First Prank

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Quick note-y/n/n=your nick name

~1 month later ~

I really made four friend groups. Me, Fed, George along with sometimes Angelina and Lee. Ginny and Hermione. Cho, Padma, and Luna. Finally Ginny and Luna.

I got more comfortable hiding my feelings for Fred. My feelings did get bigger for him, but for the most part accepted the fact that we're just friends. School wise it was going well. I usually got top marks even though Snape gave me a hard time. I was glad to hear though that my Cure for Boils had worked.

Tomorrow was the last day to enter your name in the Goblet of Fire. Fred and George were determined to put their names in there. Then I thought this was a perfect time to prank them.
"I think I have an idea."
"What is it y/n/n?" George and Fred said at the same time.
"How about making an aging potion. I can make it, but I need you to get me the ingredients."
"That's bloody brilliant. We'll go to Snape's supplies cabinet. Where do you want to meet up to make the potion?" George asked
"We can meet up in our dorm if that's okay with you." Fred spoke up.
I've only been in the Gryffindor common room a few times with Ginny and Hermione, but to their dorm. That was different.
"Sure, but wouldn't anyone act suspicious?" While looking down a little.
"Lee can take you up there. No one should be there" Fred suggested. I just nodded my head and they turned around to head over to Snape's supplies closest. I followed Lee to the Gryffindor common room. The second I placed my foot on the steps it turned into slide. I slipped backwards and fell.
Lee was just laughing as I got up. "Sorry forgot to tell you it would turn into a slide if you go up the boys dormitory. Just try to hold on to the wall or something."
"That is some pretty important piece of information that you left out."

Finally we go to the boys dorm. It had taken me three tries and Lee found it amusing watching me struggle. I would watch your back Lee. When Lee opened the door their room was a mess. There were papers and joke products scattered everywhere. The only thing seemed nice was their beds.
"While we're waiting you can sit on Fred's bed. It's that one." Pointing to the bed on the far left. I rolled my eyes, but I laid on Fred's bed. It smell like fireworks, burning wood, and his cologne. I just smiled embracing the smell. Slowly drifting asleep.

Fred's POV
Me and George walked away going towards for Snape supplies closest. We didn't want to do anything too extreme, so we were just going let off simple firecrackers to distract him.
"Ready Freddie?"
"Light then up Georgie." George lit them up and threw them across the corridor. We heard people screaming and running away.
"What is the meaning of this?" Snape walked over to the commotion whipping his cape dramatically when he turned around the corner.
"Let's go" I followed Georgie into the supply closest.
"Alohomora" I whispered and the door opened. We quickly grabbed everything we needed and booked it back to the common room.
"Fairy lights." We said at the same time and the fat lady swing the portrait hole open. There was no one in the common room, but then I remembered about the charm on the stairs? How did y/n manage to get up then? When we entered our dorm Lee shushed us and pointed over to my bed. I looked over and saw
y/n peacefully sleeping. I put the things on the floor and walked over to my bed. Y/n looked so peaceful and I couldn't help, but smile. I didn't want to her wake her, but if we had any chance in putting our names in we needed her.
"Hey y/n wake up" I whisper rubbing her arm trying not to startle her.
She starts groaning and stretches. "I'm up. Let's do this." She got up from my bed and we circled around the cauldron in the middle of the dorm.

"I think we're done. Here's one vile for Georgie and one vile for Freddie. Just let them sit and they should be ready in the morning. Before you open them give them a good shake as well. Now if you don't mind I gotta go and do some homework."
"Don't forget about the stair case." Lee jokes. She rolls her eyes.
"Thank you y/n/n." Me and Georgie said while Georgie hugged her and said goodnight. When she came over to hug me George shoved her into me and she kissed my cheek. My cheeks got warm for a second. If I had kept my head facing her and not leaned to the side we could have kissed.
"Oh I'm so sorry Freddie. I should go. See you guys tomorrow. Goodnight." She was blushing not even making eye contact with any of us and ran out the door. I think she made it down the staircase fine because I didn't hear any noise. I turned toward George.
"What the bloody hell was that for?!?"
"I thought you two could use a little nudge. I saw how you were looking at her before you woke her up. I really should be hearing a thank you." George nudged Lee and he started laughing.
"You're not getting a thank you from me. And what happened if we did kiss?"
"Well that was my goal, but you moved your bloody head" Even though I was mad at George I couldn't help but wonder if I really had kissed y/n. I really wanted to, but we were just friends and nothing more. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

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