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I had over slept and was late to potions. I had skipped breakfast because I had no time and just rushed to class. I knew I was going to have detention and it wasn't going to be pleasant.

I walked into the classroom while Snape was explaining what we were doing today.
"Miss y/l/n pleasant to see you have come to join us. Minus 15 points for Ravenclaw" Everyone was looking at me.
"Sorry professor. It won't happen again." I looked down and made my way next to Cho. She gave me an apoplectic look for not waking me up.
"As I was saying today you will be making Amortentia. Does anyone know what Amortentia does?" I raised my hand.
"Yes miss y/l/n?"
"It's a love potion. It is know as the strongest potion and will smell what attracts the person the most. If drank the person will feel in love when not actually in love."
"Correct. Now since miss y/l/n was late can you please come to the front of the class." I got up and faced the Ravenclaw and Slytherins.
"Can you please tell us what you smell?" Oh no
I reluctantly leaned forward to the cauldron inhaling the scents. My heart warmed up.
"I smell fireworks, burning wood, and..." Fred's cologne. It smelled exactly what I smelled when I had laid on his bed. There was no way I was going to say that last scent.
"That's enough." Snape called out. I went back to my seat with my checks flushed red. That was worse than detention.

"What was the last scent?" Cho had caught up with me while leaving potions.
"It was nothing." Picking up my pace.
"You can't get away from me that easily. What did you smell?"
"I have to go. I'll see you in Care of Magical Creatures." I ran off getting away. We weren't even dating and I had already loved him?!? That's just mad, but at the same time I felt relieved.

Fred's POV
Me and George went to potions after lunch. Y/n seemed kind of distant and when I tried to talk to her she just kept walking. I wondered is she knew about how I really felt for her.
"Don't worry. Maybe she's just playing hard to get."
"Do you think she knows George? How I feel about her?"
"No because we all promise not to tell. Katie might keep it to herself trying to find ways to get you back."

We sat down in potions and I had zoned out thinking about y/n. Why she had been acting the way she was, if I should tell her how I feel, and how I would ask her to the Yule ball. All I know was that Snape was blabbering on and on about some potion called Arortentia.
"Mr. Weasley!" I hadn't notice Snape was trying to get my attention until he started yelling and George nudged me.
"Now that I have your attention can you please come to the front of the class and tell us what you smell" He was not happy and did what I was told.
"I smell parchment, old books, and strawberry shampoo." It was y/n. I grinned walking back to my seat. No one would know it was y/n since really the books and parchment could have been any bookworm at this school.

"Even a potion knows how you feel." Lee had come running towards me and George. I just shrugged.
"Well now you ask her to the ball and after tell her how you feel."
"How should I tell her?" I stopped hiding and owned up to my feelings.
"The ball is in two weeks. Next week is a Hogsmeade weekend. How about you ask her then?" Lee suggested and George agreed.

A/N-The next chapter is going to bring the drama for sure or at least I hope

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