. She was nervous all morning. Barley touched her food." She focused back on the field and turned back around to see the Ravenclaw's out on the field. I instantly found y/n in a Ravenclaw quidditch uniform with her hair in a high ponytail with a blue ribbon. She looked stunning in it. Her body was shaped nicely in the uniform.
"Are you nervous for y/n?" George pat my shoulder and sat next to me.
"No, but I know she is."
"Well, you should be nervous." I look at George confused.
"Think about it. If she's good and makes it on the team you'll have to go against her eventually. When that day comes they will be more of a threat and we will have to send bludgers toward her." I never really thought about throwing bludgers at her. I didn't want to hit her and she ends up getting hurt.
"Well I know she'll be fine and just because she's my girlfriend doesn't mean I'll go easy on her."
"Yeah sure." George rolled his eyes.

"Y/n, y/l/n is up next for the position of chaser. All you have to do is dodge the bludgers while crossing the field to score. Our other two chasers will also try to steal the quaffle. You'll get 10 attempts got it?" I heard Roger Davies explain from high up. Y/n nodded her head with the quaffle and flew across the field. Then the whistle blew and she started to fly and both beaters were hitting the bludger toward her. I was on the edge of my seat scared if she would get hit, but she was dodging them with a breeze. She even managed to get out of the way making the bludgers hit one of the other chasers and she scored! She did a flip with her broom to celebrate.
"That's 1 out of 10! Again," Roger yelled.

The try-outs were finally over since they were also looking for a new beater. Y/n made the quaffle go through one of the hoops 8 out of 10 attempts. I didn't know to be impressed or scared.
"Well, we're screwed. There's no way she didn't make the team. We have some competition for sure." George got up and I followed.
"Uhm you coming, Luna?" She was still sitting there.
"No, I'm gonna stay here for a while." I just left saying nothing else. As I reached down the steps I was ambushed with a hug making me fall over.

"Thank you to everyone who tried out to be a chaser and our beater. I have already come to a conclusion who will be our beater and chaser for the season." I had so much fun feeling the wind as I flew. I felt so free.
"Our new beater is Jason Samuels, and our chaser is..." my heart was racing and all my nervousness came back.
"Y/n y/l/n. Congrats to you two. The first practice will be this Friday." I was so relieved and smiled brightly.
"Congrats y/n. At least I won't be the only girl on the team this year." Cho had been the seeker and hugged me tightly.
"Thanks, Cho. Excuse me, but I'm gonna find Fred!" I didn't bother to change since the uniform was now mine. I ran out of the changing looking for Fred and saw him barely stepping onto the grass. I hugged him, but he had fallen over. He had taken me down with him and the next thing I knew was I was laying right on top of him. We were both looking red like tomatoes. Yeah, we snogged, but our bodies were never like this. I looked up and saw George holding in his laugh and I got up to my feet holding out my hand to help Fred.
"Why did you tackle me?" Fred asked jokingly.
"Sorry, but I made the team!" My excitement from before jolting through my veins.
"That's amazing!" Fred quickly scooped me up and spin me around before giving me a quick kiss and letting me back down.
"Well, we're in for some trouble," George said from behind us.
"What do you mean?" I turned to have my focus on him.
"I must admit you were amazing and this makes the Ravenclaw's team a lot stronger. I hope Ron will be able to block you as you attempt to score. Also, Freddie over here will be too scared to hit a bludger toward you. While I will not hold back." George had wrapped his arm around Fred, and Fred was looking a little nervous.
"Is this true?" I asked concerned.
"A little. I just don't want to injure you by accident."
He told me sheepishly barely making eye contact.
"Oh, Freddie. Please don't hold back. I was honestly hoping to see your competitive side and it wouldn't be fair if you went easy on me."
"Okay fine, but you asked for it." He sighed.
"Perfect, and now I can still beat your arse fair and square," I smirked while raising my eyebrow.
"What did she just say, Freddie?" George had gotten off of Fred's shoulder and they were both doing some twin thing just by looking at each other both having a mischievous grin. Crap. I started to back away while they were coming closer. My broom was still in the changing room and even if I did have it, I would get in trouble for flying on school grounds that wasn't the quidditch pitch.
"I don't know. Would you mind repeating that last sentence?" Fred was smirking at me.
"No thank you." I turned around and ditched them running towards the castle.
"You won't get away that easy!" I heard George yell hearing both of them chasing me. I didn't know where to go, but I had to escape them. 

Where do I go? I turned around the corner and it came to a dead end.
"She's cornered!" George had pointed to me and they ran faster.
"Now what was it you said?" Fred asked.
"I forgot." I lied hoping they didn't hear me.
"Your lying. And for your information, Gryffindor's can still beat you Ravenclaw's. You may have not been here, back in our 5th year, but we won the quidditch cup." Fred said smirking.
"Okay, but now they have me on their team. Something they were missing back then." I wanted to shut up, but I couldn't help myself. They gave one look at each other and ran towards me. The next thing I knew I was on both their shoulders.
"Put me down you two!" I was trying to get out of their grip, but I didn't want to fall. Then they started running all over the castle. I was terrified they were gonna drop me. I just closed my eyes and gripped their shoulders.

"What is the meaning of this?!" We had turned the corner and Umbridge was standing right there with her arms crossed. The twins got scared and let go of me. I tried to get a grip on them, but I just fell hitting my head on the hard ground.
The last thing I heard was a distant Fred yelling my name before blacking out.

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