Mention of the Yule Ball

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Fred's POV
It had been a couple of days since what happened during the first task kept replaying in my head. I enjoyed how y/n was holding my hand and hated myself for saying something making her let go. Then came the moment when she met Charlie. I felt bad that her hair was still changing colors, but he had assumed that we were dating. Did we look like a couple? I may have been embarrassed, but I didn't mind him thinking that. That's what I wanted, but I didn't know where y/n stood. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Her hair had gone back to normal and she seemed fine.
"You aren't still thinking about what happened during the first task? Come on Freddie snap out of it. By the looks of it y/n let it go and so should you. Now come on we have to see what the special announcement from professor McGonagall." George wrapped his arm over my shoulders I weakly smiled, but if he was trying to comfort me it wasn't working. I didn't want to think y/n had just simply let it go and it drive me insane to see other guys flirt with her. Especially Malfoy.

We had entered one of the classrooms and McGonagall made us sit on the left side while the girls on the right. After everyone had settled in she started talking while Filch was trying to get the music to turn on.
"The Yule ball, has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since it's inception." She had paused and looked around before continuing her speech.
"On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests, gather in the great hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the school. I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is, first and foremost-" she paused for a second,
"a dance." Everyone started talking. The girls seems rather excited, but we on the other hand didn't really like this idea. Why does anyone want to go to a dance?
"Silence! The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly 10 centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling, band of baboons!"
George leaned in closer to me and whispering, "try saying that 5 times faster."
"Babbling, bumbling, band of baboons"
"Babbling, bumbling, band of baboons" We kept taking turns and zoned out what she had been saying until she said, "Mr. Weasley."
Ron had reluctantly replied, "yes?"
"Will you join me please?" Ron got up looking miserable walking to the center of the class.This should be good.
"Now place your right hand on my waist."
"What?" Ron looked embarrassed. This was pure gold.
"My waist." She repeated.
Ron hesitantly put his hand on her waist turning red. Me and George were laughing seeing Ron like this.
"Mr. Filch if you please?" The music had turned on and they started dancing. Me and George started mocking him and was swaying side to side.
"Oi" Harry had waved us over and we leaned in.
"You're never gonna let him forget this are you?" We shook our heads and in unison replied "never."
"Everybody come together." The girls got up right away while we stayed where we were. Soon everyone found a partner, but if I was going to dance with anyone I wanted to be with y/n.
"This is perfect! You can ask y/n to the Yule ball!" I looked over at George and for once it wasn't a horrible idea.
"What happens is she says no?"
"When will you get it through your head she like you? Why do you think she held onto your hand the whole time and how she is always blushing when she's around you?" I absorbed his words. I was a Gryffindor after all and I think it was about time she knew how I felt. Then I heard a way too familiar voice.
"Freddie come dance with me." It was Katie.
"Bloody hell," I rolled my eyes before facing her.
"Good luck with that." George patted my shoulder and walked over to Angelina.
"Come on let's dance." She didn't even let me answer and pulled me towards her. I wouldn't say we were dancing just swaying. I was avoiding eye contact with her.
"You know if you were to ask me to the ball I wouldn't want a big gesture."
"What makes you think I'm taking you? We're done Katie." I stoped swaying and let go of her.
"Why can't you admit we made a mistake breaking up? I love you and I know you still love me." She was trying to stay calm, but I saw her right through her.
"I don't love you! I love y/-" I had said that loud enough that Hermione, Harry, Ron, George, Lee, and Angelina heard. They looked shocked. I didn't mean to let it slip.
"Y/N?!? What does she have that I don't?!?" Katie looked furious.
"You want to know Katie? She's smart, kind, funny, and beautiful!" I had have enough and walked out before anyone could say anything else.

"What do you think the announcement is?" Me and Cho had been walking to wear flitwick wanted to talk to us. Padma was already there.
"I don't know, but what's with you and Cedric?"
"Oh well. I like him." Cho was looking down.
"I though you liked Harry?"
"I do! But he hasn't shown any signs of liking me back, so I'm moving on." She had stated.
"Okay." I didn't know what else to say.

"I hope you have brushed up on your dancing because we will be having the Yule Ball on Christmas Eve night. Please be on your best behavior and not to disgrace Helena Ravenclaw's legacy. With that said partner up. Me and Cho had hid in the back of the classroom. Padma wasted no time dancing with someone.
"This is the perfect opportunity for you and Fred." Cho nudged me.
"What are you talking about?" She had my interest.
"You and Fred can go to the ball tomorrow together! You two will have a magical night and then in no time you guys will finally be an official couple." I got butterflies in my stomach at the thought of me and Fred going together.
"If he asks me will it be as friends or something possibly more?" I wanted it to be more, but I didn't know where he stood and only saw us as friends.
"Oh obviously more! I heard from Ginny that you two had been holding hands during the first task." Cho was grinning raising an eyebrow. I pushed her on the shoulder and we ended up laughing. I couldn't stop thinking of the possibility of Fred asking me. Deep down I really wanted him too.

A/N- Did Fred just confess how he truly feels? The next few chapters is gonna have some drama

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