New Years

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I stayed up in the flat most of the time. I was always the first one up, so I cooked breakfast for us three. I didn't mind. When the boys were at work I was either cleaning or reading. I would walk down to the shop now and then to see if they needed help, but they always refused not wanting me to be stressed out. It was New Year's Eve and I finally decided I wanted to write to my mum.

Dear mum,
I'm writing to you because I was wondering if you still wanted to be in the baby's life. I know dad's reaction was quite clear how he felt, but I never really got yours. Also before you freak out I'm doing fine. We told Fred's parents that same night and they have taken me in like their daughter. Please write back soon. It would mean a lot knowing at least one of my parents support me.


"Take this to my mum. Make sure my dad doesn't see you," I tied the letter to Izzy and she hooted like she understood my instructions. I opened the window and let her fly. Please say yes mum.

I decided to go down to the shop because I realized we didn't tell Charlie, Bill, or Percy. They were all going to be uncles after all.
"Hey Georgie, how's it going?"
"It's going well. What brings you down here?"
"Just want to talk to Fred. Also, how's Angelina?"
"She's doing well. She should be coming by in a few minutes. Fred's in the office in the back."
"Thanks," I turned and walked to the back of the shop. I went up to a door that was labeled office. I cracked open the door seeing Fred writing some stuff. He paused and looked at me.
"What are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to tell you that I wrote to my mum." I sat down on a chair nearby.
"What do you think she's going to say?"
"I hope she says yes, but a part of me thinks no because of my dad." I played with my necklace. Fred rolled his chair up to me.
"It's going to be okay. I know you want her support, but we can't force her."
"I know, but I also wanted to ask when are we going to tell Bill, Charlie, and Percy?" I saw Fred look irritated.
"Bill and Charlie are stopping by the second Burrow are what I like to call it. As for Percy, I couldn't give a damn. He had a choice between his family and the Ministry. He made his choice." His voice was rising with anger.
"Okay. I'm gonna go back up and I'll let you continue to work." I let a soft kiss on his lips before walking away. I think that would calm him down a little.

"Y/n!" I saw Angelina and rush over to hug me.
"Hey Angie, it's good to see you." I hugged her back.
"It's good to see you too, but is there something you will like to tell me?" She asked eagerly. It took me a second to understand her question until I realized what she meant. I looked over at George and he mouth the words sorry.
"If your talking about me being pregnant then yes. True rumors are true. Me and Fred are expecting." She let out a small squeal before hugging me again.
"That's amazing! When are you due?"
"Around June maybe early July, but if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go back up to the flat." I jerked my head towards the stairs.
"I'll come with you. Me and George were going to the Weasley New Years' party, so I'll stay with you."
"Sounds perfect." Finally some company.

"How have you been feeling so far?" Me and Angelina walked up to the flat sitting on the couch.
"I'm doing well. I tend to cry and stress a lot. I also feel nauseous sometimes."
"Don't be stress! It's not good for the baby. Do both of your parents know?"
"Yes, they do. Fred's family is all so supportive. It's funny because almost two years ago Molly had made it seem like she was going to get grandchildren from me and Fred soon. It scared me because we had only been dating for a few months, but look at us now." I started laughing at the thought and Angelina joining.
"That's quite funny, but how about your parents?" My laugh died down.
"My dad had made it quite clear that he didn't want any part of it. Since I'm of age he kicked me out. I sent an owl to my mum wondering if she still wanted to be a part of the baby's life because she seemed quite excited before my dad cut her off." Usually, I would break down, but I just said it so calmly. I really couldn't care less anymore. It wasn't like it was their child.

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