End of the Battle

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Fred POV
"Is he gone?" I shakily asked George.
"I think so," George cried.
"We need to bring their bodies to the Great Hall," George suggested as tears were coming down.
I didn't want to admit that y/n was gone.

"Let's go then." I picked up y/n bridal style and her body just limped. There was dirt all over her body, but one thing that shined was her necklace. I wanted to live the rest of my life with y/n and have a family with her, but it was all gone.

George had Percy in his arms. As we walked into the Great Hall we saw all the injured and lifeless bodies. We all saw our family huddled together. Mum jumped to her feet and ran to us, but stopped with a gasp.
"No," she whispered. She started to cry and dad hugged her tightly.

"Place the bodies here," Madame Pomfrey instructed us. We put y/n and Percy right next to each other. I kneeled next to her and held onto her hand tightly. My face was covered with tears stains. 

"Not our baby girl," I turned to see y/n's parents. I hadn't seen them all night. Her mum rushed to her other side and dropped to her knees sobbing.
"Not you too," her mum whispered brushing the hair out of her face.

"I'm sorry. She pushed me out of the way and-"
"No need to be sorry Fred. She just wanted to protect you." Her father was next to her mum rubbing her back.
"It should've been me," I spoke under my breath.

I hadn't left y/n's side. I lost my brother and the love of my life. She sacrificed her life for me.
"Maybe you should go for a walk." My mum suggests placing her hands on my shoulders.
"I don't want to," I still had my eyes on y/n.
"You can't see her like this."
"What? dead?" I snapped. She looked at me shocked and hurt.
"I'm sorry," I sighed.

I reluctantly was about to get up when her chest puffed up slowly. She then gave my hand a light squeeze.
"Did you see that?!" I asked in disbelief.
"Percy too!" Ginny called out.
"She's not gone. Come on y/n keep fighting." A glimmer of hope started to appear.

I woke up to see a bright light. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the brightness. As I got up to my feet I looked at my surroundings seeing the King Cross station. There was no one there.

"Hello?" I called out hearing my echo.
"Mummy?" I heard in the distance.
"Who's there?" I looked in the direction as to where I heard the voice.
"Mummy!" I saw a figure of a little girl start running towards me.

As she ran closer to me it was the same little girl from my dream when I finally managed to come back to the Burrow.
"Rosie?" I called out.
"You remember!" I smiled and went to my knees with my arms open. She jumped onto me embracing me with a tight hug. I tightly hugged her as I stood up and spun her around.

"Me and your father miss you very much." I placed her resting on my hip.
"I miss you both too, but don't worry I'm not alone." She gave me a cute little smile.
"Who's been taking care of you, sweetie?" I asked curiously.
"Uncle Henry of course!" She squealed. I looked at her shocked.

"Miss me, little sis?" I looked up to see Henry approach me. My eyes started to water. He looked the same. His y/h/c hair slightly covering his eyes.
"Henry!" I rushed over to him. With my free arm, I gave him a tight hug. A few tears came down at the feeling of his touch again.
"I miss you so much y/n. I'm so sorry." He let go of me.
"Don't be. I miss you too though."
"Sit," he offered the bench nearby.

I placed Rosie on my lap and Henry sat right next to me.
"Am I dead?" It was a question I dreading to ask.
"Technically speaking no." I gave him a puzzled look.
"Let me rephrase that." He slightly chuckled.

"You have a choice. Right now you're between life and death. If you go closer to the light you choose death and will be in the afterlife. You can see what's happening below you, but still, be with your loved ones who have passed like me and Rosie." I let out a small gasp.

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