The Plan

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George's POV
"She what?!" I was furious.
"It's a love potion. This was her way of getting Fred back." She had grabbed onto me calming me down.
"I don't know what we should do."
"There's only one thing. Tomorrow during breakfast we'll slip the antidote in his drink. He should break out of it and we need to make sure y/n's there." I explained calming down.
"I'll tell Ginny, so she can make y/n be there at the same time." I continued explaining.
"Sounds brilliant." Angelina kissed my cheek before walking out. Your gonna pay Katie.

"That bit-"
"Language Ginny," I chuckled hearing her about to curse.
"Whatever. Okay, I'll convince y/n right now." She walked away from what I assumed towards the library.

"Hey y/n," I looked up from my book and saw Ginny standing. I had noticed I spent a lot of my time in the library now.
"Oh hey, Ginny. What's up?" I closed my book and set it aside.
"Tomorrow can we study? I need your help, but I want to eat breakfast together." I was already skeptical.
"Why can't Luna help you? Aren't you two both in the same year?"
"Well yes, but I just want your help. All you need is to proofread my work. We can't do it right now because I left it in my dorm." Something wasn't right by the way Ginny was talking.
"Okay fine. What time?" I gave up and sighed.
"How about we meet up at the Great Hall around 7:00 am?"
"Okay, I'll see you then." She gave me a tight hug smiling before walking away. What is she planning?

George POV
Me and Angelina manage to do the potion in Snape's classroom since he had all the ingredients.
"Done. All you need is to get Fred in the Great Hall by 7 am." Angelina finished up the potion.
"Okay fine. Now let me go find him." I walked away on the search for Fred. I had assumed he was in our dorm, so I walked to the Gryffindor tower. As I turned around a corner I caught him and Katie snogging. They immediately broke apart.
"I need to talk to you alone." I glared at Katie and she left.
"What do you want?" He asked annoyed.
"I want to try some products out, but it's gonna take up a lot of time, so breakfast at 7."
"Okay fine." He brushed past me shoving me a little. This better be a spell or I swear I will show no mercy.

~Next Morning~
"There are y/n and Ginny," Lee nodded in their direction as they took seats at the Ravenclaw table.
"Do it now George!" Angelina pushed my arm and I notice Fred and Katie walk towards us. I quickly slipped the small antidote in his pumpkin juice. Fred had taken his seat next to me as he always did. They immediately started snogging. Kill me now. I looked at y/n seeing hurt and anger across her face.
"How about you take a break and drink some of your pumpkin juice." I grabbed the goblet and he chugged it all down. Please work.

Fred POV
"What the hell?!" I notice that I was kissing Katie and pulled away.
"What's wrong Freddie?" Katie tries to grab my face and I pulled away.
"It worked!" I turned toward George as he, Lee, and Angelina were high-fiving.
"What worked? Please someone tell me what's going on." My head was spinning. I felt like I just woke up from a very bad dream. I had been dating Katie and broke up with y/n.
"Well dear brother, we slipped something into your pumpkin juice that broke Katie's little love potion." My face immediately fell.
"Katie what did you do?!" I turned to her furiously. Everyone in the Great Hall was looking in our direction.
"You were never going to be with me, so when you were fighting I slipped some in. I give you so much more than her." She pointed at y/n and she was just staring. Then it all came back. How I said it was a big prank, her throwing the necklace in my eye, and after everything still giving me a present. I looked over at y/n again, but noticed she was gone. Ginny jerked her head towards the entrance and I saw y/n run away. I got up right away running after her.

"What the hell?!" I looked up from my porridge and saw Fred yelling at Katie.
"What's wrong Freddie?" Katie had tried to comfort Fred, but he immediately pushed her away.
"It worked!" George, Lee, and Angelina were all celebrating. Did I miss something?
"What's going on?" I whispered to Ginny.
"Just keep listening." I turned back my focus at them noticing there was a smile on Ginny's face.
"What worked? Please someone tell me what's going on." I heard Fred ask George.
"Well dear brother, we slipped something into your pumpkin juice that broke Katie's little love potion." My eyes widened the second George finished talking. My breathing became heavier and faster.
"Katie what did you do?!" Fred was furious.
"You were never going to be with me, so when you were fighting I slipped some in. I give you so much more than her." She pointed at me and Fred made eye contact with me. His face fell and everyone's attention was on me now. He looked lost in his thoughts, so I took this as my chance to run.

I found myself at the lake out of breath. I slumped down under the tree. My head was spinning while I was trying to process what just happened back at the Great Hall a few minutes ago.

"Hey," I jumped up to my feet to run, but he held me back. I knew exactly who it was as I turned around there I was Fred standing right in front of me.
"I'm so sorry y/n." He didn't make eye contact with me just looking at how he held onto my wrist. I yanked out of his grip.
"Please don't start running again." I looked up and saw his eyes full of sorrow.
"I never meant to hurt you." He grabbed onto my hands and I just stood there. He looked like he was about to cry.
"I was a complete arse and you have every right to be mad at me, but please I don't want to lose you." My heart shattered not knowing what to do. He just went back to looking at our hands.
"Fred I love you," I lifted his chin to look at me.
"But I don't know if we can just jump back like things never happened."
"I'm not saying it will go back immediately, but please give me a second chance." He pleaded on the verge of tears.
"I- I need some time to think." I slipped out of his grip.
"I understand." I turned around and started walking, but then I heard one more thing. "I'll wait as long as it takes." I froze looking behind me seeing his hands in his pockets not looking up. All I wanted to do was be in his arms, but the pain was real even if it wasn't him. What happens if we do get back together and he still ends up breaking my heart? I turned back to the castle and continued walking.

A/N-Poor Fred🥺 I hope you all like this chapter and stay safe💖

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