I'm What?

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It had only been almost a month since the school year started. I was surprised when I got a letter from Fred the next day. Turns out I had "stolen" from the shop because I didn't keep the product for myself, and instead gave it to Ron. I knew he was only joking, but the next time I see him I'll pay him back. Luckily it was a Hogsmeade trip and I decided I would then apparate to the joke shop from Hogsmeade.

"Are you ready?" Luna and Ginny had approached me.
"Yep," we all started walking.
"What do you want to do today?" Luna asked.
"I can't join you two today. I have to buy some things. Turns out I need more quills. I'm not planning to stay long after that." Need more quills? That the best I can come up with? Ginny looked at me suspiciously before shrugging.
"See you back at the castle," I broke apart from them and started walking in the opposite direction. I went behind a building and looked around to see if anyone was near. When the coast was clear I apparated.

"Hey there boys," I had apparated right behind them making them jump. I started laughing seeing them scared.
"What are you doing here?!" Fred asked being startled.
"Oh if you two don't want me here I'll just hang around with Ginny and Luna back at Hogsmeade." I was about to apparate, but Fred grabbed onto my wrist.
"You not going anywhere," he said suggestively.
"Ugh get a room," George said behind Fred rolling his eyes.
"Okay see you later Georgie," Fred grabbed a hold of my hand apparating to his room. He wasted no time kissing me.
"We're not gonna talk first?" I asked pulling away teasing him.
"We can talk later," he said before resuming our kiss. He pushed me against the wall later picking me up to lay me on the bed. Not once did we break contact...

"How's school going so far?" I laid on Fred's bare chest listening to his heartbeat.
"It's going well. It's almost been a month, so nothing has happened. At least that toad face is gone. Also, Harry won't stop thinking that Draco is a death eater." I mean yeah, Draco was a total jerk, but I knew he wouldn't have the heart to do it.
"I wouldn't be surprised if he was," I looked up at Fred and he stopped playing with my hair.
"Why do you say that?"
"His father was one and he's a Slytherin. Just be careful around him." He warned me trying to not get me mad.
"I will, but I do have to go." I pulled away, but Fred wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me back.
"Do you have to? We can continue if you want?" He pouted. As much as it was tempting, I had to go back.
"Sorry Freddie, but I really have to go." I pulled away from his grip getting off the bed changing.

"How about you come to Hogsmeade when it's around Christmas time? I think that's the next time we can see each other."
"That's three months from now!" I turned around seeing him all changed.
"Just don't think about it and time will go by fast. You won't even miss me." I lifted his chin, so he would look at me. I didn't want to leave.
"Okay fine. See you then love." He sighed before pulling me in for a kiss. I broke away after a few seconds trying to control myself.

"Before I forget here," I tossed 10 galleons to him.
"What's this for?" He questioned catching the money.
"I stole from your shop remember? Thought I'd pay full price."
"You don't have to love. I was only joking." He brushed a strand of my hair, trying to give me back my money.
"No Fred keep it. You and George deserve it." I got on my toes to peck his lips.
"I'm gonna go now, but tell George I said bye. I'll write to you." I didn't hear if he had anything to say because that's when I apparated back to Hogsmeade. I took a secret entrance to get into the school without being seen.

~1 month later~
"Our first game is approaching. We're going against the Gryffindor's. I want to run a few drills and talk strategy." It was the first practice for us. Roger Davies was our captain, but it was his last year as well. Cho had also come back, but I stopped talking to her. After the fight last year we broke apart and this year I was lucky enough to have a room with just Luna. It was like a dream come true.

"Great job everyone! Meet up again for practice this Friday." Roger announced as we all started to leave. I walked back to my dorm feeling nauseous. I've been feeling that often lately.

"Hello y/n. I put a-" I saw a glimpse of Luna putting down her Quibbler, but I didn't have time to talk. I just ran to the bathroom to throw up.

After I finished I flushed the toilet and then walked to the sink to brush my teeth to get the foul taste out of my mouth. I walked out laying straight on my bed.
"Y/n are you okay? This is the fourth time you've thrown up this month," Luna walked over sitting on my bedside.
"I'm fine. I think I just got food poisoning," I still wasn't feeling good.
"Food poisoning only lasts a week. This has gone for a whole month. You throw up at least once a week. Also, you're glowing. Y/n are you pre-"
"I'm what? Pregnant? Of course not! That's crazy." I sat straight up at the thought.
"You might be though. You're having the symptoms. We should go to Madame Pomfrey," I looked at Luna worried filled her eyes.
"There's no way I can go to her. I'll just apparate to a muggle store and come straight back."
"I don't think that's a-"
"Accio wallet, " my wallet flew into my hand and I ran outside my dorm.

I ran along the corridors making my way to the third corridor. I found the statue of Gunhilda which had a secret passageway to the Honeydukes cellar. I remembered Fred mentioning it to me once.

I pushed the loose floor and climbed out into the cellar. I looked around to see any workers, but no one is was in sight. I quickly put the stone back and crept up the steps. The closer I got the more sound I heard. I slightly opened the door but saw a worker at the cash register. Crap. I didn't know what to do. I looked around and saw a rock on the floor. I picked it up aiming at the display of chocolate frogs, not wanting to break any glass.
"I'm so sorry," I whispered as I threw the rock.
"Oh, bloody hell!" The worker yelled rushing to the ground to clean up the mess. I took my chance and ran out of the store. I turned a corner, so no one can see me apparate. I held my wand tight and felt myself squeeze apparating out of Hogsmeade leaving a pop sound.

I found myself in an alleyway. I saw muggles passing by not noticing me. I walked onto the sidewalk seeing a drug store nearby. There's no way I can be pregnant. I walked into the store and everyone was giving me weird looks. It wasn't until I looked down at my clothing that I notice I was still in my quidditch uniform. I ignored the stares I was getting and continued to walk.

When I entered the aisle with the pregnancy test there were so many to choose from. I just grabbed the one that came with two and walked up to the counter lady.
"That's it," I grabbed my wallet from my pocket, still having some muggle money.
"Damn teenagers these days. Always getting pregnant," I heard her mutter. I chose to ignore her comment.
"That would be 15 dollars." I gave her the money, snatching the tests from the counter and making my way out.

"There you are!" Luna was still sitting on my bed.
"Did you get it?" I showed her the box before I went into the bathroom.

After I finished and followed the instructions I let them sit leaving the bathroom.
"Well?" Luna asked concerned.
"I have to wait 5 minutes," I sat on my bed grabbing my knees to my face.
"What are you going to tell Fred?"
"I don't even know if I am, so I won't have to worry."
"Well if you are how are you going to tell him and your parents? He is the father right?"
"Of course he would be." The thought of knowing there might be a baby inside me terrified me. I had no idea how Fred or my parents would react. Me and Fred never really talked about our future like that even though we gave each other hints that it's what we wanted, but not now. I'm too young for this.

"It's time."
"Can you please check? Just look and then come back to tell me." She smiled gently before getting off my bed. My breathing became heavier. She walked out with a blank expression.
"Well?" I asked nervously.
"It's positive." My heart sunk and I started crying. I felt her pull me into her chest letting me sob. This was supposed to be amazing news, but instead, I was just terrified. The thing though is that I didn't want to get rid of it. I wanted to be a loving mother even if it did scare me and I know I would love this child with all my heart.
"It's okay y/n. You're going to get through this." My crying stopped and I was able to calm myself down. What am I going to tell Fred?

A/N-Plot-twist. Okay, so a few of you might not like this, but please trust me. There is so much more to come to the story. So please just hang in there and don't hate me. Besides that, I hope you enjoyed and stay safe❤️

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