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Fred POV
"You know she would have had the baby by now," I looked out the window of mine and George's room. It was pouring outside. It had been around a week and I was losing hope.
"We'll find her," George wrapped his arm around me.

"That's what everyone says!" I shrugged him off walking around the room.
"Each day we say that and each day there's nothing!" I was sick and tired of having false hope.
"Sooner or later everyone has to face the fact that she and the baby are gone." My voice was full of anger and frustration.
"Don't talk like that Freddie." George was trying to calm down.

"I-I'm sorry," I lowered my voice.
"It's just that maybe she isn't out there. What happens if she is truly gone?" I approached our window again leaning against it with my hands in my pockets.
"Maybe she is, but-" something had appeared outside in the lawn. I squinted my eyes to get a better view and then I realized who it was.

"Y/n!" I rushed down the stairs skipping the last few steps. I ran outside getting soaked by the rain. She had fallen to her knees.
"Y/n is that you?!" I ran faster barely being able to see.
"Freddie?" I collapsed to my knees pulling her close to my chest. I could feel her wrap her arms around me. I pulled away looking at her stomach. The bump was no longer there, but there was no baby either.

"I lost her. I-I"
"Shhh, it's okay." I pulled her back in running my hand through her hair lettering her sob. I knew what she had meant and with the rain, I started to cry.

"You two need to come inside. It's freezing." George had approached us with an umbrella. I used my free hand to grab it. I didn't want to let go and I could tell she didn't want to either.

"I'm so sorry." She continued to cry as we sat her on the couch and used the drying charm.
"I refused to say anything about Harry, so Voldemort used the Cruciatus curse on me. When he stopped there was blood spreading between my legs." She paused for a moment.
"When Narcissa helped me deliver her she was already gone. She was in such a peaceful state. She already had light freckles on her nose and my y/c/h hair." Y/n paused again still crying. She was just staring at the ground. I kneeled next to her grabbing onto her hands.

"I wasn't able to see her eyes though. I named her Rosie. But then Bellatrix stormed in and sh-she fed her to Nagini." There was a small gasp throughout the room. I stood up to sit on the couch and pull y/n close to me as she continued to cry. I started crying a few tears of my own. Y/n had just gone through hell and I wasn't there.

"Was it this?" George had gone back outside as y/n said she dropped something when we were outside.
"Yes," she whispered. George handed her a dirty blanket. That's when I realized why it was important to y/n.

"Was that Rosie's?" I whispered and y/n just nodded. Y/n had looked like a mess and she wasn't herself. She cried as she held onto her stomach.

"Maybe we should go to bed," I suggested. She looked at me for a second locking our eyes. As I looked into them they didn't give that same sparkle. She then just nodded her head and we walked upstairs. George wanted to give us privacy, so he offered to sleep on the couch.

I had successfully arrived at the Burrow. Once I saw Fred I felt so comfortable. As we hugged I smelled the three scents I fell in love with. Fireworks, burning wood, and his cologne. As I was there I felt empty. My body there, but I was empty. Fred had offered we go to bed and as I turned to him I looked into his eyes. They were the same just as I remembered them, but they were red from his crying.

"Mummy?" I turned around to see a little girl in a white dress. She seemed about 4 or 5. We were in a meadow and a little cottage nearby.
"Mummy, don't you recognize me? It's Rosie." She seemed hurt, but it was her. Her eyes were hazel like Freds.

"Oh come here, dear." I kneeled opening my arms for her. She rushed to me wrapping her arms around my neck. I picked her up spinning her around.
"Where's daddy?" I questioned her.
"He's cooking supper." She replied with a smile.

I was carrying her and tickling her as she let out small giggles.
"Where are my two beauties?" Fred had approached me and kissed me and then kissed Rosie on her head. I handed her to Fred and he threw her up in the air and every time she came back down giving her nose kisses.

"Can we stay outside and watch the sunset?" She gave puppy dog eyes.
"Of course let's lay down." Fred laid down placing Rosie on his right. I joined them sitting on her left, so she would be between us. We looked up at the beautiful sky filled with orange, yellow, and pink colors filled the sky.

"I love you." I heard Fred whisper kissing Rosie on her head again.
"I love you too Daddy." She returned the kiss on his cheek.
"I love you too," I whispered. She turned to me and snuggled to Fred more.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I try to hold her, but Fred picked her up. I stood up as well.
"I don't love you," she pouted and I gasped.
"Why?" I asked trying to hold back tears.
"Because you let me be fed to that horrible creature. You could've at least bring me back to give me a proper funeral."
"I'm so sorry." I tried to touch her, but Fred stood back. Now my attention turned to him.

"Fred, what's wrong?" I asked hurt.
"Did you think I could forgive you for not bringing her back? I don't care if she was gone, but at least I would be able to see her once." He replied coldly glaring at me.

"Don't come near me or Rosie again. He turned away in her arms and I tried to run, but it was like my feet were glued to the ground.
"Please don't leave! I love both of you!" I kept repeating as they faded away.

"Y/n wake up." I shot straight up feeling beads of sweat on my forehead.
"What happened?"
"You were having a nightmare. You were screaming. Do you want to talk about it?" I looked at my surroundings seeing I was back in the Burrow in Fred's room. He was rubbing my back, calming me down.

"You took Rosie away from me. She was mad at me because I didn't bring her back to give her a proper funeral. You left because you were mad that you weren't able to see her once, even if she was gone." I covered my face with the palms of my hand as I lightly cried.

"It wasn't your fault." Fred pulled me in.
"Look at me." He pulled away and I looked into his warm eyes.
"You have to understand that I would never leave you because of this. It wasn't your fault." He looked at me sincerely.
"But if this never happened she would have been with us right now." I tore away from his eyes as I played with my necklace.
"Maybe, but it happened and we can't change that." He lifted my chin to make me look back at him.
"I want to go home," I whispered.

Fred POV
"I want to go home," y/n whispered.
"Do you wanna go back to the flat?" She shook her head no.
"Do you want to go back to your parent's house?" She shook her head again.
"Hogwarts?" She shook her head once more. I was running out of ideas.
"You have to talk to me y/n."
"I just want to go home." She whispered again. That's when I realized what she met.

I don't remember what me, George and Lee were arguing about. I just know that it was when me and y/n were still getting to know each other...

"When will you boys learn," she shook her head smiling.
"What makes a home isn't the things that you put in it. A home doesn't even have to be a place. It can easily be a person or an object because as long as you have them or it, you will feel like your home. It's your safe and comfort place and no matter how bad or dark things get it will always be right by your side."
~End of Flashback~

I got off the bed and stood up in front of her with my arms open.
"Come home." She rushed into my arms hugging me.
"You remembered," she whispered.
"How could I ever forget." I leaned back to see her face look up at me with a slight smile. As I looked into her eyes I notice there was a glimmer back. It wasn't sparkling, but it was something and I knew I could help her regain her old self. I pulled her into a deep kiss getting butterflies. I cupped her face deepening it. I miss you so much.

A/N-Half sweet and half sad. Still hope you all enjoyed and love you all💕

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