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Fred POV
Last night we told both of our parents about y/n being pregnant. Sadly her dad didn't approve, but thankfully my family had been supportive. I had to go back and grab enough clothes to last her the rest of the holidays. When I went back there I notice in one of the cases was a picture of her family. I notice a tall boy standing beside her. I then realized it was her older brother. You could see the resemblance. They had the same h/c and e/c. I thought y/n would like it to still be with her, so I took it along with me.

"I'll see you later okay love?"
"Sounds good," I kissed her on the head before leaving.

"Why didn't her parents approve?" George asked already starting to stock up.
"Her mum seemed glad, but her dad was the one who didn't approve. He just started yelling saying she was too young and kicked her out never wanting her to come back. I think what hurt the most was that her dad said that the baby was a mistake." I was explaining walking to the door to unlock it and flip over the sign to face open.
"Maybe you can write to her mum saying if she wanted to be a part of the baby's life. You should talk to y/n of course. At least we can be y/n's family now, but how could he say that to his only child?" I forgot George didn't know about y/n's brother. I wanted to tell him, but it wasn't my place.
"I'm just glad that mum is taking care of her. I don't know how to help her get through this. I'm barely around." I was getting frustrated at myself knowing I couldn't do anything.
"Don't worry. You can help her through these next two weeks." George patted my back.

"How are you doing dear with the pregnancy so far? How far along you exactly?" My face turned a beat red at Molly's last question.
"The pregnancy is going well. I just nauseous a lot and sometimes crave random things. Uhm... I'm around three months." I just looked straight at my porridge avoiding eye contact. She would know I would have snuck out of school during September.
"Are you showing yet?" Thankfully Ginny changed the subject.
"I have the tiniest bump. It's still not noticeable." I stood up putting one hand on the top of my stomach and the other on the bottom so they could see through my shirt.
"Oh, how lovely. Do you mind?" Molly rushed over to wanting to put her hands on my stomach.
"No, go right ahead." I smiled gently placing her hand on my stomach. Her expression told me how excited she was.
"I can't wait when it starts to kick."
"That probably won't happen until a month or two." I sat back down.
"That reminds me here is an early Christmas gift." She handed me a wrapped present and I tore it open. It revealed a book What to expect when you're Expecting. I smiled at the kind gesture. I've done some research, but I still didn't know everything.
"Thank you, Molly. I really need this." She smiled in return.

It was around sunset time and Molly was cooking for dinner. I had gone up to Fred and George's room laying on Fred's bed reading the book. Supposedly you can tell the gender depending if you eat more salt or sour foods. I never really noticed what I was eating. I just ate whatever sounded good to me at that moment.

"Hey, there love. What you got there?" I looked up to see Fred kicking off his shoes and laid beside me.
"Just a book that your mum gave me," I showed him the cover and he smiled kissing my forehead.
"Let's read it together," he took the book for both of us to read one side. I laid my head on his shoulder while reading.

"Is childbirth that painful?" Fred was horrified. I couldn't help but laugh.
"I guess so, but at least you won't ever know the pain," reading that got me a little nervous. It sounded horrible.
"But I'll be right beside you," he grabbed my hand and kissed it.
"Since we're already expecting one. Do you have any names?"
"No actually, but I'm assuming if it's a boy you want to name him Fred?" I looked at him and he looked embarrassed.

"It's not a bad name!" He said defensively.
"I'll keep it in mind, but I think once I see him or her I'll just know." I rubbed my stomach and Fred placed his over mine.
"I can't wait," and he kissed my cheek. I turned my head and started kissing him. It quickly got heated, but we were interrupted.
"Dinner!" We heard Molly shout from the bottom of the stairs. He pulled away both of us getting off the bed.
"Just when things were getting fun," I heard Fred mumble.
"We can continue after dinner," I replied suggestively and he immediately perked up.
"I like the sound of that," he whispered as we made our way down the stairs.

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