The Yule Ball

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You had decided to get ready with Hermione and Ginny. You and Ginny were the only ones who knew that her date was Victor Krum and that Ginny was going with Neville. You had put your dress back in the box your mom gave it to you in. You had waited for Ginny to come out of the portrait hole.
"Your late! Come on y/n follow me." You and Ginny rushed into their dorm.
"Finally! Why are you late!" Hermione seemed frustrated.
"Hello to you too. Geez it's only 4 hours to the ball. We'll have plenty of time." You sat on Hermiones bed.
"Get off of my bed y/n! You need to start getting ready."
"Y/n it's going to take 4 hours to do our hair, makeup, and then get dressed." This was ridiculous, but seeing that they were already annoyed I didn't bother to argue. I had started doing my makeup. I applied soft white eye shadow, mascara, blush,lipgloss, and some perfume.

I had just finished doing my hair which was quiet the pain. I had chose to do twists leaving it half up and half down.
"By the way I heard about Fred asking Angelina thing. Sorry to hear that, but he'll come around." I looked up at Hermione and she could still tell that it was a sensitive topic still.
"On a brighter note I heard you still have a date. Who is it?" Ginny was trying her best to lighten up the mood.
"I'm going with George. Just as friends though, seeing that the people we wanted to go are going together." My expression fell.
"Hey stop! It's no night to be get down. Turn that frown upside down." Ginny shoved my box into my hands.
"Now go change. We're already late." I got up and made my way into the bathroom to change into my gown. I loved it, but I didn't know if it was too much. It was long blue, with long flowy sleeves, the beading on top, and a small belt. I put on the white heals and earrings the dress came with.

Y/N dress

I stepped out and Ginny and Hermione jaws dropped

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I stepped out and Ginny and Hermione jaws dropped.
"Is something wrong?" I looked down at my dress.
"Your beautiful!" Hermione blurted out.
"Really? It's not too much?"
"Hermione's right. You look so beautiful and elegant. Fred will regret not asking you!" Ginny added in. I smiled feeling a little better about tonight.
"Well I think you both also look beautiful. How about we head to the Great Hall since that's where we told the boys to meet us." As I checked myself in the mirror one more time.
"Come one let's go." Ginny grabbed Hermione and me locking arms with both of us.

We heard everyone talking.
"You guys go on. I'm gonna wait a little."
"Oh come on Hermione." Ginny tried grabbing her but she stepped back.
"No. It's okay. I'll see you guys in a second." Me and Ginny looked at each other, but locked arms again and turned the corner to go down the staircase. When we turned the corner I immediately noticed Fred and he looked at me stunned. I must admit though he did look quite handsome in his dress robes. George smirked and started walking towards us.
"You look beautiful. Ginny is it okay if I take y/n's hand?"Ginny rolled her eyes and let me go. I took George's hand and we met up with Fred and Angelina.
"You look stunning y/n" Angelina had came into a hug. I hugged back even though it was a little uncomfortable.
"Thank you. You also looking stunning." Fred was saying nothing seeming lost in his own thoughts.
"If you can excuse us. Me and Angelina are gonna head inside." Fred had took her arm and disappeared into ball. I felt hurt that Fred didn't even recognize me.
"It's okay. Just breathe and try to loosen up. Shall we?" George offered his arm and I took it with a weak smile. This is going to be a long night.

Fred's POV
"So I hear you are taking to y/n to the ball?" I was annoyed at George for asking her.
"Yeah. I don't see why you should care though."
"I don't! I'm fine with you taking y/n."
"How about us three go the ball without you two fighting?" Lee added in. The room felt intense as we left.

I had been waiting for Angelina near the entrance when I saw her.
"You look very pretty."
"Thanks Freddie. You don't look quiet that bad yourself."

We had been talking when Angelina said "wow look at y/n. She's beautiful." I turned around and there I saw y/n and Ginny going down the stairs. She really did look beautiful. My breath was taken away from me, but then I saw George approach her. I screwed up. I should've let y/n explain herself. I'm such an idiot! I loved y/n and now I felt like I didn't stand a chance with her.
"If you can excuse us. Me and Angelina are gonna head inside." I needed to avoid y/n, so I wouldn't feel hurt.

You had been trying so hard to ignore Fred, but it was impossible. You haven't been in the mood to dance, so you and George had been talking in a corner, but every time you looked up you saw Fred and Angelina having a blast. You felt like crying. It crushed you seeing how he could just move on.
"Excuse me Georgie." You had walked away and sat a table where no one was near. You started letting tears roll down your cheeks.
"Hey it's okay. Come on get up. What you need is some fun and the only way to do that is dancing."George was over your shoulder offering his hand. You smiled and quickly wiped your tears grabbing onto his hand.

You and George were having so much fun, but your feet were killing you.
"I need a break." You plopped on a chair in a near by table.
"I'll get us some drinks." You nodded and decided to take off your heels. It was close to the end of the night either way, so the party was dying down. Then a slow song had come on. You looked up and saw Fred pull Angelina closer. You couldn't take it and ran out of the Great Hall crying. You ran to the courtyard and sat down on one of the benches. I thought he liked me back and just maybe I still had a chance.

"It's okay y/n. Come here." George had sat down next to you. He took off his coat and put it on you and then pulling you into his chest. You just continued crying.
"I'm so sorry George." You pulled your head away.
"You don't have to be sorry. I understand. It's hard seeing Angelina with him too."
"I was such an idiot! And what hurts the most is that I love him." You had never said your feelings out loud. George was shocked, but his face softened.
"I think you should tell him that."
"It's too late."
"I know my brother. He was hurt and was trying to get over you, but I know how he feels about you, but that's also not my place to tell." A glimmer of hope had wisen in my heart. Maybe I can still fix this.
"Oh thank you Georgie." You embraced him in a hug which he returned. You handed back his coat and started running barefoot back to the Great Hall. There was barley anyone there, but there was no sign of Fred anywhere.

A/N-Well the Yule Ball was a disaster. Also sorry if I keep doing "me, my, and I" and then do "you and your" when it's y/n's POV. It's just the way I tend to write and I'm really sorry if it bothers you.

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